ACardAttack t1_jdzekms wrote
Reply to Post book depression by bertiewoooster
Not to your level, but I do get book hang over where I cant find anything good to read and put down books after a few pages
ACardAttack t1_jdunsgl wrote
Reply to comment by arthurbang in The Community theme song is pretty depressing. Right? by Definately_Fake
Totally agree, discovered them from this song and really like their stuff
ACardAttack t1_jdunrav wrote
It is, but the 88 is a really awesome band, worth checking out
ACardAttack t1_jbiyu5k wrote
Reply to comment by smalltalkbigwalk in ‘Mike Judge’s Beavis And Butt-Head’ Season 2 Gets April 20, 2023 Premiere Date On Paramount+; Watch Teaser by DemiFiendRSA
How did it compare to the movie? I didnt care for the new movie. It was okay, but doesnt make me want to watch more
ACardAttack t1_jbiytbk wrote
Reply to comment by AGallonOfCat in ‘Mike Judge’s Beavis And Butt-Head’ Season 2 Gets April 20, 2023 Premiere Date On Paramount+; Watch Teaser by DemiFiendRSA
How did it compare to the movie? I didnt care for the new movie. It was okay, but doesnt make me want to watch more
ACardAttack t1_ja7ghid wrote
Reply to comment by DoktorViktorVonNess in Has any other TV show dipped in quality and fandom as much as New York Undercover? by stevenw84
I didnt like the second season, but felt the 3rd was pretty good
ACardAttack t1_j9uyk9x wrote
Reply to comment by gkoberger in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
I didnt like Ted Lasso
Need to give Shirking another shot
Enjoyed Lovesick
Still need to watch Mash
Didnt care for Bojack
Love Fleaback
ACardAttack t1_j9urfkq wrote
Reply to comment by Goliath_TL in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
That's my usual, I'll probably go back when I have time or don't have other distractions
ACardAttack t1_j9uh4f9 wrote
Reply to comment by Goliath_TL in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
I did enjoy After Life
Shrinking didn't click with me but I may try again as I only did an episode
ACardAttack t1_j9t7gxl wrote
Reply to comment by russketeer34 in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
John is great, Zack and Donald have been doing a rewatch podcast and John was on a few and hes always amazing to listen to
ACardAttack t1_j9t7fsk wrote
Reply to comment by DC4MVP in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
Same, my absolute favorites
ACardAttack t1_j9t7dec wrote
Reply to comment by KneeHighMischief in Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
> Scrubs was a fairly popular show that ran for quite a while yet is still underrated.
It really is, and I know Im a Scrubs fanboy, but how many shows blend comedy and drama as well as Scrubs did?
ACardAttack t1_j9t7ayj wrote
Reply to Can we talk about Scrub's episode "My Screw Up" 20 years too late? (Major episode spoilers... 20 year old spoilers) by ChaserNeverRests
I know this one gets brought up a lot, it is a great episode, but my My Lunch/My Fallen Idol is my favorite followed shortly by My No Good Reason/My Long Goodbye are my favorites. They pull at my heart so much for different reasons.
But yes after that My Screw Up ranks with it and pulls at me too
I think scrubs is one of the best shows ever, I have not come across another show that blends comedy with serious drama and characters who grow like scrubs. The way it can be silly, then dead serious and it doesnt feel forced or uneven, it just works
ACardAttack t1_j5j8ies wrote
I was a little hesitant as the other things I've tried from Apple Plus didnt click with me, but loved Severed. Cant wait for more
ACardAttack t1_ixcek8m wrote
Reply to comment by bucketsofpoo in Just finished Fahrenheit 451 and I think I've found me a new favorite author by bookworm579
Yeah, this is kind of how I felt, rather boring. I tried his Martial Chronicles, but I found it wore out its welcome at the end and while also having some good ideas, but a lot of meh and boring parts
ACardAttack t1_ixceciq wrote
Reply to comment by Isunova in Just finished Fahrenheit 451 and I think I've found me a new favorite author by bookworm579
Yeah, I hated it as a teen, read it earlier this year 20 plus years later and just found it boring and kind of a mess. It isnt bad, but so much more enjoyable stuff out there to read for me
ACardAttack t1_ixcea2i wrote
Reply to Just finished Fahrenheit 451 and I think I've found me a new favorite author by bookworm579
I read it as a teenager in high school, didn't like it
Read it earlier this year as an adult, still didnt like it. Appreciated it more than I did some 20 years ago, but just found it boring, the characters, the writing, etc. Good plot idea, but for me, not something that grabbed me
ACardAttack t1_je9qbim wrote
Reply to An Oral History of ‘The Critic’ by JAlbert653
One of my favorite shows, would love a reboot