69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkpn61 wrote
Reply to comment by LurkersWillLurk in Will the cost of a central Pa. thruway reach $1B? PennDOT officials hope not by dissolutewastrel
These highway projects are planned out over the course of decades. The Mon-Fayette Expressway in Allegheny County was planned when the Mon Valley was heavily populated and had a lot of high volume employers. By the time it was built population patterns in the county had changed dramatically.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkoaeh wrote
Reply to comment by tideblue in Restaurant's former employees lay claims - Gettysburg by mtnlife991
A guy who owned a candy shop here in Pittsburgh would rant to me about taxes this or government meddling that every time I saw him.
Turns out he'd stolen nearly $7m from a previous employer and used that money to start his shitty little candy store, which he then ran into the ground.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbknyb9 wrote
Reply to comment by Yen-sama in Restaurant's former employees lay claims - Gettysburg by mtnlife991
Thinking about that time a bunch of Steelers fans burned their $150 jersey over kneeling for the anthem and bought another $150 jersey.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkfcnx wrote
Reply to comment by RedditMemesSuck in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
Every other thread is somebody bitching about taxes. There's a senior center five blocks from me if I wanted to experience that constantly.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkewk0 wrote
Reply to comment by RedditMemesSuck in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
People bitching and moaning about taxes that don't affect them because their betters have been pushing propaganda out about it for decades.
This sub is like Facebook Grandpa's feed with that shit.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkel6d wrote
Reply to comment by HomicidalHushPuppy in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
> Instead it just disappears into the state's coffers.
Ah, cool to see that you've bought into seventy years of propaganda being pushed by very rich people, your betters, who use their intergenerational wealth to help keep you in your place.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbke2gs wrote
Reply to comment by HomicidalHushPuppy in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
People who move to shithole states over taxes deserve where they end up.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkdzvi wrote
Reply to comment by RedditMemesSuck in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
PA's estate tax ain't gonna affect the $1800 and a rusty Camry you'll be passing on to your heirs
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk7r2n wrote
Reply to comment by qwertyuxcv in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
Maybe we should stop pissing away $160+m per mile on highways to nowhere, I don't know.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk7kn8 wrote
Reply to comment by psychcaptain in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
A lot of poor people in this thread are carrying water for insanely rich people who use their cross-generational wealth to create a de facto class of nobility. Very cool.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk72wq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
People like to bitch and act aggrieved.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk70os wrote
Reply to comment by Aisling207 in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk5xnd wrote
Reply to comment by HomicidalHushPuppy in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
The "death taxes" should be 100%, no one should get to be rich because their grandpa was. Fuck 'em.
Cross-generational wealth is poisonous to democracy.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk5uew wrote
Reply to comment by kidneysrgood in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
I pay less than $1000/year all in for my house. It's just clickbait bullshit for grandpa to read and screech about on Facebook.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbk5pv1 wrote
Here's another study, also by Wallethub, saying Pennsylvania is middle of the pack for total tax burden.
Just more clickbait bullshit.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbjt9dd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Did anyone else move out of western Pennsylvania for greener pastures? by Popular-Variation-29
I'm from the Philly area. Moved to Pittsburgh over twenty years ago. Would move back to Philadelphia in a minute if the job market for what I do didn't suck in Philly.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbjt5oj wrote
Reply to comment by SnooRevelations9889 in Did anyone else move out of western Pennsylvania for greener pastures? by Popular-Variation-29
This is all countryside shit, people actually in Pittsburgh don't talk like that.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jb2wnrp wrote
Reply to comment by NewUse2430 in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
It's wild how much you people hate public transit
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jaz6gut wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Hatboro, Pennsylvania woman facing charges after racist rant at pizzeria by Snoi7
A third of the people who watch her testimony will feel bad for her, and that's how you end up with 28-32% of the country being nazis.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay9d25 wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
This sort of brain damage is why your wife left you and why you're alone.
(My wife also rides the bus.)
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay8i79 wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
I've been married for twelve years, my man. That's a feat you couldn't manage. For obvious reasons.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay8bip wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
Your wife left you because your brain is all fucked up.
I hope she got the house.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay85ef wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
lol, you're the moron from before? Makes sense now.
> Maybe go creep on my profile
It isn't creeping when you publicly post it, you fucking dunce.
No wonder your wife left you.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay7yrm wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
You're working very hard at being extremely stupid for zero gain.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkpreu wrote
Reply to comment by No-Setting9690 in Will the cost of a central Pa. thruway reach $1B? PennDOT officials hope not by dissolutewastrel
Building more lanes and more roads will never solve traffic problems. The only thing that does is getting cars off the road.