9wild9 t1_iy4mf90 wrote
Reply to Mint Mobile??? by MaineChowder71
Been using Mint for over 2 years now in Portland. I pay $240 FOR THE YEAR 😂 unlimited talk/text and 10GB of data a month. Plenty for me and the service has been great.
It’s still shocking to me that people are paying over $50 a month for their cell phones. Some may even still be at $100+ a month 😬
9wild9 t1_ixmq0k6 wrote
Reply to Morning Reflections by maineguy74
What body of water?
9wild9 t1_ixd9a4q wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Has anyone put a yurt on some land before? by stricly_business
Lake or ocean
9wild9 t1_ix8ndth wrote
Reply to Found a Dead Tuna on the Beach at Long Sands by ceeej31
That’s a smallmouth bass.
9wild9 t1_ix8n8ue wrote
Reply to I can't stop laughing at this poem I found that I wrote in 5th grade. I hope someone else enjoys this too by lollipoptart_
I’d be concerned that this was a sexual incident that’s been suppressed for years.
9wild9 t1_ix8n15c wrote
Reply to comment by spaceghostinme in Internet Options by lama_drama99
1gig for $70 a month?
9wild9 t1_ix7tqsm wrote
Reply to 25$ an hour by NoHairz
USPS after a few years in or immediately when you factor in all the available overtime. Can easily bring home $2K a paycheck (every 2 weeks) right away with OT.
9wild9 t1_iwujbwr wrote
Reply to comment by iBarber111 in Sunday River opened today! First chair (in Maine) of the season. Anyone else excited? Where do you like to ski? New additions to the quiver this winter? Stoke out in the comments. by HikerKartrashian
Originally from upstate NY. I’d use the Potter Brothers flex tickets and pay around $25 a ticket.
9wild9 t1_iwr5uxe wrote
Reply to Sunday River opened today! First chair (in Maine) of the season. Anyone else excited? Where do you like to ski? New additions to the quiver this winter? Stoke out in the comments. by HikerKartrashian
I stopped going when lift tickets surpassed $50. It’s just not worth it anymore.
9wild9 t1_iwgntzj wrote
9wild9 t1_iw805k4 wrote
Reply to comment by bearcrevier in This is fine. by SuperBry
Winter hasn’t begun yet.
9wild9 t1_iw7xsow wrote
Reply to Christmas lights install by saigonk
Tell your wife you got a quote for something ridiculous (like $5K) for the install and let her be the one to decide “it’s not worth it”.
9wild9 t1_iw7xl7a wrote
Reply to comment by GreenStoneRidge in Christmas lights install by saigonk
9wild9 t1_iw7wmer wrote
Reply to Salary in So. Maine by [deleted]
You’ll always find people doing better and doing worse. All that matters is if you’re happy and finding joy within your daily life.
9wild9 t1_iufgwl9 wrote
Reply to I just saw someone at Hanny’s buy $200 of Halloween candy and drive off in a $350K McLaren 720s by Guygan
Candyman Candyman Candyman
9wild9 t1_iua642y wrote
Reply to comment by GeeFLEXX in Anyone who recently sold real estate in the Augusta area by Revan995
So rich people? 😂
Not many “Mainers” are putting down 35% on a jumbo.
9wild9 t1_iu9mi9e wrote
Reply to comment by Revan995 in Anyone who recently sold real estate in the Augusta area by Revan995
You won’t be getting 6.5% right now. Rates have risen like crazy the last 3 months.
Just be prepared for your mortgage payment to increase significantly if you try and buy/sell right now. Unless you’re selling a house for $400K and buying a new one for $200K or something.
The buy and sell combo worked pretty well during 2020/2021. Prices were high but interest rates were at historic lows so you could “upgrade” and come out even for the most part. But 2022 is a completely different ball game.
9wild9 t1_iu9lkhu wrote
Reply to Crawford Pond by raynedanser
Perfect night for a swim.
9wild9 t1_iu9lfdx wrote
Reply to comment by Expensive_Break210 in Anyone who recently sold real estate in the Augusta area by Revan995
Sounds like the home was priced low. % over asking doesn’t tell the whole story.
I could have a house worth $500K and list it for $400K and then go WOW I can’t bELieVe I got an offer for $100K oVeR asKing!
9wild9 t1_iu9l5nv wrote
Are you aware of how interest rates have risen? We are looking at 7.5-8% at the moment and not going down anytime soon. Unless you plan to pay for your new house mostly in cash, I would be very hesitant to sell at this point in time.
9wild9 t1_iu9l0x0 wrote
Reply to comment by Tbagmoo in Anyone who recently sold real estate in the Augusta area by Revan995
Contingent offers have been very rare the last couple years because of how competitive the market has been. As a seller, there’s no reason to accept a contingent offer if you have multiple offers with no such clause.
Since the market is slowing down a bit (due to sky high interest rates) contingent offers may become more common.
9wild9 t1_iu2r41w wrote
Reply to comment by MaineSnowangel in Anyone use Mint Mobile in Maine? by MaineSnowangel
How is that possible? Aren’t there a bunch of unlimited everything plans for $50-60 a month?
9wild9 t1_iy83hxe wrote
Reply to 6 Month Solar Panels Update by metalandmeeples
The technology is not quite ready. I’m waiting for the install to be significantly cheaper. Many reports are saying that will happen by 2027.