71802VT t1_jdzqa2t wrote
Reply to comment by thatguystevene in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
Right, and Unilever is a French corporation so having a European manufacturing location would not be unusual at all for a French business.
71802VT t1_jc2wcfb wrote
Reply to Possibly moving to VT! by I_Just_LIke_To_Lurk
When are you looking to move? I'm looking to sell a house in the Mad River Valley.
71802VT t1_jbb13yz wrote
Reply to Do you live in a commune? by bravestatevt
I guess there were some intentional communities in the Mad River Valley up on Prickly Mountain. I'm not sure how communal they were and I think they morphed into you regular HOA type structures. And also in the MRV, I guess there were some condos built at the top of Rolston Rd. where originally you would walk through every single one of them from end to end. Rumor has it it caused all sorts of problems with people not respecting the refrigerators/cupboards of others AND beds too. They walled off those through-doors and turned them into regular condos.
71802VT t1_jb4rcf5 wrote
Reply to comment by MizLucinda in Seeking recommendation for local custom jewelry (engagement ring) by 00_Kamaji_00
Oh yeah. Leunigs has a slew of rings they sell out of the kitchen. Real cheap...
71802VT t1_jb4r1z0 wrote
Reply to comment by ssacul37 in Seeking recommendation for local custom jewelry (engagement ring) by 00_Kamaji_00
Absolutely. He'll hook you up, he's great.
71802VT t1_jb4pzs1 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Cancel_9139 in Take a seat, and relax 😌 by Ok_Cancel_9139
you and me both
71802VT t1_jacno8b wrote
Reply to comment by mobert_roses in Anyone else have this problem in their town this year? by WhyImNotDoingWork
Keep the name, it's great! Joke 'em if they can't take a... And yes, I concur most delinquent taxes are paid a shortly after they are delinquent.
71802VT t1_jacn8bl wrote
Reply to comment by CriscoCrispy in Anyone else have this problem in their town this year? by WhyImNotDoingWork
Based on the two towns I've paid taxes in for the last 20+ years, I don't think it's odd. The delinquent tax amount varies a lot from year to year. Fun fact, and maybe this still happens, we used to print the names of everyone who owed and how much.
71802VT t1_jaclxhl wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in Republicans in Vermont? by rolloofnormandy50
Yeah, and it was a great moment. It was the big news story in the country and then 9/11 hit. I just meant a lot of us were voting for him, that's all.
71802VT t1_ja8d90u wrote
Reply to comment by Nickmorgan19457 in Republicans in Vermont? by rolloofnormandy50
Jim Jeffords, yo.
71802VT t1_j9jw3ah wrote
Reply to No USPS deliveries for a week by rchhe
Mail delivery has sucked in Waitsfield for a while, too. Ridiculous might be the new normal.
71802VT OP t1_j9jsh0r wrote
Reply to comment by voklskier4452 in Vermont Lemon Law by 71802VT
Wow, that's great insight. Thank you!
71802VT OP t1_j9f5vea wrote
Reply to comment by Loud_Strawberry7497 in Vermont Lemon Law by 71802VT
Disabled the engine as in cuts out power entirely - no power steering, energy to braking system gone? That's the issue I'm seeing.
71802VT OP t1_j9f1x5n wrote
Reply to comment by Loud_Strawberry7497 in Vermont Lemon Law by 71802VT
I appreciate the input. Interestingly, mine is also a diesel. Now it seems they are just throwing parts at it. It's getting a wiring harness now...
71802VT OP t1_j9bxuwq wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Vermont Lemon Law by 71802VT
71802VT t1_j7pjqv2 wrote
Reply to comment by MmmmapleSyrup in About an hour ago in Stowe by jammasterjaydogg
If you wanted it to burn right in the middle of Rt 100 that would be perfect.
71802VT t1_j604jwo wrote
Reply to comment by hotseltzer in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Yeah, good point. Pun intended but, I wonder if the author of the proposed legislation is shooting themselves in the foot with such a Draconian proposal. I mean, if your first pass at it is so far fetched, some folks might not even take you seriously and you end up doing yourself a disservice. Like if someone suggested making you dissemble the key fob to your car every time you got home in an effort to curb drunk driving wouldn't you be like 'yeah right, gimmie a break dude'.
71802VT t1_j5uvy29 wrote
It would be great to verify this with a link. If it's real proposed legislation, why not link it directly from https://legislature.vermont.gov/ because if this is real, I think it's a bit much. To me, it reads like it was written by someone who is not a gun owner and has no association with guns at all. It's weird, some non-gun owners seem so mystified by guns having all sorts of Boogie Man associations with them. And then, when they go shooting for the first time, it all changes and they see that guns can be both a utilitarian tool and a part of a super fun sport. All that being said, I'm not some Wack-A-Do gun nut. Those people are out there, I know that. They get all tribal about gun ownership and throw reason out the window. I'm not one of them and I think it is important to acknowledge that there is a massive gun violence problem for sure. But like I said, if this is real proposed legislation, I think it goes Wack-A-Do too far.
71802VT t1_j5tq9q1 wrote
Reply to comment by suffragette_citizen in In this scenario, what would “Vermont Style” pizza be? by Unique-Public-8594
Aww yeah! Maple Syrup !!
71802VT t1_j5oh0hw wrote
Reply to comment by PGids in The Portland area has the 8th highest percentage of second homes in the country by LuckyLaceyKS
Barre has zero relation to ski resorts. That's why it doesn't make sense.
71802VT t1_j5lfffw wrote
Reply to comment by mistercartmenes in The Portland area has the 8th highest percentage of second homes in the country by LuckyLaceyKS
Yeah, I find the whole thing questionable. NO ONE wants a second home in Barre, Vermont.
71802VT t1_j3m2db3 wrote
Reply to comment by protein_factory in Most corrupt state? - Vermont by saint_of_thieves
71802VT t1_j37b8hb wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in Vermont's super villain by PassionsBite
Yeah, I think it's super cool!
71802VT t1_j31ridq wrote
Reply to comment by vinsalducci in anyone else miss the snow? it's currently 35°F and raining. by mossybishhh
Like taking an umbrella to make sure it doesn't rain or not bringing one so it does.
71802VT t1_je11wt3 wrote
Reply to comment by Room07 in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
Yeah, I think someone corrected me and said it is Dutch?