
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9p1ktf wrote

A Pittsburgh cop left a bar in 2008 shitfaced, and pistolwhipped / shot a random guy on the street over some sort of perceived disrespect.

They're a state-sanctioned street gang that gets paid via your taxes.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9c48jn wrote

Pittsburgh had a cop who couldn't stop shooting people and costing the city money through wrongful death lawsuits. He even left a bar completely shitfaced and pistolwhipped a random passerby and shot him over some sort of phantom disrespect, and no action was taken.

They finally got rid of him in 2021. 13 years after the incident in that story.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9b67va wrote

If you were going to do that to begin with, what's the point of coming in here to bitch about parking?

Americans lose their fucking minds if they're not allowed to go portal to portal in their cars, and god forbid they have to walk a few blocks. No wonder we look the way we do.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8y6jr2 wrote

Yes, that's what practicing your marksmanship is for, so you can more accurately kill.
You're more likely to blast the top of your own skull off with your gun than you are to defend yourself or overthrow a tyrannical government with it, so at least the problem will fix itself eventually.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8xikc1 wrote

America is a death cult. We love death, and all of our public policies are tilted towards creating more of it.
We've got levels of infant mortality in the deep south that would embarrass the third world that we can't do anything about, but we can put a gun in every teenager's hands no problem.