Actual_Hyena3394 t1_j0jkk9l wrote
Reply to comment by ________________me in Judas: Hey Jesus, are you coming to the Last Supper? by MudakMudakov
You have to give them credit though. Their dinner photo game was fire. Food displayed on the table and the people are all in the photo. The dinner table photos nowadays are basically a big table in the middle with everyone around craning their necks and most of the time there is at least one head missing.
Actual_Hyena3394 t1_j00z6xx wrote
Reply to comment by ArtinGamingTheEpic in PsBattle: This Praying Mantis by RiddleTower
Why is no one doing the Kamehameha??
Actual_Hyena3394 t1_izzzrrg wrote
Reply to comment by kmtnewsman in PsBattle: A kitten relaxing on a bed by Spectral_Nova
This has made my day. Thank you so very much.
Actual_Hyena3394 t1_izweyvu wrote
Reply to comment by kmtnewsman in PsBattle: A kitten relaxing on a bed by Spectral_Nova
Alright. I want someone to ps the cat in that scene in titanic. Please please please. Tag me if someone suceeds.
Actual_Hyena3394 t1_izbplqo wrote
Reply to comment by dalnot in [Image] All circumstances are temporary! by rebordacao
Wanted to cross post there. Turns out someone already beat me to it.
Actual_Hyena3394 t1_j0qylbe wrote
Reply to comment by SkillusEclasiusII in Judas: Hey Jesus, are you coming to the Last Supper? by MudakMudakov
Be sure to book a table twice the size you need though.