AFD_0 t1_j0xgkz3 wrote
So anyone know exactly why the law was changed a few years ago to force insurance companies to report a lapse in coverage if payment wasn't received exactly on time?
I was wondering why my agency kept calling asking for payment well before the due date, and they told me there was a change in state law that required them to immediately cancel coverage if payment was not received on time (previously, they'd keep a long-standing policy active even if the check was a few days late in the mail).
I'm 100% against uninsured motorists driving around, but before this, the agencies had a little leeway to keep you protected for rare circumstances such as this.
AFD_0 t1_j0r0ghg wrote
Reply to Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
Being perpetually lazy and thrifty, I've always preferred using all-seasons year-round and if possible, try to avoid travelling in ice or heavy snow.
Just moved from an AWD sedan with Continental DWS (dry-wet-snow) all-seasons, which worked really well for me, to a 2WD/4WD truck with severe snow-rated Bridgestone KO2 all-terrain all-season tires. Think I'll be better off in heavy snow now, but I'll still probably need to go slower after losing AWD. People are free to pass me if they're using a better solution.
AFD_0 t1_j0gz51f wrote
Reply to For those who die on the hill that “PA is a commonwealth, not a state”, I’m curious….how many states do you think there are in the USA? 50? 46? by ScrappleOnToast
50? Our Commonwealth is a state, but not all states are Commonwealths.
Our official state seal is called the "Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania", while itself stating "Seal of the State of Pennsylvania". Our early state constitution also used both terms.
AFD_0 t1_j0gx6jl wrote
Reply to Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
Think I'd be okay with other drivers just having their DRL on during fog/snow/rain, since it usually adds at least some visibility, but unfortunately, the dumb car manufacturers neglected to make the rear park lights mandatory as well.
The idiots that drive in such conditions without even their parking lights on or with DRL fronts illuminated only are very difficult to see.
Jmo, but at a bare minimum the law should allow for parking lights with always-on DRL or full headlights required without DRL in shitty weather. Though "headlights on" is stated more simply and a bit safer, but adds confusion for the people not realizing DRL is front lighting only.
AFD_0 t1_izp1q4c wrote
Reply to comment by Shoddy-Blacksmith336 in Pennsylvania marijuana pardon project: Relief benefits fewer than expected by Kunphen
It really is and honestly, a pack of Zig-Zag papers shouldn't carry any penalty whatsoever. It's just f'ing paper.
Not sure how readily available they are now, but when I was younger, you could just walk into any Giant Eagle grocery store or Rite Aid drug store and buy a pack. It's not like you were walking around with a 4-foot bong in your pocket.
AFD_0 t1_izm9kcl wrote
Imo, it's too "horse-y" ;)
Honestly kinda like the horse/crest/eagle motif, but not a fan of the boring shade of royal blue background that's used in dozens of other state flags. And the ship is just kinda weird and out of place for what's an essentially land-locked state that really doesn't have much of a maritime industry outside of Erie and a handful of rivers.
Jmo, but one of the icons in the crest should be replaced by a pretzel.
AFD_0 t1_izjjfm2 wrote
> Often, he said, people who are arrested for marijuana possession also receive a related charge for paraphernalia — pipes or rolling papers, for example. That additional charge would have disqualified them from the project.
AFD_0 t1_iysmhmb wrote
Reply to Can we increase the speed limits? Like 55 on a highway is too slow. It should be 80. And 25 on a major road is like way too slow. We need speed limits increased by 25 everywhere at least. by [deleted]
Why? Are you one of those guys that likes to tailgate everyone going the limit, but are always too afraid to actually pass them?
AFD_0 t1_ix2lwa6 wrote
I just don't get the logic of R's digging for possible election fraud in counties where their guy had massive wins. Is it just that unfathomable to them that a whopping 15% of their neighbors voted for the other guy?
And to be fair, I've actually heard that sentiment from actual voters - that he couldn't have possibly won, because it's impossible for that many people to like and support him. Never accounting for the fact that so many people grew to really hate the incumbent and were actively voting against him.
AFD_0 t1_iw2o59z wrote
After having 2 dogs contract lyme's disease, we've had much better luck switching to K9 Advantix II and a yearly lyme vax. Advantix is one of very few that actually seems to repel the ticks, rather than only killing them once they've latched on and have been feeding. Unfortunately, it can be very dangerous for cats, so probably not an option if you have any.
