
ABena2t t1_iyb9q2r wrote

u went looking thru your profile to see if you had any more pics of your kitty. I'm not typically into nails - but damn. That's some amazing stuff you got there. is that all you? as far as designing/painting? or is that just stuff you found online? never saw anything like that.


ABena2t t1_iy2120t wrote

Idk about xmas music - but I played saxophone in high school band and I was always disappointed that saxophones always seemed to have crappy parts. Found the exact opposite of what you're saying now. I was always hating on the trumpets and even clarinets bc they'd always get the best parts. So maybe saxophones just fit the type of music? idk.


ABena2t t1_ixy2nbq wrote

I don't know much about dementia - or diabetes for that matter. But I watched my mother go thru both. I knew dementia was a terrible disease but I had no idea how bad diabetes actually was. It screwed my mom up bad. One day she was fine (relatively). The next we find her on the floor. She couldn't walk. Went legally blind. She had to go into long term care and bc she couldn't walk and really take care of herself she wound up with a UTI. and not for nothing - but I swear that UTI messed her up bad. Once she got that she was never the same. The dementia seemed to kick in overnight (either that or it was so slow noone noticed it). But it became noticeable once she had the UTI. and then it was just a downward spiral from there. Then covid happened. They locked down the facility. we couldn't even visit bc they wouldn't allow people in. Did no good because she got covid anyway. It was literally a nightmare. Worst/Hardest/saddest thing I've ever seen.

it all started with diabetes - but I'm not sure if they were related or not. If she didn't have diabetes would she have got dementia anyway? maybe. Did It set in faster bc of diabetes? probably


ABena2t t1_ixxx0ze wrote

I think another key point - debit cards expire. Checking accounts don't. So if you set up all your automatic payments thru your checking account you don't have to worry about going thru and changing your card info. You don't realize how many payments you might have - it's a pain in the ass. mortgages, car payments, health - car - life insurance. credit card payments. and on and on.. my debit card expired once and it was a nightmare. forgot to change some of them and things got shut off and went on my credit.. totally just forgot about it


ABena2t t1_ixvqi2k wrote

idk about developing a new habit but laundry isn't hard. you just need a laundry basket. The trick is - don't let it get dirty/unorganized in the 1st place. Do it as you go. Little bit at a time. Don't come home and throw a sweater on the floor or socks on the floor. Throw them in a laundry basket. Don't leave a bag of chips on your dresser or water bottles or whatever. Take the 2 seconds and clean as you go. If it starts to get cluttered - then it's just downhill from there. And then cleaning becomes a project - which just keeps getting pushed back and then never done. This probably isn't the answer you were looking for but it worked for me.

And don't be a hoarder. if you have to much stuff it can be overwhelming. Get rid of junk you don't need. If you have shit everywhere it can be overwhelming mentally


ABena2t t1_iugg53h wrote

damn.. that's awesome.. always wanted to visit oregon.. I'm from the east coast - had moved out to the west coast for a few years.. had wanted to get up to Oregon and kept pushing it back. eventually I got into a situation where I had to move back east and never made it up there.. Still regret not going.. had a few opportunities I just didn't take for one reason or another..


ABena2t t1_iufnzls wrote

lmao.. they're freaking amazing.. my wife does all the shopping so I don't really know what's in or what's out.. I don't even like milky ways that much.. last Halloween she got them in those mini size ones to hand out.. tried one and they were absolutely amazing.. by far my favorite candy bar.. wasn't sure if it was a Halloween thing or if they had em year round.. but now I want one too! lol