A_Garbage_Truck t1_jegiwbc wrote
what SHOULD be happening is that the representative in question and/or their subordinates should be taking note of the received calls and the grievances.
the rep should then be using this information to know that a significant chunk of their constituents(with the votes that put them in office) disagree with policy and use this support to take the issue to higher places to be discussed and hopefully changed for the better. if this gets ignored by enough people that file complaints that rep might have issues getting support in the next election cycle.
in practice this doesnt always occur, but this practice should not be phased out as its one of the few manners the common voter can still interact with politics outside of voting.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_jebh1fq wrote
Reply to ELI5 what’s the point of safewords? by sieis
as far as i understand its because depending on what's being done the word " stop" might be part of the play(possibly leading to your partner unwillingly injuring them or worse). hence why in these its " safer"(heh) if this word as something as outlandish as possible ot make it perfectly clear that w/e is happening needs to end NOW.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_jebdfnk wrote
Reply to ELI5 Why haven't scientists cloned extinct animals such as the dodo, the Caspian tiger, etc.? by LesChatsVerts
Cloning specimens doesnt solve the inherent problems that led ot these species becoming exctint, be it
lack of a stable population (major disparaty in gender+ long gestation cycles makes a species weak to long periods of scarcity),
a lack of suitable habitat(often because we over took them or in some way affected it negatively),
a change in the overall ecosystem that makes the current iteration of the animal unviable(like the dod for instance effectively only surviving in a place where they had no natural predators).
then you have the issue that a population of clones faces the real risk of a genetic bottleneck which can lead to a vulnerability to a pathogen and the follies that come with inbreeding.(ie the main cause cheetahs were andstill are in danger is because they have a significant genetic bottleneck making a lot of their population majorly inbred.)
A_Garbage_Truck t1_je5771f wrote
Reply to ELI5: Influenza is a virus and the rain can't "give it to you". But how come we feel bad the next day after we stay for a long time in the rain? by Electrical_Ad_393
these kind of pathogens are generally " everywhere" as in in every surface that isnt medically sanitized, meaning you are very likely to be a carrier, willing or not.
being unexpectedly exposed ot the elements can place additional stress in your immune system which can allow these pathogens to slip past.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_jdtg5z9 wrote
Reply to comment by furtherdimensions in eli5 - Why does a sun grow larger at the end of its life? by ghost_n_the_shell
Fair, i was looking atthis from the point of a star similar ot our sun as this is what i beleive the OP was alluding to.
you basically described the other outcome where gravity "wins".
A_Garbage_Truck t1_jdtf6en wrote
a Star is effectively a constant tug of war between gravity(trying to collapse it) and nuclear fusion( who's energy causing its outer layers to expand).
for a star like our Sun it spends most of its life cycle fusing Hydrogen into Helium , when it eventually runs out of hydrogen to fuse this tug of war goes in favor of gravity whihc will cause its core to collapse further(becoming denser).
However this collapse caused the now helium core ot be under so much pressure it once against become able ot enter nuclear fusion(as now gravity is strong enough to force helium atoms together.).
the fusion of Helium into carbon outputs more energy than the previous reaction cuasing the star's outlayers ot expand further, but because these layers are now further apart the star " cools off" a bit causing its visible light emissions to shift from yellow towards the red part of the spectrum. the Star became a Red giant.
if you go further than this as in the star exhausts is helium supply, the same process happens again, the core will collapse further but for a star this small gravity isnt capable of collapsing it enough to fuse carbon into oxygen, which causes it to release its outer layers(Fusion won the tug of war mentioned above) in the attempt: the star " died" and it just created a planetary nebula, what's left behind is the now dead core of the star a white dwarf which slowly bleed out whatever energy remains thru radiance.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_jaduaxl wrote
Reply to [eli5] How do you actually invent nuclear bombs. And how do you keep them under control? by Linzold
you cant really keep them under control, this is a genie you cannot put back in the bottle.
one of the core reasons why they are " controlled" is because no single nation has a monopoly of them and said nations are adversaries, as a result of this knowledge all sides went to very extreme measures to ensure they can always retaliate against a nuclear strike as part of their doctrine.