AFD_0 t1_iw12xj7 wrote
Reply to Move Over Law Ticket - Has anyone had luck getting fees/points reduced? by nooneyouworkwith
Always thought it was a good idea to slow down and give a wide berth to anyone on the side of the road, whether it's an accident or disabled vehicle, someone giving/getting a ticket, road crews, postal workers, garbage trucks or other utility workers - but only, if it can be done safely without potentially causing an accident yourself.
Iirc, the wording of the new law gives some leeway for that last point. For example, on a 2-lane rural highway, it's not always safe to move a lane over putting you into oncoming traffic you may or may not see (the roads are windy around here and there's designated passing spots for a reason). On the other hand, it's usually a lot safer to at least slow down, though hard braking if they're in a bad spot can likewise cause an accident. And depending upon traffic and visibility, jumping into the far or middle lane isn't always possible within only a few seconds (especially if surrounding traffic is all trying to do the same thing).
Many years ago when I got pulled over for speeding in the Carolinas, the trooper was smart and only approached the vehicle from the passenger's side window - which probably also gave him a better view of my actions and inside the vehicle. Not sure why that's not a standard procedure around here, but at least my last traffic stop they were nice enough to wait before lighting me up and let me pull over into a small parking lot, giving him plenty of room on either side.
AFD_0 t1_ivsherd wrote
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. - 2 Peter 2
AFD_0 t1_ivmi82y wrote
Reply to Took my MAGA elderly parents to vote at their local precinct and I couldn’t believe what I overheard from guy talking to everyone outside by One_Awareness6631
But what does the polls being open past 5PM have anything to do with undecided voters? Some people put a lot of deliberation into their votes and some people just have weird schedules.
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but nobody should be allowed to talk or sway voters at a polling place anywhere on the property. Questions/answers between a voter and a poll worker should be all that's heard.
AFD_0 t1_ivmgszz wrote
Reply to comment by bk1285 in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
This is true, but they're supposed to mail you a notice of such and give you the opportunity to remain on the rolls without re-registering.
AFD_0 t1_ivapqtr wrote
Reply to comment by devilspeaksintongues in To the person who defaced all the Mastriano campaign signs in my neighborhood by phasechanges
I'd vote for a used dildo before ever voting for Mastriano.
AFD_0 t1_iv97nhd wrote
Reply to comment by demityph in An Unexpected Twist With Midterms Just Up Ahead - Volume On by Edgeyville
Yeah, I don't know how people are mis-hearing what he actually said in a video clip they can re-watch a hundred times.
AFD_0 t1_iuy95hk wrote
People should absolutely leave others' property alone, but the "Dear Jagoff.." in the note really cracked me up. Only would have been better if they threw in a "yinz" ;D
AFD_0 t1_iuv5zbd wrote
Take a browse through Atlas Obscura and see if you find anything interesting within a reasonable drive..
AFD_0 t1_iujv3jp wrote
They won my county across the board in 2020, yet still sued to have an investigation and a full recount (in a addition to an automatic one, iirc).
I just don't fucking get it. Some Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius playing 3D chess while running into a painted tunnel type of shit going on, right?
AFD_0 t1_iu66k6n wrote
Reply to comment by Terrible_Use7872 in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
But.. but.. the candidate who's supporters don't believe in mail-in voting was winning right up until the mail-in votes were counted. Stop the steal! /s
AFD_0 t1_iu2dins wrote
Reply to comment by gabronkas in Shocking corruption: Federal agents capture Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff on video selling two of the guns used in deadly shooting after Roxborough High School football scrimmage by IdunnoabouttheseDems
Yeah, this is 100% unclear.
Either the guns were illegally sold to federal informants and then later used in a shooting? Or.. they were used in a shooting, recovered by the Sheriff and then sold to the informants? Sounds like someone else should be in trouble for this as well.
AFD_0 t1_ithoabv wrote
"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged." - August 2020
"The only way we can lose, in my opinion – and I really mean this, Pennsylvania - is if cheating goes on." - August 2016
AFD_0 t1_it5pi36 wrote
I heard that Mastriano is a Luciferian hybrid reptilian power-bottom. Supposedly.
AFD_0 t1_j1bf2eo wrote
Reply to Anyone in Breezewood? Friend is stuck there for a few days by koryisma
Wow, being stuck in what's essentially a rest stop town with nothing but gas stations, fast-food restaurants and hotels sounds like a really crummy way to spend a regular weekend, let alone a holiday.
The Abandoned Turnpike is right there, but don't think it's anything worth visiting in a sub-0° blizzard.
Don't most Christmas movies like this end up with someone talking the grumpy mechanic into working late on Christmas eve to fix their car in a hurry? ;)