
AUWarEagle82 t1_jdv7dqx wrote

I think the law on copyrighted materials is pretty clear and I am not surprised the court ruled to protect intellectual property in this manner. Google claimed the right to take such property at will several years ago and I think they faced the same outcome.

I can't take property from someone, duplicate it, and give it to anyone who wants it. It doesn't matter if my motives and intentions are "good." I have still taken something that isn't mine and harmed the rightful owner.


AUWarEagle82 t1_j9z0dmy wrote

I found the Foundation series to be one of the best sci-fi I ever read. Ironically, I hated Dune and never finished reading the first book. Personal preferences are just that. Good luck with your future reading.


AUWarEagle82 t1_j9mkjwf wrote

Austin is one of those Bolshevik "Meccas" where the criminal here probably hasn't faced any consequences for his actions but the victim is getting hammered by the "caring" nanny state.

And we already have apologists for the nanny state commenting on how wonderful the state is for dropping the hammer.

You have to love Bolsheviks!


AUWarEagle82 t1_j92p102 wrote

I occasionally buy the version sweetened with stevia. I don't know how many nutrients are in it but it is at least healthier than soda pop. But the stuff is expensive so we only buy when it is discounted. I didn't realize they had been sued over this claim.


AUWarEagle82 t1_j64hqy3 wrote

I once met the widow of a man killed by isolated indigenous people of the Amazon basin. It was one of the more interesting evenings I spent on that trip abroad. Such encounters are quite rare for obvious reasons.