
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6xan0x wrote

It's that young people have been trained to think that social interactions that happen outside of commercial real estate don't count.
When I first started dating my wife, many years ago, neither of us had any money. We spent a lot of time at local parks, or hiking trails. To this day most of our stuff outside of the house is cycling, hiking, etc.
I've suggested going to a park or something nature-related to people outside of this sub who were lamenting that it's too expensive to go out now, and was told that going to the park is weird.

People have been trained by a hundred years of capitalist brainrot to not enjoy their lives unless money is changing hands. It's sad.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6u9b6a wrote

Lol you're not even a cop but you're all over this subreddit licking cop ass for free. Amazing.


Here's some cops in California shooting a wheelchair-bound double-amputee to death.


If you're fine with this sort of shit, you've got brain worms.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6u1xja wrote

You're a cop, aren't you?

Literally anyone would be better than the police we have, because police culture in this country is rotten from top to bottom. Other countries manage policing just fine without their police forces turning into gangs that murder with impunity.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6txyog wrote

Are you a cop? You do a lot of bootlicking in various threads here.

Because policing culture in the US is rotten from top to bottom and keeps anyone who isn't like them out. That's why it all needs to be eradicated.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6tg3do wrote

Come the fuck on, you can find stories from all over the country about officers who didn't feel like dealing with a mentally ill person and just murdered them.

The police are a violent gang who react to everything with violence. We shouldn't be sending violent gangsters to "help" people in a mental health crisis.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6s3mzi wrote

When people hoot and holler and bitch about da gubbermint, point at shit like this. When government regulations on business are weak, they can do shit like this with impunity, and frequently do.

In a just world with a functioning regulatory state, shit like this would get a company broken up.