
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja3pgmk wrote

The massive payroll and valuation bubble in the MLB over the past fifteen years has been fueled by RSN fees being paid by cable subscribers, most of whom don't even care about sports but have to pay the fees anyway to get the cable package they want.
MLB has essentially been making money off every paying cable subscriber in America whether they watch baseball or not. The bubble was due to pop eventually.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja3ojj4 wrote

Drivers are supposed to operate their vehicles at a safe rate of speed for the conditions. You'd think not slowing down in an area with a lot of kids and a bus would constitute negligent behavior, but it's completely legal in PA to kill people with your car as long as you weren't drinking or on drugs.

Last summer outside Pittsburgh, a driver creamed a guy in a crosswalk on Rt. 51 and killed him. Charges weren't even discussed.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9vfjo5 wrote

What are they supposed to do, enact sweeping socialist price controls? If they did that, the Rs would throw a shitfit.
These price increases, from food to gasoline to rent and housing and utilities, are price gouging. Probably not a good thing that business can punish the electorate of this country because they only got 95% of what they wanted.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j9v7i8d wrote

Your Facebook Grandpa post is indistinguishable from what people were saying in the 1980s about food stamp recipients. Impressive.

> 90% of the transactions I see are straight up abuse.

Pennsylvania has been recognized in the past by the federal government for running a tight ship with regards to SNAP fraud, you're just seeing what you want to see, and you made it quite clear what you think is abuse:
> it seems like everyone and their brother has an EBT card with high balances, most of which can't speak a lick of English

You think that abuse is when people who aren't like you receive benefits.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 OP t1_j9pv5kj wrote

Companies lie about their projects all the time. The entire Nikola hyrogen-powered truck demo was faked.

https://gizmodo.com/electric-truck-maker-nikola-to-pay-125-million-in-sec-1848251455 https://electrek.co/2020/09/14/nikola-nkla-admits-faking-video-driving-prototype-weak-response/


If you can watch that video and conclude from it that it means that self-driving cars are coming to streets everywhere in America any minute, well, there's one of you born every minute.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 OP t1_j9pttoa wrote

Weird, I just tried to call an autonomous taxi here in Pittsburgh but all the companies developing them went out of business.
If you're a big enough sucker to watch that video and think it means autonomous taxis are ready to go everywhere and anywhere, let me also sell you on another great investment: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen


69FunnyNumberGuy420 OP t1_j9psvj0 wrote

I'll believe it when I see these things in autonomous revenue service carrying paid passengers, and not a second beforehand. It's been "right around the corner" for over a decade now, and autonomous vehicle testing has shown that they're far deadlier per 100 million vehicle miles traveled than human drivers are.