AccountantOfFraud t1_jbyunp1 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Practice-8038 in A+ coalition building by Progressive Democrats leader Hector Oseguera. Is this his strategy for getting >30% of the vote next time? by clade_nade
Ah yes, support for the people who peddled the conspiracy theories and proudly shout Kung-flu at rallies. Makes sense.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jbuosif wrote
Reply to comment by michael_scarn17 in Hoboken Dad Says Police Punched Teen Son At Mall In Jersey City by HobokenJ
If it wasn't in his hand what is the problem?
AccountantOfFraud t1_jboxcl7 wrote
Reply to comment by jman457 in imagine paying for the light rail by skyeyemx
What's the complaint here? It was always pretty solid for me through college and when I lived just off of downtown Newark.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jbfhiay wrote
Because NYC sends them to Newark. Newark actually has good homeless program but it just cannot handle the numbers that come. People from other states (like Michigan) come to Newark for its program.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jbywyfk wrote
Reply to comment by No-Practice-8038 in A+ coalition building by Progressive Democrats leader Hector Oseguera. Is this his strategy for getting >30% of the vote next time? by clade_nade
Its not that complicated.
> In New York, the last decade has seen members of this newer, relatively higher-income group of Chinese Americans align more often with Republican candidates, said Pei-te Lien, a professor of political science at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
> “I think what the Republican Party has done well is to make very stark for people that they are the party that’s going to keep people safe,” Mr. Albert said. “Whether they’re actually doing it or not is probably less relevant.”
Its just successful propaganda.