AccountantOfFraud t1_je1ix4u wrote
Reply to comment by Informal_Bat_722 in Tenants Fight Back As Rents Soar In Jersey City And Hoboken by mad_dog_94
Jesus Christ, man. It is a fucking phrase.
Its also called refinancing, you schlub.
AccountantOfFraud t1_je1gigh wrote
Reply to comment by Informal_Bat_722 in Tenants Fight Back As Rents Soar In Jersey City And Hoboken by mad_dog_94
Maybe try going back further than a year, my guy.
AccountantOfFraud t1_je181qj wrote
Reply to comment by LootFroop in Are there any good places to get cheese cake in Jersey city? by SeaworthinessSuch415
Shit do be hittin
AccountantOfFraud t1_je1753q wrote
Reply to comment by jersey-city-park in Tenants Fight Back As Rents Soar In Jersey City And Hoboken by mad_dog_94
Mortgage interest is deductible and also how would they get fucked by interest in the first place? We've had rates at near zero for years now. The interest of which is also included in the rent payment.
Most landlords are living off their tenants with the sole reason that they were lucky to have capital.
AccountantOfFraud t1_je16e76 wrote
Reply to comment by Byzantium-1204 in Tenants Fight Back As Rents Soar In Jersey City And Hoboken by mad_dog_94
Why stop at investment firms and not landlords who own multiple properties?
AccountantOfFraud t1_je0exbe wrote
Reply to comment by bodhipooh in Farmers market drama? by yayforhooray
As far as I am aware, haven't explored the Communipaw/Bergen-Lafayette area too much, that area is a food desert. Would need to hike over to atleast 99 Ranch for grocery shopping.
AccountantOfFraud t1_je0cxcl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Farmers market drama? by yayforhooray
I can't imagine having brainworms like this.
AccountantOfFraud t1_je0co9h wrote
Reply to comment by BlueBeagle8 in Farmers market drama? by yayforhooray
I think she does some good stuff for Communipaw and a farmer's market there is a good idea but idk. You can't try to be an influencer and then complain about drama and shit. Its just kind of cringe.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jdqpr7p wrote
Reply to comment by ttgx1000 in NJ sues Dow, others over widespread possible cancer-causing chemical in drinking water by EdLesliesBarber
Just click the article, my guy.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jdi9svw wrote
Reply to comment by DontBeEvil1 in Hard Grove is closing today by luxuryparking_
Never been but everyone seems to agree the food was good at least.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jdi9ih1 wrote
Reply to comment by SirTitsMcGee in Smorgasburg isn’t coming back to JC by SirTitsMcGee
I hope so. I like the bar well enough. Smorgasburg was a fun little thing to try some foods you otherwise wouldn't but it was pretty damn pricey.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jdd223p wrote
Reply to comment by ThenIGetAChipwichOK in 902 Brewing to host Paul Fireman backed event by el_tigrox
Plus, you can play soccer wherever you want. LSP has huge fields all you need is to buy those small nets. Shit we used to play with a crinkled-up can on asphalt.
Its like they think kids don't have any imagination for play.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jdd0zol wrote
Reply to comment by pigdog12 in 902 Brewing to host Paul Fireman backed event by el_tigrox
And bring some Departed Soles with you.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jdd0v6d wrote
Reply to comment by GreenTunicKirk in 902 Brewing to host Paul Fireman backed event by el_tigrox
> Dingbatz in Clifton got torn a new one and lost a lot of business as a result of having a nazi metal band perform.
Dawg holy shit. They should've blasted that Dead Kennedys song at them.
I agree with your entire post. I like them more than Departed Soles (although I do love that Southward Ale) but I think I'm definitely going to give Departed Soles more of my business in the short-term.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jd7wi5c wrote
Reply to comment by jess91939 in Pro-fascism Bolsonaro truck has been driving through Union County (and probably other areas in/around NJ & NYC) for 5+ months, blaring music. by JerseyGiantsFan
I believe it. Hoping they can get fascists out of government soon. Think the have a majority still in their version of congress.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jd7snkx wrote
Reply to comment by jess91939 in Pro-fascism Bolsonaro truck has been driving through Union County (and probably other areas in/around NJ & NYC) for 5+ months, blaring music. by JerseyGiantsFan
When Bolsanaro bragged about seducing a 14 year old Venezuelan girl and the PR response of the right-wing media is to plaster "Bolsonaro noa e pedofilo" as the headline was fucking hilarious.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jd7rt38 wrote
Reply to This is why I hate route 1 by Cucktus
This is why I don't miss the office.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jcv0vss wrote is a corporate owned "news" site. Of course it going to take the side of a local billionaire.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jcr8bwb wrote
Reply to comment by EyesOnImprovement in Jersey City awarded $12 million more for Team Fulop Vacation Fund in Murphy’s budget proposal by EyesOnImprovement
You're definitely the white people Osequera is talking about.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jcpw6px wrote
Reply to comment by lastinglovehandles in NIMBYs score victory, convince review board to reject Downtown Jersey City cannabis application by JeromePowellAdmirer
They definitely aren't progressives, that would be something akin to AOC or Bernie. They're just white liberals. They'll have all the flags and shit but when it comes down to actual changing things they're no where to be seen.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jcltiz8 wrote
Reply to comment by a7xfan01 in Southern Regional graduate, now a Princeton University student, charged in Jan. 6 riot at U.S. Capitol by Meetybeefy
Is it? The cops agree with them and want the same things, a fascist state.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jc1v6kw wrote
Reply to comment by No-Practice-8038 in A+ coalition building by Progressive Democrats leader Hector Oseguera. Is this his strategy for getting >30% of the vote next time? by clade_nade
Not really huge inroads tbh.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jc1v3zf wrote
Reply to comment by paul-e-walnts in A+ coalition building by Progressive Democrats leader Hector Oseguera. Is this his strategy for getting >30% of the vote next time? by clade_nade
Smart like who? Reactionaries are always reactionaries.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jbz5q4o wrote
Reply to comment by ILoveHotDogsAndBacon in A+ coalition building by Progressive Democrats leader Hector Oseguera. Is this his strategy for getting >30% of the vote next time? by clade_nade
No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Republicans always run on law and order (as hypocritical as it is) and NY Dems dropped the ball hard by trying to follow suit. Many in NY bought what the Republicans were saying, not just Asians.
AccountantOfFraud t1_je1n5cl wrote
Reply to comment by Informal_Bat_722 in Tenants Fight Back As Rents Soar In Jersey City And Hoboken by mad_dog_94
Zero interest-rate policy - Wikipedia
Still schlubby. Arguing 2% vs 0% lmao