
412gage t1_j3xkb3v wrote

Being an outsider, this really makes me wonder what the situation is with the HUD field offices, state agency, and lenders that is causing these "inefficient silos" mentioned in the article.

I've read that RI's housing situation is especially difficult, in part because there is so little investment on the affordable housing side.


412gage t1_j3jgtyo wrote

In this situation, I always put my signal on before I finish passing the guy on the right so that we don't run the risk of the guy behind me thinking that I'm not moving over. After I get a safe distance, I'll move over. If I dont do this, he will most likely thread the needle. The guy behind me probably gets pissed because I'm doing it too slowly, but oh whale.


412gage t1_iz3d83n wrote

I think many people hear the term "affordable housing" without knowing what it means so they draw conclusions. Projects funded through the LIHTC program, in my state at least, are being built to very good quality for the tenants. Of course, it depends on the developers and the Agency processing the applications.


412gage t1_iz3cu44 wrote

It depends. I'm from PA and work in affordable housing. Sometimes the developer will foot the entire utility bill but, most of the time it's the tenant paying into what's called a utility allowance which is a fixed amount.

The total of the tenant-paid rent and utility allowance has to fall under HUD's limits on the specific rents in a certain area.


412gage t1_ithcs7w wrote

I work for another state's housing agency (identical to RI Housing) in the multifamily development division and was looking for this comment. Do you know how many multifamily affordable projects on average that RI Housing awards credits / funding to each year?