69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7qimyx wrote
Reply to comment by BurghPuppies in Palmerton school director stands proud "NO LITTER BOXES IN OUR SCHOOL BATHROOMS" with sign on Delaware avenue. by mynameisalso
It doesn't matter, they will refer to buckets of absorball as kitty litter if it suits their narrative. Reality doesn't matter, the narrative does.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7q22jz wrote
Reply to comment by scottthang in Palmerton school director stands proud "NO LITTER BOXES IN OUR SCHOOL BATHROOMS" with sign on Delaware avenue. by mynameisalso
Every school in America has kitty litter because it's used to clean up spills.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7q1zjj wrote
Reply to comment by artful_todger_502 in Palmerton school director stands proud "NO LITTER BOXES IN OUR SCHOOL BATHROOMS" with sign on Delaware avenue. by mynameisalso
I don't think they actually literally think it's real, I just think it's an excuse to oppress people they hate.
Same thing happened with the Satanic Panic in the 1980s; groundbreaking research in the 1970s on child sex abuse found that the perpetrators, contrary to popular opinion, were pillars of society - church officials, business owners, suburban football coaches. The Satanic Panic was a backlash against that and an excuse to victimize marginalized people.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7q1pj1 wrote
Reply to comment by BurghPuppies in Palmerton school director stands proud "NO LITTER BOXES IN OUR SCHOOL BATHROOMS" with sign on Delaware avenue. by mynameisalso
I don't know about that specific case but kitty litter is in every school in the country because it's useful for bodily fluid spills. Dump the litter on the offending fluid, sweep it up.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7pwoxg wrote
Reply to comment by Heathen_Mushroom in Democrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 years by AgentDaxis
Boomers are the only generation I can think of in human history who actively and deliberately made things worse for their own children so they could prolong their own hedonism a little longer.
They are a historically terrible generation.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7pwcq7 wrote
Reply to comment by Mortico in Democrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 years by AgentDaxis
Have you talked to Gen X lately? The 50-something white guy with shitty facial hair and Dave Matthews Band stickers on his pickup truck is a reliable conservative voter nowadays.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7pw97n wrote
Reply to comment by Ihaveaboot in Democrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 years by AgentDaxis
Senior voters have nothing better to do, that's why they're the most reliable.
If you want younger people to vote you've got to make time and room for them to do so, i.e. make election day a holiday.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7pg3rf wrote
Reply to comment by Chemical_Miracle_0 in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
The total for 2022 was around 267k, or 5,135 a week. So worse than the number I gave.
States are not reporting consistently and dumping totals every few weeks. Daily averages over short periods of time aren't reliable.
Covid-19 is the leading cause of death in America that is not heart disease or cancer, is going to remain so for the foreseeable future, and forcing people back into high-transmission environments while it's still killing massive amounts of people is cruel and unnecessary.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7lkvze wrote
Reply to comment by OccasionallyImmortal in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
The massive money printing went almost entirely towards the capital class and small business tyrants. The wage-earning class saw very little of that.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hthp5 wrote
Reply to comment by Hashslingingslashar in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
It's 2023, there are no moderate Republicans.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hryv2 wrote
Reply to comment by Hashslingingslashar in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
I absolutely think they're driving the state into the ground, which is why it's bizarre to me that Super Cop Josh Shapiro is stocking his administration with them.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hrbts wrote
Reply to comment by Hashslingingslashar in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Might want to ask Josh why he's putting Republicans in his administration, if they've been driving the state into the ground.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hqapu wrote
Reply to comment by Kfrr in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Most people do not want to live in their car while working at Ohiopyle, or sling drinks on a cruise ship for years. That's a dead-end career. It worked for you. Most people want more out of life.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hn68c wrote
Reply to comment by Kfrr in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
That's nice, a lot of people don't want to work in the service industry because it's a dead-end career, rife with substance abuse, and your life experiences do not apply to everyone else.
You should try speaking from experience rather than inexperience about other peoples' lives.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7hkdf7 wrote
Reply to comment by Kfrr in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
I don't give a hot wet fuck about your life, I'm saying that leaving a dead-end town takes a lot more than "serious initiative" nowadays. You're making it sound simpler than it is.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7gpyce wrote
Reply to comment by Kfrr in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Have you ever tried to "take some serious initiative" and move out of a dead end town? Just wondering.
Nowdays if you want to move from nowheresville PA to Pittsburgh, like I did a long time ago, you're looking at first and last month's rent and a security deposit usually equal to another month's rent to move in. Median rent in Pittsburgh is $1462 right now.
So over $4k just to move into an apartment, in a place where you have no support network and don't know anyone. That's not even counting moving costs or finding a job.
If jobs in Tamaqua paid well enough to save up that much, you wouldn't need to move to where the jobs are.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7gow6a wrote
Reply to comment by OGZackov in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
In order to keep the current shitty state of affairs going, Dems have to run the table.
For Rs to win big and fuck everything up for the rest of us, they just have to win big once.
Not a great state of affairs.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7gnioc wrote
Reply to comment by OGZackov in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
The Democrats aren't doing jack shit, either.
Josh Shapiro is forcing workers back into the office during an ongoing pandemic that's killing around 3500 people a week in the US. People in this state were playing him up like the next FDR. Turns out he's just another cop.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j7gnfxe wrote
Reply to comment by julietteskyerose in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
Everyone's making record profits. Cal-Maine Foods owns the big egg brands in our half of the country and they're cleaning up on the current egg prices.
$1600 directly mailed to the working poor was just too much money, though.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j78qirj wrote
Reply to comment by emp-sup-bry in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
I used to work at an office park in Robinson and take the bus in and my boss told me that I should "act my wage." Good shit.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j78gwdb wrote
Reply to comment by caffeinesharkz in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
It's just classism, that's all. Public transit is for poors around here. I haven't driven to work in twelve years and I've gotten shit from bosses and coworkers over it.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j78gsyp wrote
Reply to comment by emp-sup-bry in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
I used to get shit at a previous job for taking public transit to work despite owning a car. I just hate driving, ain't your fuckin' business.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j78ew86 wrote
Reply to comment by artful_todger_502 in Watch Malcolm Kenyatta Explain How Jeffrey Yass Funds Pennsylvania's Right Wing Infrastructure - Pennsylvania Spotlight by Libsoccer20
Money does that to you.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j704z8v wrote
Reply to comment by Ryan1006 in What happened they literally just finished building the upstairs hand out spot? by Dismal-Bumblebee4932
The casual dining out culture that we grew up in has only really existed since the late 1970s. Prior to then, people went out to dinner for special occasions, mostly.
A lot of restaurant capacity was overbuilt in the 1990s and later to paper over a fading real economy. All that stuff couldn't stay in business forever.
It's probably for the best, going out three nights a week to shovel 2,800 calories into your face ain't good for you.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j89nw14 wrote
Reply to comment by Little_Noodles in Voting Rights Victory in Pennsylvania by susinpgh
Today's kayfabe is tomorrow's sincerely held belief.