4tune8SonOfLiberty t1_iurseoi wrote
Reply to Anyone having issues with new dickies stuff? On the right is their old 834 shorts I've worn for years and on the left their new "everyday" shorts after barely two months of use! by SuperDidier
Same thing happened to American eagle jeans about 7 years ago.
I had a pair from 2008 that are still good to go, but in 2015 they went to an entirely “comfort flex” blend, and that shit doesn’t last a year of daily wear.
4tune8SonOfLiberty t1_j1tbqlg wrote
Reply to comment by ds15 in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
It's worth noting that of the half dozen listed zombie satellites, and of the three that have come back to life in the modern era, Scott Tilley is credited with having found two of them.
He keeps this up, he's gonna get a wikipedia page of his own!