this knowledge resulted in one of 2 principles that still hold ot this day that stop nuclear war : M.A.D.(mutually assured destruction) that dictates that unless you are fully capable of negating your enemy's ability to retalitate launching a nuclear strike is always gonna result in a phyrric victory where nobody wins.
the other principle is the knowledge that a nuclear conflict will stall the global economy meaning none of the interested parties make money anymore(if said parties discovered a means ot turn a nuclear exchange into a profitable thing, then we should all be very scared), this means there is a vested interest in preserving the status quo(ie: this is one of the suspected reasons the current conflict in easterm europe will likely not reach the nuclear phase.)
A_Garbage_Truck t1_ja6adov wrote
Reply to comment by FrozenKyrie in eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
the issue with this is that the most energy you could harness from it would still need to be lesser tha nthe energy you spent to keep it moving(otherwise you are slowing the system down and will have ot service it again).
you didnt generate energy , you just transfered it(and evne lost some due ot the inneficiencies involved)
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9y6gto wrote
Reply to comment by Justicar-terrae in ELI5: what’s a prenuptial agreement (prenup)? by QEfknD-7
i defer expertise to you on the matter, as i might have worded some of the ideas poorly.
on the "executed" bit i meant ot say voided.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9w6goc wrote
Reply to comment by Justicar-terrae in ELI5: what’s a prenuptial agreement (prenup)? by QEfknD-7
to add tothis a prenup also provides tighter conditions on what terms lead to the contract being executed in the event of a divorce and if effectively prevents " no fault divorce"
ie: if one of the pertner is commiting adultery and this can be proven to court standards theoffending party wavers their right in said prenup if the partner decides ot file for divorce over it. aka: they get nothing if there was some sort of asset distribution.
also worth noting that if you want a prenup to hold it court it should be done well in advance, it should involve both parties lawyers and witnesses and even go as far as recording the signing meeting: this is to defuse any claims of " signed under duress" as this will VOID the prenup.(and yes you might argue this is paranoid, but you wouldnt be looking to get a prenup if you didnt have anythnig to lose so cover your bases.)
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9v52yz wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do we only use 1 and 0 for binary? Could we create a trinary system introducing an extra '2'? by No-Mammoth-1638
there is sucha thnig as a trinary system, but for hardware its not really usable, since binary exists and its way simpler ot map out.
it isp ossible ot design hardware that understand trinary, but this is much more complex than it is worth for no real advantage...at least until we figure out quantum computing.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9v3d1t wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do people get treated way worse for killing a police officer in say, a car crash than if they killed a random stranger? by Impressive_Pound1363
the people generally wont treat them any different.
its other cops that take personal offense to it since its " protecing your own", whihc is fine...except when it become a factor in punishment(those stories of a "copkiller" having " accidents" in prison.)
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9tcoml wrote
you are gonig off a missguided assumption:
"cold fusion" doesnt mean the reactino doesnt output any heat ever, it means that the requirements to start the reaction are much lower. the output is identical to regular fusion.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9t9ida wrote
Reply to ELI5: What are the chances of getting two different DNA/Paternity test results from two accredited lab? by Beneficial-Elk-8207
assuming neither test was fudged its not statistically likely, so 2 different tests might mean one of them was fudged and you might require a 3rd.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j9q4t11 wrote
Reply to Eli5: What kind of drug was the famous "quaaludes" and why did so many people seem to have enjoyed it? by [deleted]
Quaaludes fall under the " muscle relaxants" class of drugs, which was generally prescribed as an aid to dela with insomnia due ot the conditions it induced.
they were somewhat freely available aswell since you could get them both as a free base or dilluted in a "salt"(the "disco tablets") but when they became used as a recreational drug this became a problem, since both overdosing on them leads ot nervous system shutdown(aka: coma and eventual Death) and the Lethal dose required drops dramatically if taken with alcohol.
