
AccountantOfFraud t1_je1753q wrote

Mortgage interest is deductible and also how would they get fucked by interest in the first place? We've had rates at near zero for years now. The interest of which is also included in the rent payment.

Most landlords are living off their tenants with the sole reason that they were lucky to have capital.


AccountantOfFraud t1_jdd0v6d wrote

> Dingbatz in Clifton got torn a new one and lost a lot of business as a result of having a nazi metal band perform.

Dawg holy shit. They should've blasted that Dead Kennedys song at them.

I agree with your entire post. I like them more than Departed Soles (although I do love that Southward Ale) but I think I'm definitely going to give Departed Soles more of my business in the short-term.


AccountantOfFraud t1_jbz5q4o wrote

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Republicans always run on law and order (as hypocritical as it is) and NY Dems dropped the ball hard by trying to follow suit. Many in NY bought what the Republicans were saying, not just Asians.