69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9p1ktf wrote
Reply to comment by NotADice in Plum cop charged with DUI after found sleeping in running pickup, police say by Aggravating_Foot_528
A Pittsburgh cop left a bar in 2008 shitfaced, and pistolwhipped / shot a random guy on the street over some sort of perceived disrespect.
They're a state-sanctioned street gang that gets paid via your taxes.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9oolwx wrote
Reply to It's the most beautiful day in Pittsburgh! by RavenXII13
This weather is straight fucked up, we really didn't have a winter.
I noticed that Robins were running around two weeks ago. They're very early.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9l9g0p wrote
Reply to comment by footballwr82 in Is Pittsburgh a chain restaurant city? by thehofstetter
Boomers fuckin' loovvvvveeee chains and Cranberry Township is chock full of them. It's like a concert just for boomers, where all their favorite brands are playing.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9l7t0h wrote
Reply to comment by zappafrank2112 in Is Pittsburgh a chain restaurant city? by thehofstetter
> No Skyline Chili.
Good, that shit sucks.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9k7eq3 wrote
Reply to comment by thunderGunXprezz in Steelers to replace urinal troughs at Acrisure Stadium by YinzerBob
Ah, so like a Toby Keith concert
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9k5f84 wrote
Reply to comment by yinzdaddy in Steelers to replace urinal troughs at Acrisure Stadium by YinzerBob
The Steelers and the Pirates both will be agitating for a new stadium within the next few years. As far as I'm concerned they can both fuck off to Albuquerque, there's nothing wrong with the existing stadiums.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9k0jn6 wrote
Reply to comment by dannygloversghost in Is Pittsburgh a chain restaurant city? by thehofstetter
Phoenix is White Flight, The City
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9f62ew wrote
Reply to comment by Greeny427 in Off-duty police officer charged in shooting at DuBois bar by mrboozer
Not really relevant.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9f60bz wrote
Reply to comment by Greeny427 in Off-duty police officer charged in shooting at DuBois bar by mrboozer
The guy shouldn't be bringing a gun to the bar. Fuck's sake.
Booze and firearms do not mix under any circumstances.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9c48jn wrote
Reply to comment by HeyImGilly in Off-duty police officer charged in shooting at DuBois bar by mrboozer
Pittsburgh had a cop who couldn't stop shooting people and costing the city money through wrongful death lawsuits. He even left a bar completely shitfaced and pistolwhipped a random passerby and shot him over some sort of phantom disrespect, and no action was taken.
They finally got rid of him in 2021. 13 years after the incident in that story.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9b6h2n wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 in Meet me under the Target clock. by eamon2plz
It's for the people who live and work down there.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9b67va wrote
Reply to comment by Logical-Rip-8138 in Meet me under the Target clock. by eamon2plz
If you were going to do that to begin with, what's the point of coming in here to bitch about parking?
Americans lose their fucking minds if they're not allowed to go portal to portal in their cars, and god forbid they have to walk a few blocks. No wonder we look the way we do.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9b2o7n wrote
Reply to comment by Logical-Rip-8138 in Meet me under the Target clock. by eamon2plz
Downtown's a square mile, you can park anywhere and walk to Target.
> Stop assuming things about me
I can only judge you by what you post, and I've judged that you are Mad About Parking.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9aqf4a wrote
Reply to comment by Logical-Rip-8138 in Meet me under the Target clock. by eamon2plz
It's funny how mad people get about having to pay to stick their car somewhere.
If parking were free all of downtown would be a parking lot.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j97lg12 wrote
Reply to comment by evil_iceburgh in Is living in Pittsburgh expensive? by Ordinary_Promise7748
The thing is that old houses in shitty locations are cheap. Once you start getting into desirable houses in desirable areas, Pittsburgh is just as expensive as anywhere else that isn't one of the big bubble cities.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j900tmz wrote
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8zxnhx wrote
Reply to comment by WookieeSteakIsChewie in What the best lesser known towns and cities in the state? by ba1993
Altoona is dying.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8zkpqb wrote
Reply to comment by snarkyBtch in What the best lesser known towns and cities in the state? by ba1993
Sheetz had to build their technology center in Pittsburgh because they couldn't convince young people with an education to move to Altoona.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8yb628 wrote
Reply to comment by JustSomeF-ingGuy in Burning Coal Country (Part 3): Man who lives less than 2 miles away from active underground fire in Schuylkill speaks out by JustSomeF-ingGuy
Sounds like we need to return Shenandoah to nature and relocate the residents. It's for the best.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8y6jr2 wrote
Reply to comment by ChefGuru in Turtle Creek man charged with possessing guns in Pittsburgh's federal building by lod254
Yes, that's what practicing your marksmanship is for, so you can more accurately kill.
You're more likely to blast the top of your own skull off with your gun than you are to defend yourself or overthrow a tyrannical government with it, so at least the problem will fix itself eventually.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8y5lmy wrote
Reply to comment by ChefGuru in Turtle Creek man charged with possessing guns in Pittsburgh's federal building by lod254
"People kill with explosives so there's no point in doing anything to control gun use" is a ridiculous argument.
A gun's sole purpose is to kill, full stop.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8xikc1 wrote
Reply to comment by theyeetingcatfish in Governor Shapiro vows to "not issue any execution warrants during my term as Governor". Also urges Assembly to abolish death penalty. by Canopenerdude
America is a death cult. We love death, and all of our public policies are tilted towards creating more of it.
We've got levels of infant mortality in the deep south that would embarrass the third world that we can't do anything about, but we can put a gun in every teenager's hands no problem.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8x5d8a wrote
Reply to comment by hambone012 in Turtle Creek man charged with possessing guns in Pittsburgh's federal building by lod254
The second amendment was never intended to be a suicide pact, and that is essentially what it's become.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9pdhiq wrote
Reply to This gem from Nextdoor: Southside by Cocogasm
Can't wait for the usual crowd to show up and post about how no one should go to South Side because kids are killing people with fireworks.