AbsentEmpire t1_j9hk29g wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
We've known online only cyber-schools were bullshit for years. We knew they were shit prior to the 2020 lockdowns, and we especially know they're shit now.
It's just another classic conservative tactic to take public funds and pocket them at the expense of society.
AbsentEmpire t1_j9hjnxc wrote
Reply to comment by kormer in Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
Sure you did.
AbsentEmpire t1_j9fm2eo wrote
Reply to Pa. House Speaker Rozzi headed for clash with Senate Republicans on abuse survivors' bill by ewyorksockexchange
Yet again proving that the Republicans have zero interest in going after molester priests, and all their talk about "groomers" are just bullshit attacks against gay people that they can longer use thier preferred slurs for.
AbsentEmpire t1_j9cp921 wrote
Reply to comment by huebomont in Historic gas station at 20th and Arch is being relocated to Fairmount Park by redeyeblink
It usually is.
AbsentEmpire t1_j97bq5l wrote
Reply to Philadelphia is now officially a ‘Certified Welcoming’ city. Here’s what it means for immigrant communities. by ColdJay64
>With the city’s announcement, immigrant communities around Philadelphia may wonder how the designation will actually affect them. Eusebio said that most immediately, it sets a precedent.
So nothing, it does nothing other than allow city officials in positions that really shouldn't even exist to pat themselves on the back, and for this organization to get paid with tax payer money to hand a meaningless label to useless city staffers.
>The Welcoming certification must be renewed after three years through the same process, which is particularly notable with a new incoming mayoral administration.
>Whichever candidate ultimately wins this year’s race will have to make a similar commitment towards immigrant support and inclusion, otherwise it will be clear that the cause is not a priority for them.
>“When there are changes in mayor administrations and city leadership ... having an official designation of certification and a need to re-certify holds everyone accountable,” Eusebio said.
What a joke, this is clearly a racket organization, the certificate is just a receipt for taking city money, and means nothing.
The article should have asked how much money city officials set on fire for this meaningless bullshit.
AbsentEmpire t1_j96vl6z wrote
Reply to Penn Medicine residents and fellows want a union, citing grueling workloads and 80-hour workweeks by nankles
I wish them luck with that, Penn is famously anti union and has a strong and effective management structure at keeping them out or otherwise knee capping them.
AbsentEmpire t1_j96u49d wrote
Reply to comment by Cute-Interest3362 in Penn Medicine residents and fellows want a union, citing grueling workloads and 80-hour workweeks by nankles
What a dumb take.
Go get treatment in a 100 plus year old building that's falling apart and with poorly retrofitted updates that frequently break then.
New infrastructure for better healthcare outcomes is a good thing.
AbsentEmpire t1_j96mnzn wrote
Reply to comment by datruesurfer in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
Part of the problem is that judges have to weigh the avaliable space in prisons to comply with court orders about prison crowding.
The way we elect judges isn't good, and it results in people who should not be on the bench making terrible decisions, however it's also not entirely the fault of judges when bad outcomes happen due lack of available prison space.
AbsentEmpire t1_j96lxjl wrote
Reply to comment by mountjo in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
Because it is.
The PPD is a joke, law enforcement on the streets doesn't exist, and everyone knows it.
AbsentEmpire t1_j96losb wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in Man arrested in Bucks County in connection with killing of Temple University police officer by MacKelvey
Well statistically they can come in and get away with it. The PPD clearance rate and DA prosecution rates are a joke.
AbsentEmpire t1_j92g54p wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania lawmaker to introduce legislation repealing death penalty by Waterwebgrasshopper
We haven't carried out the death penalty in the state since 1999 with Gary Heidnik being the last person put to death in the state after he waved his appeals and requested the execution be carried out.
It's a massive financial drain on the state to keep it on the books, it doesn't deter crime, and provably innocent people have been executed by the government before.
Life without parole is perfectly capable of keeping dangerous people removed from society while also giving the chance to release those who were convicted incorrectly.
AbsentEmpire t1_j92ek2h wrote
Reply to comment by Adorable-Spirit-1505 in Pennsylvania lawmaker to introduce legislation repealing death penalty by Waterwebgrasshopper
>Personally, I believe in protecting life from the beginning until the natural death, but that is due to faith reasons.
OK cool, so you're in favor of providing cradle to grave health care, food, and shelter on the tax payers dime then?
AbsentEmpire t1_j92dco0 wrote
Reply to comment by G65434-2 in Pennsylvania lawmaker to introduce legislation repealing death penalty by Waterwebgrasshopper
Death penalty is more expensive to pursue than life in prison without parole.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8ub1t3 wrote
Reply to comment by AlVic40117560_ in 2 suspects charged with flipping car during Philly Super Bowl block party by toss_it_out_tomorrow
Bring back the stockade, public mockery and shaming are effective punishments.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8ua5fo wrote
Reply to 1,240 Units, 18-story Tower Planner at 46th and Market Street in West Philly - Rising Real Estate by RoughRhinos
I get so fucking mad thinking about how one of the first things Kenney did after getting elected was waste all that money and effort converting this building, so that the city would be forced to hand Bart Blatstein a massive check to rent the Inquirer building.
I knew right then and there Kenney was not going to be a good mayor for the city, and he only got worse from there.
This development is nice, but this should have been the new PPD headquarters.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8tdo51 wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
Ya there's less residents there to oppose Delaware Ave vs the Blvd, I don't see it happening.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8tbdk9 wrote
Reply to comment by adwvn in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
KOP mall just expanded it's very popular and will continue to be well into the future.
The malls that are dying tend to be ones with a middle to lower economic appeal. High end is doing better than ever.
Additionally the build out of the KOP /202 region over the last decade has been nothing less than amazing. The DVRPC projects that area to grow faster than the city both in residential and jobs over the coming decades.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8tajsq wrote
Reply to comment by JediDrkKnight in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
Airport line from South Philly isn't a bad trip, the biggest issue is SEPTA early morning bus frequency. But coming back from the airport is super convenient.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8t9r69 wrote
Reply to comment by Scumandvillany in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
The counties delivered PA to the Biden administration, they're not going to deny the money.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8t9m6b wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
Well city council is positioning themselves to block or otherwise hinder it as much as they can, so that's not going well.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8t99e6 wrote
Reply to comment by NapTimeFapTime in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
Nobody tell them about where the workforce to run the mall is coming from.
Thier heads might explode if they learn a substantial number of 202 corridor office workers also come from the city.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8t8vqc wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
Because it's going to make getting to one of biggest job hubs in the region a lot easier.
It's never ceases to amaze me how users here conveniently keep forgetting that 40% of Philadelphians have to reverse commute out of the city for thier job.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8t8cn8 wrote
Reply to comment by Proper-Code7794 in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
Urbanism is not about hating highway, that's a brain dead take.
But speaking of not dealing with budgets, it's obvious you don't have a clue since the current cost of our road infrastructure is draining the economy. We're not paying to maintain it because we can't afford it.
AbsentEmpire t1_j8t7mxu wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in Do you want a Roosevelt Blvd Subway? Tell the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission ASAP! by markskull
I'm honestly not sure what would be harder to get done, building the RBS or up zoning along the Blvd. City council is allergic to in fill development, especially if it's by right and they can't get a cut of it.
AbsentEmpire t1_j9hn8z1 wrote
Reply to comment by trashpandarevolution in A small miracle just occurred: a mechanical street sweeper drove down Girard Ave in Brewerytown, sweeping the street by RoverTheMonster
Let's hope he's one of the first to go.