AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91s8k5 wrote
Reply to comment by Just_Jer in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
She walked up and down our street at night screaming at the top of her lungs "you bastards and pedophiles! I hate you all. I name you!"
Fast forward, she showed up at school and allegedly did the same thing, this time with her kid, in the middle of the school day. I'm getting conflicting stories from school and PD though.
My curiosity just intrigued me. I sense a mental illness, and if I shared the clip of that night she walked up and down the street, you'd probably agree. My concern is really would a "voice" be heard by this person to hurt someone else? How could that be minimized.
As others have posted, LEO is probably well aware of this person. But curious how others view this "registry" for lack of a better term.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91q3jy wrote
Reply to comment by LymePilot in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
What wild assumption am I making against my neighbor?
What am I doing incognito here?
I have yet to hear your justification for not making gun permit owners info public. Just what appears to be your pro 2a stance...
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91i6bu wrote
Reply to comment by LymePilot in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
So your opinion is No, gun permits should not be available to the public, because a permit to operate a vehicle is not open to the public? Just trying to make a connection on your stance here...
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91hw6a wrote
Reply to comment by UhaRugger1 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
We divest. No idea what is required to be a lawyer in CT, nor do I have a desire to call and ask. Just curious what everyones side is on this, and their reasoning behind it.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91hb0p wrote
Reply to comment by TFA-DF8 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
If she even has one. The public wont know as it stands right now.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91gfl8 wrote
Reply to comment by 2PlenTiful4U in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Wow impressive I am being civil and you come along with this one....
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91gbnp wrote
Reply to comment by LymePilot in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
So your reasoning is it's no one business. Got it.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91f0nl wrote
Reply to comment by TFA-DF8 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Neighbor I speak of is a lawyer apparently. I doubt she would be baffled by it.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91b2cp wrote
Reply to comment by DontDieKenny in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
They most likely do (at least I hope so lol).
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91ayl7 wrote
Reply to comment by 404freedom14liberty in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Police have been involved twice already. So I know they are aware of her, and probably if she is in possession of a permit/weapon.
But your input is appreciated.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j917iq3 wrote
Reply to comment by Pruedrive in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
OK. So your reasoning is that it's personal.
I can divest into more of your points, but won't. All valid and good talking points imo.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j916bcq wrote
Reply to comment by DontDieKenny in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Ok, so your against it, and you stated why.
Note that I have not indicated any process in my original post.
But judging from what others are saying, you can make it difficult to obtain that information. I.e - no map of this information, But provide a good reason to a judge and then let it be released.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j915zvj wrote
Reply to comment by Pruedrive in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
I'm more concerned for her kid than us. But that's a different topic.
So what's your reasoning why it shouldn't be available to the public? Are you echoing others (bad guys will use it as a tool), or do you have other concerns?
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j915fwn wrote
Reply to comment by Jelopuddinpop in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
My plan? Do you know what my plan is? I don't think I ever stated one....
I understand your reasoning on this.
Read through some of my responses to others. Make it extremely difficult for one to get that information. If I just mosey on in to the PD, just because I want to know, that wouldn't be good enough. But if I mosey on in after I called them about erratic behavior, more weight to that.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j913tny wrote
Reply to comment by mischavus618 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Makes sense...
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j913ryq wrote
Reply to comment by AhbabaOooMaoMao in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Interesting. So it is possible, just have to have a really good reason why, and patience.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j9139d3 wrote
Reply to comment by Jelopuddinpop in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
I learned something new today. Sometimes people get a permit without actually getting a gun....
This argument may not apply to ALL, but I Understand this view.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j912wjb wrote
Reply to comment by 404freedom14liberty in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
OK, but pardon my ignorance here. Why would someone get a permit without an intention of buying a firearm? If you get a permit, and you are later diagnosed with a mental illness, are you required by law to notify someone (law enforcement, atf, fbi)?
I dont have one, so genuinely curious with all of this.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j90zolk wrote
Reply to comment by Dale_Wardark in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
According to the police department, they aren't allowed to disclose that information. But the officer could be wrong.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j90yqj8 wrote
Reply to comment by Dale_Wardark in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
What if they make it extremely hard to get that info. I.e - don't publish online. Have an individual do something like a FOI request and provide a very good reason for wanting that info. Have the bar set high on reasons why it should be disclosed.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j90ydyz wrote
Reply to comment by Extreme-Cupcake5929 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
Oi. My reading comprehension failed. Yes I could try.
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j90xvrc wrote
Reply to comment by Extreme-Cupcake5929 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
But should the police be allowed to disclose to the public about it?
Submitted by AdHistorical7107 t3_115czd0 in Connecticut
AdHistorical7107 t1_j8zim8i wrote
Reply to Strange smell in the air? by kittyjoker
Haven't smell3d anything. But my car, porch, and house tasted weird
AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91skyg wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious_Score_551 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
We went over this already. Please read through.
Like I have mentioned. Alot of very valid points. We can go back and forth but instead I just read and listen.