the drug also carried a darker connotation as its properties also made it a choice for a " date rape drug" in the same lines as GHB(except in this case if the prepertrator wasnt careful they could upgrade their assault into manslaughter), and for this it was flagged as a controlled substance.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j6kjgg8 wrote
Reply to ELI5: What does it mean when a company buys back stocks and why is it frowned upon? by lilly_kilgore
is it frowned upon?
its not a good look normally but its something they can do and its generally fine.
buying back stock means the company is trying to consolidate it(in order to be able to get out of being publicy listed, they have to buy back all of the stock they opened ot the public)
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j2ab8ab wrote
Reply to eli5: do animals have as many oral health problems as humans do? Do their teeth last the majority of their lifetime? by Chillay_90
they do but the thing is that animals that experience these sort of problems end up starving or die by sickness, so in effect their teeth last their whole life. :V
the other major difference is that their diets in the wild are majorly different than human diets, the main reason we need ot take care of our teeth asm uchas we do is because ourdiets evolved ot have way too much sugars, which while a major source of energy are also weffectively "toxic" to the existence of Teeth.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j2a0eyj wrote
that's the whole point they are there ot begin with they are required to study the facts and arguments presented and reach their own conclusions.
a conclusion of " i dont know" is not acceptable since the system relies on the assumption of innonence any other verdict other than guilty resulting in the defendant walking.
for this purpose, in the cases where its required the jury cna take as long as it is necessary but they must reach a unanimous conclusion.this cna evne mean they are arguing among themselves(but no coercing) in order ot sway the other memebers ot their field.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j29zt6y wrote
Reply to Eli5 , why does a virus sometimes kill a host even though it needs said host to survive ? by vizo92
dont take viruses are strategic thinkers, their only goal is to hijack the host's cells in order to replicate and the fate of their host is not something that's conisdered unless it hinders its aiblity ot do the 1st.
evne if the host dies as a result of the virus, if its not disrupting itsd aiblity to hijack its aiblity ot replicate there is no pressure to change.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j28yef7 wrote
Reply to comment by Foddor088outside in ELi5: who was Karl Marx and what were his theories? by Foddor088outside
your question was , who was the man, and this has been answered.
i cannot give you a legitimate answer on this that wouldnt get political, so in all due respect i'd rather not.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j28v5w0 wrote
Reply to comment by CadburyFlake in ELi5: who was Karl Marx and what were his theories? by Foddor088outside
its the usual " trust me bro, communism bad" dribble.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j28uvgp wrote
if they were "publishers" in legal terms they would be liable for the content that gets posted. that is REALLY bad for their business model as if you know the internet you know its not a matter of "if" but "when" someone posts something that they really shouldnt have.
so these businesses push hard against being defined as publishers and instead coin the term " platform" to remove them from legal liability.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j28p66m wrote
Reply to comment by Derikoopa in eli5: Why couldn't a country in debt mint a coin of immense value and use it to pay off the debt? by Derikoopa
debt for a nation is not the same as for an individual.
the kind of debt nations want ot have is the one that is created in the effort of improving its own infrastructure and industry, whihc would in turn allow the nation ot generate Wealth that can be used ot pay off said debt(at the veary least pay off the interest)
bad debt for a nation is the one that is created ot do anythnig else other than that.
in this situation the only way you lose faith in the currency is if the nation itself experiences such crippling economical collapse that it makes all major investors panic, resulting in them cahing in to pack their sht and leave.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_j28orys wrote
Reply to comment by Derikoopa in eli5: Why couldn't a country in debt mint a coin of immense value and use it to pay off the debt? by Derikoopa
the coin itself is not important if its not backed up by either its value in some other commodity(like gold, when the gold standard was still a thing) or the promise of economic staiblity of the entitiy issuing the coin(essentially guaranteeing you at you can at any time exchange said coin for its value on the respective currency)
the1st requires that you actually have said commodity in stock ready ot exchange, whiel the latter requires that your nation has the economic might to be good on this promise else i will not trust that coin.
A_Garbage_Truck t1_jegj9em wrote
Reply to comment by Sand_Trout in ELI5: What actually happens when you call your representatives? by glitterismyantidrug_
one of them ain cases as ot why all finances around political campagins should be public information + corporate entities being outright banned from contributing.