AdHistorical7107 t1_ja7p8zk wrote
Reply to comment by Definitlynotcar in 7:32pm Shooting: Troop C, Somers, CT - Male party fired off over 20 rounds from a Blue 2020 RAV4 - Search for suspect ongoing. by AndMarmaladeSkies
And the justification for the mass murders of children is off! There could have been a very easy way to prevent Uvalde altogether.
Instead you continue to justify the mass murder of children. I don't know how you sleep at night, but I prefer not to interact with folks like you...
Good day sir
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja7ose2 wrote
Reply to comment by Definitlynotcar in 7:32pm Shooting: Troop C, Somers, CT - Male party fired off over 20 rounds from a Blue 2020 RAV4 - Search for suspect ongoing. by AndMarmaladeSkies
They consistently fail to make the connection that most illegal guns are derived from people who were "law abiding". Case in point, bristol CT and Uvalde. Both legally purchased their guns, then committed heinous crimes
They attempt to justify their illfound logic without any regards to common sense and consideration for others, namely children and minorities, who suffer from it.
They are the epitome of dumb and put us all at risk.
Good day sir.
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja765kh wrote
Reply to comment by Definitlynotcar in 7:32pm Shooting: Troop C, Somers, CT - Male party fired off over 20 rounds from a Blue 2020 RAV4 - Search for suspect ongoing. by AndMarmaladeSkies
Lots of pro gun clowns on here who are lacking some serious intellect. 🤷
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja762kh wrote
Reply to comment by CompasslessPigeon in 7:32pm Shooting: Troop C, Somers, CT - Male party fired off over 20 rounds from a Blue 2020 RAV4 - Search for suspect ongoing. by AndMarmaladeSkies
Did you miss the "was" part?
Dude probably had it legally. But when he had to turn it in, he didn't. See the problem Here?
Can't trust people with guns
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja64wp4 wrote
Reply to 7:32pm Shooting: Troop C, Somers, CT - Male party fired off over 20 rounds from a Blue 2020 RAV4 - Search for suspect ongoing. by AndMarmaladeSkies
He was Just another law-abiding gun owner....
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9y4fv3 wrote
Reply to comment by flatdanny in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
This is funny. When uvalde happened, the GOP was so adamant about pushing this mentally ill rhetoric. Now that doesn't seem to be the case...
Wow pro 2a folk really aren't that consistent.... but not shocking
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9y48bh wrote
Reply to comment by 1Bzi in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
Aww look at you! Typical republican who wants to oppress anyone who disagrees with them.
Way to go!
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9vb4fo wrote
Reply to comment by 1Bzi in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
Do you need help paying for the airfare?
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9u6yut wrote
Reply to comment by Laurajw12 in Taxing rounds to punish gun owners by Laurajw12
Who killed those bristol cops? Hint, he was a gun owner. Turned criminal.
Make the connection.
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9elgmv wrote
Reply to Be Honest With Me, How much has your electric bill been this last month? by KindaEgotistical
2k Sq ft. Family of 3. About 1600kw. Big christmas display. About $445. Was under think energy. I have oil for heat
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9cvg5l wrote
Reply to comment by EarthExile in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
Shhhh. Don't try to reason with the looneys
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9cvagj wrote
Reply to comment by flatdanny in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
He's trying to tie abortion to mass shootings of children. It's what sick POS do. Quite disgusting imo
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9b3xdq wrote
Reply to comment by negal36 in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
Ask the small minded folk about this....
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9a5mwk wrote
Reply to comment by Viceversa10 in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
Who was so inclined to insinuate the topic of abortion?
Do us all a favor. Grow some brains or get lost. Life's too short to deal with idiots like you....
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9a4qzh wrote
Reply to comment by Viceversa10 in So we have a top 10/20 causes of death in CT yet we waste time with gun control by 1Bzi
Oh look! Another one who wants to control women! "You can't force me to wear a mask or get a vaccine, but you can force one to bear a child who was raped!"
FFS, hypocrisy at its best here.
AdHistorical7107 t1_j9a1ih4 wrote
Awww. Someone else who needs mommy's milk.
I know you're complacent with the murder of children. Us smart, ethical, educated folk aren't. Go move to Florida or Texas. Heard it's really warm there
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j98alj9 wrote
Reply to comment by I_Know_What_Happened in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Cool story...
AdHistorical7107 t1_j982us2 wrote
Reply to Looking for farms/animal sanctuary’s to take our daughter to see/pet some animals. by Bun_Le
Verdant view farms in PA. It's a ride but is outstanding. We literally spent a whole day playing with the goats, chickens, cows, and rabbits.
Also Silverman farms has a petting zoo if you don't feel like trekking the 4 hours out to PA.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j95eilq wrote
Reply to comment by Justagreewithme in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Got it. And something else I learned today.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j95e6qg wrote
Reply to comment by TreeEleben in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Can you grab the vin from someone's dashboard, and find a ton of info on the vehicle and who potentially owns it through sale records? Maybe I'm wrong but always thought was that possible...
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j95e0eq wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Not a legal expert. But I think it was called "precedence". If that's the same thing as supremacy clause, than yes.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j95draj wrote
Reply to comment by neversummmer in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Still doesn't answer my question...
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j95dp0d wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
I think this is the point many pro2a folks ignore. That guy in Bristol who shot two cops, was a sake, sober, moral, law abiding gun owner, until he wasnt....
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j95di93 wrote
Reply to comment by DontDieKenny in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
So I guess in NY you can search who has a gun...
Well this is interesting
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja8fmmp wrote
Reply to comment by Definitlynotcar in 7:32pm Shooting: Troop C, Somers, CT - Male party fired off over 20 rounds from a Blue 2020 RAV4 - Search for suspect ongoing. by AndMarmaladeSkies
Stop stalking. Grow some brains. Then we can chat....