
927ash t1_je340av wrote

Have you tried getting to like the empty stomach feeling? Sort of like getting to like the burn from working out. Hey, I started by saying to myself, "ok, absolutely no sugar today.". It was very tough and like a punishment but I persevered. I had withdrawal.. Then I said no sugar or processed flour. I was already used to the empty feeling in my stomach. Then I think my stomach shrank. And it was a bit easier. Since Halloween I have avoided sugar and starch. Seems to work. I treat myself like a diabetic. My weight is down and I refuse to budge on the sugar and starch. Now since I'm used to the feeling, I only allow eating during meals. No snacks. I also take some motivation from people who live longer and their association with calorie restriction. I hope that helps a bit. Start with sugar and refuse to budge.