94746382926 t1_iu3207a wrote
Reply to comment by SavingsVersion3934 in Huge unveiling of schizophrenia brain cells show new treatment targets by Shelfrock77
They also have a high risk of causing irreversible involuntary movement disorders and a host of other nasty side effects. Many patients would rather live with the delusions/voices. Not saying it's a better option but that's probably why med compliance is so low. That and the general distrust or paranoia that usually comes with the disease obviously.
94746382926 t1_iu31iwm wrote
Reply to comment by shadamedafas in Huge unveiling of schizophrenia brain cells show new treatment targets by Shelfrock77
To be fair a non negligible amount of people with schizophrenia end up involuntarily committed to a psych ward at one point or another. I don't think it's right but once that happens you are no longer free to refuse medical treatment from the doctors in the hospital.
If people are regularly receiving antipsychotic injections and electroconvulsive therapy against their will I don't see why a cell therapy or outpatient surgery would be off the table.
94746382926 t1_itxo8k8 wrote
Reply to Scientists discover material that can be made like a plastic but conducts like metal by Shelfrock77
Damn that seems hella promising. Also seems easy to manufacture too which is huge. Most materials science developments I see posted on Reddit don't seem to be.
94746382926 t1_itpcapq wrote
Reply to comment by Equivalent-Ice-7274 in If you believe you can think exponentially, you might be wrong. Transformative AI is here, and it is going to radically change the world before the Singularity, and before AGI. by AdditionalPizza
On the GPU side I think we mayyybe will get one more doubling of performance within the next few years. But yeah after that improvement will likely start slowing as it seems like Nvidia has already pulled out all the stops with the 4000 series. (Power consumption and card size are reaching insane levels).
94746382926 t1_it4twon wrote
Reply to comment by PolyDudeNYC in The End of Moore’s Law: Silicon computer chips are nearing the limit of their processing capacity. But is this necessarily an issue? Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies by CPHfuturesstudies
They are trying and memory chips are already 3D but as someone else mentioned heat is a big issue. I believe there is work being done on microchannels that run through the silicon itself to cool 3D processors, but not sure how far along that is.
94746382926 t1_ird4o86 wrote
Reply to “Extrapolation of this model into the future leads to short AI timelines: ~75% chance of AGI by 2032” by Dr_Singularity
Just to push back on this a little bit, if this chart is accurate then why haven't we accurately modeled C. Elegans brain or behavior? According to this chart AlphaGo is already many orders of magnitude more powerful and yet we haven't achieved this.
94746382926 t1_iqkupoq wrote
Reply to comment by dalayylmao in Wanna Delay Aging? Get Castrated, Scientists Say by tensecondmark
Antipsychotics for me. No I was not psychotic, but my psychiatrist said it would help with my sleep issues.
I'd take lack of sleep over inability to orgasm or feel any pleasure like a million times over lol. I guess I'm kind of used to it by now but it definitely makes life weird
94746382926 t1_iupwxzx wrote
Reply to comment by ElectrikDonuts in Want To Live Longer? How Life Extension Industry Will Reboot Health, Wellness and The Economy by Responsible-Hat5816
Dictators don't usually die of natural causes though. Usually assassination takes them out and this isn't going anywhere even with rejuvenation medicine.