AchillesDev t1_it5m84z wrote
Reply to comment by stinkbeast666 in Crossing guard disturbed by Halloween decoration at his post in Marblehead. by bluesmom913
Well before I was born in the 80s. Shit like this has always been a part of the halloweens I remember.
AchillesDev t1_it5m2ek wrote
Reply to comment by RevengencerAlf in Crossing guard disturbed by Halloween decoration at his post in Marblehead. by bluesmom913
> I feel like I would be out of line if I put a plastic wrapped bloody corpse in a bathtub on my front lawn.
This would’ve been expected in the neighborhoods I grew up in here. Unless it was a real corpse, that would be a little bit out of line I guess.
AchillesDev t1_it5fg9i wrote
Maybe a bit more of a traditional place, but Val’s in Holden has a large space and does lots of events there. Val is a dream to work with and their food is great (especially if you like Greek or Mediterranean food). We are hosting my daughter’s christening reception there soon, I think their price per plate was around $35 for us.
AchillesDev t1_isw0thi wrote
Reply to comment by TheSublimeGoose in Police Find 20 Pounds of Fentanyl in Apartment After Firefighters kick Door in by HoldenGambles
>Funny that you mention the LD50 of mice, but not of monkeys
That was all I could find for a quick search.
>You’re talking about micrograms (mcg). Your wife didn’t receive more than 3mg
You're right. Misread on my part.
AchillesDev t1_isvjxhs wrote
Reply to comment by New-Vegetable-1274 in Police Find 20 Pounds of Fentanyl in Apartment After Firefighters kick Door in by HoldenGambles
>Fentanyl can be deadly if airborne in high concentrations in confined spaces.
AchillesDev t1_irr8s7a wrote
Reply to Worcester punk? by pezhed540
Check out Codex Obscurum Presents on Facebook. They primarily book shows at Ralph’s but they could be a good starting point for finding bands that put on other shows locally. I know Horrible Earth (Worcester grindcore) does some all ages shows here in Boston, and it might be worth checking out Boston for shows too (for those shows follow Grayskull Booking and especially O’Brien’s in Allston).
AchillesDev t1_irez2xz wrote
Reply to comment by haroldebarel in TIL the last number on your license plate matches the month you need to renew your registration…. by seesp0trunn
Here's a site that shows the algorithm for FL, WI, and IL. It claims that MA uses the SSN, but I don't think that's the case, as you've noticed the number wouldn't change with a name change if it was based on SSN. Shortly before I moved back here ~5 years ago, I checked this algorithm against my FL license number and it was accurate, fwiw.
AchillesDev t1_irevu0l wrote
Reply to comment by haroldebarel in TIL the last number on your license plate matches the month you need to renew your registration…. by seesp0trunn
Some states are really dumb and use known algorithms to encode a bunch of your private info into your D/L number. MA does too but I don't think anyone has cracked it.
AchillesDev t1_irei1t1 wrote
Reply to comment by whatdoiwantsky in Best bookstore in Worcester? by mineinhusdson
Ah that’s a shame. Loved going there growing up.
AchillesDev t1_ireep50 wrote
Reply to Best bookstore in Worcester? by mineinhusdson
Is Tatnuck Booksellers still around? That place was super cozy.
AchillesDev t1_it5md8r wrote
Reply to comment by geminimad4 in Crossing guard disturbed by Halloween decoration at his post in Marblehead. by bluesmom913
We were doing this in our neighborhoods in the 90s. Definitely much further back than 15 years ago, but we also had Halloween Outlet so we had ample resources to do it big.