
9throwaway2 t1_jb1akhu wrote

i mean look at the shit against the macklin redevelopment. that should have been a slam dunk. (for the record, I'm on the Wisconsin corridor, we've had our share of nimbyism, but CP is third only to the palisades (anti school, kicked out the safeway) and spring valley (ok with mustard gas, but not any affordable housing)


9throwaway2 t1_jb195cy wrote

Less nimbyism. More new development. Look at cityridge. 1000 new apts. instant customers. We have new developments which gave us wegmans, target, and trader joes. All came with hundreds of new apartments and condo. Btw, all were fought over, but the nimbys (led by the current chair of the DC council) lost. Also Wisconsin in parts is a parking lot, not a freeway. In Georgetown it is barely two lanes. Sadly parking lots are still better for businesses than freeways.

Also the palisades is a food desert, so they all come to Wisconsin to shop.

(edit, this is for wisconsin from tenleytown south, friendship heights is dead - wisconsin there is a 8 lane highway in parts)


9throwaway2 t1_jb146kn wrote

Cars (with an assist with 'historic preservation' killed Cleveland Park. Cleveland park has so much going for it; 5 min from the central core of DC, on top a perfectly viable heavy rail subway line, and next to gorgeous parks and amenities. So why does retail die there?

It all comes down to the development of their retail core and the interaction with Connecticut Ave. CT Ave is one of 3-4 main thoroughfares that are essentially full-fleged 6 lane highways for MD commuters. Highways in cities are like drains; it sucks away retail investment and kills the streetscape. I don't feel safe crossing CT ave to get a coffee.

The assist is from historical preservation; we preserves things like parking lots over things like parks.


9throwaway2 t1_ja9jdv8 wrote

I know! I showed up with my paperwork and was out with in 15 minutes. I had so much free time I ended up going to TJ max next door and wasting money on a cat tree. My cat did not like that and ripped it all up. So the efficient DMV actually cost me money.


9throwaway2 t1_j9ml8wq wrote

things change after your 20s. most of my friends have bought homes and are now raising families in the city. but there was a big shake out in the late 20s/early 30s. the DC area is expensive and I don't fault people for moving to someplace cheaper. but by your 30s, most income trajectories are set. Note, many of my friends are FSO/international org; but they keep DC as their home base in-between trips.


9throwaway2 t1_j7hk5rs wrote

new challenge. do all including NYC ones in 24 hours. hit all the DC ones in the day, get to dulles see the one there, fly to NYC hit the next two in the morning?

edit: better call is to hit NYC first, take the train down, hit all the ones in DC (including a speed dash to anacosta) then get out to dulles to end it.


9throwaway2 t1_j6or5hq wrote

weirdly, not so sure. it is a bit like how getting rid of highways doesn't mean that traffic reappears elsewhere.

dc has unclaimed beds in shelters and vouchers. the downside is those come with requirements to enter rehab, curfews, and not commit crimes. sometimes people need a bit of a nudge in the right way.


9throwaway2 t1_j68w0f3 wrote

nope, but it seems to be an open secret that he has a legit CC permit. this is mostly carried by white folks, so i'm confused at your comment. he isn't violating any law and just exercising his legal rights!

are you implying that he is illegally carrying? is that since you think he is black? stop being so racist!

edit: i think plenty of (R) lawmakers do the same in DC.


9throwaway2 t1_j5okp09 wrote

It isn't a hellhole, far from it; some of the prettiest neighborhoods in DC are in SE, like Hillcrest. The issues are more to do with historic redlining and racism combined with a lack of amenities that are walkable. Keep in mind there are barely any highways in NW DC. Highways were only built in poorer neighborhoods.

Hopefully we can fix these problems.