
AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j3h9tvp wrote

That's literally my point.

Marijuana has specific requirements as well, you can't just grow any seed into a plant and just harvest when it's ready. You have to separate male from female plants to keep the female from being fertilized by the pollen and grow seeds. They need proper nutrients, humidity, heat and light in order to grow. Then there's all kinds of things you need to know bout properly trimming them etc...

I read an article years ago about this, the whole male female plant thing was a big surprise to me. I picked corn as an example, because it's not as easy as something like zucchini, which grows like crazy.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j2wkbaa wrote

Some people are so brainwashed that they can't wrap their head around the idea that your taxes would need to go up. Even if it's significantly LESS than the premium they pay now, to a private company for fewer services and high copays and deductibles.

Portability is another problem. You lose your job, you lose your coverage unless you pay COBRA rates.

It's a goddamned mess, and I'm tired of being bled dry.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j1vg6qi wrote

Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in Late Night Travel by mousebunnyduck

The comment just wasn't realistic. I've never heard anyone argue that the path wasn't primarily a commuter rail.

Also, 3% of our combined income isn't chump change, so yeah we've saved a lot by living here instead of NYC.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j1npb38 wrote

Your issues are mostly self-inflicted by not getting a lease agreement with everything in writing.

Whenever anyone DOESN'T want something to be in writing it's because they're hiding something. Usually that includes plans to totally fuck you over.

I don't know what you thought you were gaining here, but you're screwing yourself.