There are more potential outcomes than these...a lot of times a ruling will chip away at one aspect or just be somewhere in the middle (like when they approved affirmative action, they included a 25 year sunset after which they posited it wouldn't be needed anymore.... it wasn't a flat blanket approval), so the use of an either/or model is overly simple.
4ucklehead t1_j8xu9ko wrote
Reply to [OC] Prediction markets forecast the supreme court will end affirmative action by liortulip
There are more potential outcomes than these...a lot of times a ruling will chip away at one aspect or just be somewhere in the middle (like when they approved affirmative action, they included a 25 year sunset after which they posited it wouldn't be needed anymore.... it wasn't a flat blanket approval), so the use of an either/or model is overly simple.