
ALC4202012 t1_itsruck wrote

For sure! Hart suggests "health and happiness" as an alternative term which is definitely good but is a little too far on the other end of that spectrum maybe. I think "risk management" is an excellent middle ground.


ALC4202012 t1_itsia84 wrote

I agree with Dr. Carl Hart in his feeling that we need to move on from the term "harm reduction".

A quote from his extraordinary book Drug use for Grownups: "I reflected on the idea of harm reduction. It doesn’t capture the complexity associated with grown-up activities such as love or war or drug use. Instead, it preoccupies us with drug-related harms. And the connection between harms and drug use is reinforced repeatedly through our speech. This connection in turn narrows our associations, conversations, feelings, memories and perceptions about drugs and those who partake. Perhaps even worse, it relegates drug users to an inferior status.

What are you thoughts?