AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfl91r wrote
Reply to comment by OhTheHueManatee in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I agree. That's where my post came from. We often think about the ultra wealthy getting all of this stuff first, and possibly never letting common folk get their hands on it. Well, maybe the cure-all treatments of the near future will cure their heads from holding onto everything for generations.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfky6x wrote
Reply to comment by SWATSgradyBABY in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
>It's a clinical fact.
I don't have the data on billionaire's diagnosis haha.
>Do we endeavor to eliminate sociopathy as a psychological possibility?. If the focus is billionaires as opposed to sociopathy, then we should direct our focus to the economic systems which allow the existence of billionaires.
Yes we endeavor to eliminate the mental illness. No, we don't focus on eliminating it from billionaires, we focus on eliminating it in general and billionaires would likely be the first to receive new/expensive treatments.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfkguh wrote
Reply to comment by economyx in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I'm not sure I understand the nuance here?
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfkdgb wrote
Reply to comment by ArgentStonecutter in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
Perhaps. But maybe enough of them will see "sociopathic, anti-social, psychopathic" on the diagnosis and want to cure it. If enough do, then the rest that don't will be the old dinosaurs. It's hypothetical though, just a possible scenario that could ease some people's mind. There's a trillion possibilities of how the future will play out, it's important to keep some optimism is all.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfk1jm wrote
Reply to comment by michael_mullet in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
This sub is literally about an AI revolution that essentially cancels capitalism because it likely won't work post-singularity, possibly pre-singularity as I'm hinting at in my original post.
Capitalism is currently the best we have, and it's "worked" well enough to get us this far. But I can't imagine a future with automated workers, and the unemployed just die off.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfjhy1 wrote
Reply to comment by MasterFubar in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
>That's not how capitalism works. Everyone who actually manages a company would prefer to keep the government at a distance.
You think CEO's aren't in bed with politicians? You're describing capitalism on paper, it's nothing like it was 100 years ago. Sure companies hate when politicians stifle their progress, but campaigns are funded by the wealthy.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfizb1 wrote
Reply to comment by michael_mullet in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
Well the whole subject of transformative AI relates to some kind of revolution. Not in the sense of an over-throw scenario, but like the industrial and agricultural ones. We are in the midst of a revolution. Everyone here is focused so much on the date of AGI/ASI and the singularity, of course that's the sub, but we don't need those necessarily. I have no doubt they will be soon enough, but the next 5-10 years will be the most important in human history so far. The computational revolution or whatever you want to call it, probably something catchier than that. Of course that can be superseded shortly after by AGI or whatever, but regardless of people predicting the singularity in 15 years or 100 years, the revolution is already here, and transformative AI is "slowly" coming out every few months. We don't need 100% unemployment to reach a crises, we need like 10%.
Capitalism just simply cannot be sustainable when unemployment rates start rapidly rising. We can say things like history repeats itself, there were actually more jobs created from the industrial revolution, etc. But history doesn't *always* repeat itself. We are going to automate everything, or at least enough things that there just simply won't be a *reason* to work. The industrial revolution everyone feared being unemployed, this time around we should fear if we will still need to work.
Capitalisms has been exploited to see the gains we have so far, the wealthy still need the lower classes. Without us, they don't sell products. Currently they need our labour, shortly they won't. Do they think they can just take our labour and paychecks and we can still purchase their products? It just won't work.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfdjfr wrote
Reply to comment by epSos-DE in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
And they will be the first to take/afford longevity treatments that cure l/prevent all illnesses, right? There's still people at the top.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfdc6r wrote
Reply to comment by stupendousman in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
Ok. Then capitalism will remain through transformative AI, only the powerful and rich will have access to AGI and later ASI. And they can go live in their mystical future, the rest of us can start from scratch or die.
I get it, you like capitalism.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfcph3 wrote
Reply to comment by OWENPRESCOTTCOM in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
My idea here is that a medical treatment that encourages longevity and cures physical and mental illnesses could essentially cure the traits of these people. So nobody would fill that void if nobody exhibits those traits.
But I agree the entire system is the problem, but it's just a solution to one problem, hypothetically.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfce2u wrote
Reply to comment by ghostfuckbuddy in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
They might not "want" to, it'd be a side effect of a cure-all longevity treatment (in my scenario).
But laser focus and hard work doesn't mean extraordinary success. It requires a lot of luck, and unethical practices. It's the unethical part that needs cured.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfbyt7 wrote
Reply to comment by Jub-n-Jub in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
Well I mean "they" referring specifically to the ones I'm talking about.
But I don't think convincing people to take a cure all, be healthy, live longer medication would be difficult. Aleast not for many wealthy people, I'm sure there will be anti-longevity people.
I just wonder if that medical breakthrough happened, if curing this behaviour in politicians and wealthy people would be a welcomed side effect.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfavvq wrote
Reply to comment by MackelBLewlis in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I hope so!
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfatwd wrote
Reply to comment by BobMunder in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
That's definitely a concern, but as I understand it countries like China aren't currently capable of producing the GPU's required for large transformers on their own.
