AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_iv6kb8z wrote
Reply to comment by fishythepete in Does anyone have experience with tuition waivers from unemployment? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
I wonder how it would go over if I applied to jobs I'm in training for but not yet qualified for.
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_iv6iry5 wrote
Reply to comment by fishythepete in Does anyone have experience with tuition waivers from unemployment? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Like I said, it sounds too good to be true, which is why I'm here to get the actual scoop. Thanks for the resources.
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iv2ntzm wrote
Reply to comment by brick1972 in Hundreds of housing units coming to East Providence, officials say by GhostOpera406
I think the biggest problem you laid out there is the need to get developers interested. The state should be building housing to rent out or sell just above break-even with profit cycled back into the treasury, instead of these neofeudal landleeches sucking our blood and resources.
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iv28ltr wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Hundreds of housing units coming to East Providence, officials say by GhostOpera406
What I want, what I think will make this country actually work well, will likely never happen bc you cannot solve individual problems as if they exist in a vacuum. We cannot reform our way out of this piecemeal. What point am i trying to make? I'm not even sure anymore. It's disorienting and depressing to always feel like you're trying to navigate to simply a less bad situation but never to a good one
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iv253of wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Hundreds of housing units coming to East Providence, officials say by GhostOpera406
Well wouldn't increased housing cause increased demand for goods and services? Wouldn't it be better for residents of these new properties to be able to access these goods and services hyperlocally so they don't contribute to traffic congestion?
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iuqoco8 wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in New offerings at Kismet Improv - good for artists/making new friends! by tcotter
Improvisational tragedy.
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itidrml wrote
Reply to comment by keevisgoat in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Rents don't cover costs, then?
A union without the right to strike is like a military without guns. What's even the point?
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itgugfk wrote
Reply to comment by big_whistler in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Because in American politics terms seem to be deliberately misused to obfuscate the class based nature of our problems 🤔
Also this is how the terms are used among basically all American Marxists and socialists, American mainstream politics aren't politics they're a circus
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itgtees wrote
Reply to comment by moreobviousthings in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Liberal literally just means "believes in capitalism"
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itgdqd8 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
You're confusing the progressive/socially liberal<->socially conservative CULTURAL axis with the liberal<->socialist ECOMINIC axis
Republicans are socially conservative but economically liberal. The founding fathers were liberals. Reagan Bush Clinton Bush Obama and Trump are all liberals.
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itg8zdb wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
I'm not being partisan; I'm aware that democrats are nominally less trash than republicans. By liberal I simply mean non-socialist
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itg8j6m wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Both parties are liberal parties. I'm not singling out one over the other. When I say liberal all I mean is "non socialist"
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itg6ux9 wrote
Reply to comment by PipeLayer2016 in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Dead link but a relief to hear if true
AbigailFlippinfloppn OP t1_itg6iqt wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Liberalism, ie free market ideology. The idea that the government should stay out of the economy.
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_itg63zz wrote
Reply to comment by CatH2222 in State Senator stealing my land by Silly_Yak_3741
Lol no one is ready to fight. I'm not even allowed to say what should be done about this
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_it7tcpf wrote
Reply to comment by MyStackRunnethOver in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by SwimmerNos
Or ban rent seeking, ownership of a non primary residence (second/vacation homes), and corporate ownership of residences🤷♂️
Ya know, actually change things?
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_it7al6a wrote
Reply to comment by MyStackRunnethOver in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by SwimmerNos
Stop saying that. There are more vacant homes than homeless people!
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_ir2b6mn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homelessness in R.I. could reach an all-time high this winter, advocates say by rhodyjourno
Please read Marx and Lenin.
And Rosa for that matter, because she settled the reform vs revolution question over a century ago
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_ir27auh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homelessness in R.I. could reach an all-time high this winter, advocates say by rhodyjourno
Why build houses? There are more empty houses than homeless people and guns would certainly help expropriate them from the parasites that are hoarding them.
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_ir24asp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homelessness in R.I. could reach an all-time high this winter, advocates say by rhodyjourno
What people seem to be unwilling to accept is that you cannot reform your way out of these problems. The system is working as intended. You're going to have to vigorously embrace the second amendment and make a lot of rich people very mad if you want to improve this country to any meaningful extent
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_ir1lsfv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homelessness in R.I. could reach an all-time high this winter, advocates say by rhodyjourno
We CAN take care of every person and problem in this country. The are enough resources to do all of these things. What is lacking is political will
AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iv7oabp wrote
Reply to comment by mpm4q2 in Letter: Parents' rights groups in schools, what do the buzzwords mean? | EastBayRI.com by GhostOpera406
These are astroturfed far-right lunatics, not actual "concerned parents"