
Able_Cunngham603 t1_iw0e4ga wrote

Reply to comment by fishmongerolt in Thanksgiving by fishmongerolt

Don’t go out of your way, but I am sure they would appreciate that. Just be careful with the booze - they love it but they have the tolerance of a college freshman. Things can get ugly quick.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_iw0c6ts wrote

It is awesome that you are doing this. Does the invite also extend to our close relatives in the forest?

Many Sasquatches spend the holidays alone because no one believes they will show up… so they never get invited. It turns out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_iw0af42 wrote

No, people say that was his nickname in school. He hated fishsticks so much that he would have a hissy fit whenever the school cafeteria served them.

(That’s what I have heard anyway, and I trust my sources.)


Able_Cunngham603 t1_ivyndse wrote

Are YOU new to NH politics or are you just not very smart? Marijuana is decriminalized in NH and Sununu has until very recently sworn to veto any legalization bill. He also vetoed a bill to allow medical users to grow at home.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_ivw1p0j wrote

NH citizens and the General Court would prefer not to wait. The only person who feels this way is Governor “Crybaby McFishsticks” Sununu.

Unfortunately we are stuck with him at least another two years… maybe more if the best competition we can come up with is a flatlander Doctor from Connecticut.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_ivp7oyg wrote

You question is based on a false premise. Pretty much every Republican running in this race was an election-denying, Trump-supporting MAGAdiot.

The only Republican running who has his head screwed on (relatively) straight is Sununu and he won by the biggest margin out of any of the races.

NH has not gone more left; democrats won because they were the lesser of two evils this time around.