
5spd4wd t1_j9kynfg wrote

They don't click. FPS! Why would they click? Do scissors click? Yes, they get food on them, that's what dishwashing and dishwashers are for.

Of course I'm serius and so are the millions & millions of households who've used since tongs since at least the 1950s.

Did you think there are only one type of tongs?

You're assuming some weird things without any knowledge of them whatsoever. Look up "scissor tongs" on the internet if you care to get an idea of how prevalent they are.

"Scissor tongs have paddle-shaped tips that better grip bulky items such as baked potatoes or corn on the cob. Serving tongs also have specific purposes, such as placing ice cubes in drinks, transferring slippery noodles and food styling at fine dining restaurants or photography shoots. Jul 2, 2019"

For instance:



"What are scissor tongs used for? Scissor tongs are used for many things including picking up small items like paperclips and other small objects."





5spd4wd t1_j9ebsrh wrote

I'm old enough to remember buying sheets myself back in those days. There weren't the hundreds of brands like there today. There maybe a dozen or so name brands. They were all made in the U.S at the big cotton mills that exited then. They didn't turn out inferior quality. Things made then were made to last. Of course things such as sheets and towels would wear out eventually but it took the many years, being always washed in the hottest water, often with bleach.

Fabrics in those days were nothing like the throwaway stuff of today


5spd4wd t1_j9ds4uf wrote

I use sheets that I've found a estate sales. Old but new in unopened packages. Women used to buy sheet sets and tuck them away for when they needed them. I'm talking about sheets that were made in the 1950s, 19560s, of 100% natural cotton. These sheets last forever and standup very well to hot water washing.


5spd4wd t1_j9brk68 wrote

That's just me, I wouldn't use the gas. Where I live is where gas is always at the highest price in the nation and to fill up my vehicle would cost $60. And then I'd have to buy gas again somewhere on the return trip.

Right now there are 4 different ads on Craigslist in my area for Speed Queen washers. One is a matched set of washer and electric dryer for $770.

Another is a washer in "excellent condition" for $500.

Just sayin...


5spd4wd t1_j8tflh9 wrote

Maybe a simple carpet rake would be good to use to get up all the pet hair before using a vacuum cleaner. They have straight short nylon bristles and get everything that's not stuck to a rug or carpeting. Carpet rakes don't stop working and they're fast and lightweight. I've had mine since the 1980s.



5spd4wd t1_j8jmk8m wrote

Look on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist in your area for a used top loader, an older one of a good brand. Buying one that way means you haven't invested a lot of money to see if one does the job well.

True story: I bought a Kenmore Elite 700 set that way, $150 for the set, from an elderly couple going into assisted living. I've been using the washer for several years and for $75 it's performed like a champ.

Haven't needed the dryer yet because the Whirlpool Gold dryer I bought in 2001 is still working perfectly.

New/newer doesn't necessarily mean best, or even good.