But one concern doesn't mean other concerns should be on the back burner. A medical breakthrough capable of curing all, would definitely shake the world for the better.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfad9f wrote
Reply to comment by ArgentStonecutter in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
Longevity and health? It wouldn't be billed as something that destroys capitalism, it would be such a health benefit both physically and mentally.
I don't know who would actually need convincing to cure all ailments, right?
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfa3w8 wrote
Reply to comment by michael_mullet in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I'm not down voting anyone here, fyi.
But I know what I'm describing is capitalism, I wasn't claiming it isn't. But I'm talking about the transition from it, toward a more sustainable system before AI becomes something only the "haves" get while the "have nots" fall into total poverty.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isf8xuh wrote
Reply to comment by MasterFubar in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
Well capitalism strongly encourages economic powers to influence political powers. So much so, that to call what we have now as "decent" would be a stretch.
The free market only works because it's the best option we have, or at least that we came up with. And there's no opt out, so those of us at the bottom are kind of stuck being pushed further and further down. I would call our current system a system with no choice, at least for almost everyone.
Capitalism won't work forever, or even much longer most likely. Well, not if we're assuming a transformative AI is a matter of years away.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isf1hjd wrote
Reply to comment by Jub-n-Jub in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
It's not always the hoarding part that's specifically sociopathic. It's how they hoard and maintain/grow it, and how they got there in the first place.
Paying low wages, unethical practices, all that sort of thing. But I'd say it isn't natural to have so much when others have so little. Maybe a lot of people do that, but normal/average doesn't equal healthy.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isewz8m wrote
Reply to comment by TheSingulatarian in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I don't look forward to having to use that to define the ultra wealthy.. What a world.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isewvld wrote
Reply to comment by 16161as in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I agree, but if the rich get things first, they could be "model" humans first. And that could inspire them to share.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isewqv3 wrote
Reply to comment by alvvayson in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I agree they only exist because of how the world operates. The difficult part is reversing how the world operates. And it just had occurred to me, the hardest solution may be the simplest. Changing billionaires minds, rather than legislation.
Its a matter of time until healthcare takes off in ways we thought were sci-fi. We're also dangerously close to critical unemployment when a few more narrow AI are released that out compete humans in significant sectors.
Things like open ai codex, it doesn't have to replace programmers, but if you increase programmers efficiency by even small percents it has a cascading effect across all sectors of IT.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isew4z2 wrote
Reply to comment by MasterFubar in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
>Rich people don't "hoard" wealth. They invest. When someone says "Jeff Bezos has $200 billion" this doesn't mean he's sitting in a money bin with 200 billion dollar banknotes.
Haha, yes I'm well aware of how that works. But they simply use their stocks as collateral to obtain essentially unlimited cash flow through loans anyway.
But that's not even the point, I'll try and explain it better. They hoard wealth in terms of general wealth, power, value, influence. They have a need to perpetually obtain more and more market share. They have an obsession to do whatever it takes to be on top of everyone around them.
If a diagnostic AI existed, and balanced that obsessive trait, then the market share from the companies could be used to fuel prosperity for all, instead of prosperity for some. If they were freed from those traits, they could focus on betterment for others.
This would be the beginning of the end for capitalism. If suddenly Walmart started offering everyone profit shares in the form of thousands of dollars worth of gift cards every year for free, for example. Do you think people would still go use amazon? Maybe here and there, but I would probably do all of my business at Walmart.
That's just a simple, dumb example. It'd be a transition from capitalism to whatever proves superior in an unemployed world with AI doing the heavy lifting.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_iseu3kh wrote
Reply to comment by alvvayson in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I agree we don't need billionaires, but they exist and they have a desire to hoard their money and power.
Can that desire just be leveled out? It must be some mental illness they have, and I'm sure plenty of common folk have it too, just without the luck.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isetrt6 wrote
Reply to comment by advertisementeconomy in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
I think that would be further in the future than curing things we suffer from now. And if cures come before modifications like that, then capitalism would probably already be gone. That's my argument anyway. A sliver of hope that CEOs grow hearts.
AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfok1f wrote
Reply to comment by OverBoard7889 in We've all heard the trope that to be a billionaire you essentially have to be a sociopath; Could we cure that? Is there hope? by AdditionalPizza
See the way I look at it is the singularity for sure will be unimaginable. I think a lot of people underestimate how unimaginable it will be. I don't expect you or I will be the same after it happens. The world will launch from a brisk jog to the speed of light in an instant.
What you're describing to me sounds more like transformative AI. It will be a revolution much larger, but not unlike the industrial revolution. We're already in the beginning of that. We haven't reached its full potential yet, but I've heard experts saying ~30% to ~40% of the way to reaching that point, whatever metrics they use. But that doesn't mean AGI or the singularity. It means the point where AI creates a situation equal to or greater than the industrial revolution relative to its effect on the world.
We could likely see cures for several, possibly all health issues in this time period. When you have transformers with trillions, possibly quadrillions of parameters in this decade, we will most likely see this kind of application.