AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iycmnpw wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
Like where you mentioned something about memory loss? Good try covering that one up by editing it lol....
Gtfo dude. Go get ready for school. Your making everyone dumber with each post you do here.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iyciyr7 wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
Thanks for telling me something I already know?
The narrative of illegal guns comes from legal guns? This article goes against that?
Reading comprehension is not your strong point, huh?
Go get ready for school, kid. Let the grown-ups handle this....
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iycibai wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
Someone posted "allow it to be stolen. What?" I am reminding that person of the many Cases of Cars being stolen due to cars being locked with keys in it.
You want to twist my words, go ahead.
Moving on....
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iychwp2 wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
Did I say it wasn't locked? Nope.
Moving on....
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iyc308z wrote
Reply to comment by TallStephen in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
You really don't understand that concept? Yanno, like folks who leave their cars unlocked with keys in it?
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iyc1yk4 wrote
Reply to comment by Master_Puppetz_1986 in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
And if you allow it to be stolen, you're part of the problem with gun violence. Congratulations.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iyc1uue wrote
Reply to comment by Screaming_brain in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
They aren't. That's the issue. This person allowed a illegal firearm to be on the streets and should be held accountable.
many people here are against banning guns due to the "illegal guns." They leave out little tidbits like this story (illegal guns come from Legal purchases).
Submitted by AdHistorical7107 t3_z8k8ba in Connecticut
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixh2yil wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
You sound fun at parties...
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixh1h6t wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Alright fuckstick. You're too stupid now. Enjoy your Thanksgiving
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixgsq8s wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Wtf. Are you that dumb? Look up the definition what an enabler is. That's you. Now sit down.
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixfxqd7 wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Clearly you dont possess the skills to comprehend the English language. What a 🤡.
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixekclh wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
See. I can't help it you don't know what a enabler is. I've said it twice before and you still have the same question? You can't figure out how enabling one to own a gun for mass murders makes you a danger to society? Well than, that says enough about you....
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixefe3x wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
See. Small mind. Can't figure out was an enabler is....
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixeclwb wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
No. Apparently there are enablers of violence. You are one of them. Congratulations on making society more dangerous
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixe0snq wrote
Reply to comment by Lopsided_Cupcake_988 in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Ah but guns are much more efficient. Ask the family of those bristol police officers and of the kids from Uvalde....
Keep justifying the mass murders. It's a great look on you....
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixdmqv6 wrote
Reply to comment by Lopsided_Cupcake_988 in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Oh and here we go with the whole "If it isnt a gun its something else" nonsense.....
If you don't have the mental capacity to think bigger and think ahead, you're not worth my time. Your mind is way too small.
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixcf96d wrote
Reply to comment by Nomadbytrade in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
A shame we have to share air with POS like you. But you'll get what's coming to you
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixcewdy wrote
Reply to comment by Nomadbytrade in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Awww your intellect is phenomenal. Can't even type out a sentence. What a lazy 🤡
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc9ma4 wrote
Reply to comment by Justinontheinternet in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Yeah it's not like any politicians out there put up second amendment sanctuaries or anything....
Face party loves guns. Just ask the family members of the children massacred in Uvalde....
But hey, your gun is more valuable right? 🤷♂️
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc7isi wrote
Reply to comment by Justinontheinternet in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
You do know just about every illegal gun comes from a legal gun, right? More than likely that illegal gun was stolen from a "responsible" gun owner....
I'll agree with increased mental health access...
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc7cl8 wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
And this is why we still have so many murders and kids being shot in elementary schools....
Your mindset is what's wrong with America....
But have your gun. Clearly you value it more than children. 🤦
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc79de wrote
Reply to comment by Justinontheinternet in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
They are? Tell that to the two bristol police officers last month who was shot by one last month...
Oh wait, you cant..
AdHistorical7107 t1_ixc72hi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
I think he is
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iycqwv0 wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in But there are so many illegal guns. Don't punish legal gun owners I'm told.... by AdHistorical7107
Nope. It's their gun over a child's life. Weird how that works.