
AdorableBackground83 t1_j21hze3 wrote

Here’s my hope for what the average single family home in the year 2100 would have.

  • Able to generate excessive abundance of solar energy through more applicable PVs from panels, windows and paint.

  • A garage or room sized manufacturing plant able to create almost any product at the nanoscale.

  • more advanced humanoid robots able to take care of the majority if not all of the household chores from cleaning, to making the bed, dishes, bathrooms, cooking, etc.

I think that’s a good start. If my house had these things then I have more than enough. And I hope they happen before 2100.


AdorableBackground83 t1_j20ympp wrote

I do fear there will be a steep rise in poverty, homelessness, crime, etc. because automation is gonna displace vast amounts of workers in a short period of time thereby reducing the amount of public purchasing power and then the economy will tank considerably due to the lack of spending.

There will be a Great Depression 2.0 that makes the one almost 100 years ago look like nothing in comparison.

And our governments and so called leaders are ill-prepared for the oncoming tech revolution and want to continue to preserve this inherently failing system that is grossly outdated.

In other words we have 21st century technology with 18th century institutions.

In an ideal scenario UBI is immediately implemented while widespread prices continue to drop and technology continues to get more and more advanced to the point to where I feel money, exchange and therefore capitalism needs to be phased out.

Of course it’s not gonna be easy and our leaders are obviously not gonna be that altruistic.


AdorableBackground83 t1_j1t1ab0 wrote

The end goal should be a Resource Based Economy as advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project.

Long story short it’s a post scarcity system that is designed to take care of all human needs and the environment without the use of money, crypto, barter, exchange or servitude of any kind.

It’s a system that is designed for the future whereas our current system is completely outdated and is holding humanity back.

Of course getting from here to there is not gonna be easy at all. It might take a century or two (hopefully less) until we see a true post scarcity society.

Until then ideas like UBI and massive price drops in necessities is the short term goal. Of course our so called leaders and corporations are not gonna be that altruistic unless massive civil unrest and mass economic depression begins to unfold.


AdorableBackground83 t1_j1fa0iw wrote

A resource based economy as advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project

  • a system that actually takes care of human needs in the most optimized ways.

  • a system that is based around the intelligent management, distribution and production of Earths naturally scarce resources.

  • a system that respects and doesn’t damage our ecology and environment all for monetary gain.

  • a system that enables the highest standard of living for every person on the planet 8 billion and beyond.

I could talk for days but if we had this system implemented (especially on a global scale) then we can see more innovation than ever before without any government interference or financial deprivation.


AdorableBackground83 t1_izyckm7 wrote

Automation will be the Emancipation Proclamation for all of humanity.

“Working for a living” will hopefully be a horror story we tell kids 75+ years from now (hopefully less). Instead “living life without servitude” would be the new slogan.

Idk about you but lots of people don’t like their jobs and would quit in a heartbeat if they have the option but they don’t because they have to survive and put food on the table and roof on their head.

That doesn’t mean the idea of “work” will go away. Rather people would pursue their hobbies and interests more. Of course technology will help achieve your goals much easier but nothing wrong with that.

Automation is meant to free humans from repetitive, mundane, and tedious work. Personally I like to cook as a hobby but chopping vegetables is time consuming and boring. So how about one of my fancy gadgets can chop the veggies much faster and efficiently.


AdorableBackground83 t1_izpqrt1 wrote

Because Capitalism has reached its cancerous stage. It’s a system that has completely outlived its usefulness.

This system requires cyclical consumption meaning people need to constantly buy and buy in order to generate GDP and economic growth.

The problem is that Earth doesn’t have unlimited resources and inefficiency is actually good for the economy but bad for our planet and well being.

Think about it. If the health industry discovered a cure or if 3D printing was so efficient that it could print almost everything you want at zero marginal cost then those industries would lose tremendous amounts of market share and jobs.

To put it simply. Efficiency, sustainability and abundance are the enemies of our system.

What we need on this planet is an intelligent management of our earths resources and distributing them in the most efficient way to every human need.

I could talk in detail but I suggest looking up the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project documentaries because they talk about the truth of our world in detail and actually propose real solutions than would benefit humanity.


AdorableBackground83 t1_ize6j58 wrote

The transition will not be easy whatsoever.

The monetary-market system aka capitalism has to fail in order for vast amounts of people to lose faith in their so called leaders.

And unfortunately mass suffering is usually the main initiator for social change.

So don’t be surprised if we see a steep rise in poverty, homelessness, crime and other negative public health factors.

It doesn’t have to be this way. But our moron politicians (besides Yang) are stuck in the 18th century and have no idea how to adapt to an ever changing world.

Ideas like UBI are good short term solutions to at least decrease instability and improve public health somewhat. But ultimately we need a new radical idea that would tremendously benefit humanity forever.

A resource based economy (RBE) as advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project is the true goal.

A society based on the intelligent management of earths resources to benefit every human needs and raise the standard of living so high that people in the long future will look back at us in disgust at how stupid and how primitive we were.


AdorableBackground83 t1_isfgf3w wrote

So I watched a short 30 minute mini doc called “Culture in Decline” by the Zeitgeist Movement. Highly recommend it.

And in particular the last episode they made which was way back in 2013 was titled “Tale of Two Worlds”.

It basically talked about what the would could be 100 years from now in two different scenarios. A dystopia and a almost utopia world.

It’s both interesting and very informing.


AdorableBackground83 t1_is94nyj wrote

I believe a vast majority of crime would be eliminated if everyone had their basic needs and even wants met in the most optimized way.

Also if they come up from “good” backgrounds that is loving parents/family members that give them copious amounts of love and warmth then chances are that person would not even think about committing any criminal or heinous acts.

Criminals are not born, they’re made. Products of mostly bad backgrounds, and a lack of access to basic needs and wants.


AdorableBackground83 t1_irve0zj wrote

Capitalism and money were good systems about 50 years ago but now they’ve become extremely cancerous and I believe we as a human species are ready to take the next step.

I advocate a resource based economy as described by the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project.

If you’d like to learn more then check out some documentaries they made. It’s free on YouTube.


AdorableBackground83 t1_irtlk1m wrote

I hope jobs and money/capitalism for that matter will cease to exist in the future. Maybe 100 years from now hopefully less.

The idea of “making a living” would be a horror story we tell our future great grandchildren about.

99.9% of jobs/tasks today will either be automated or be phased out entirely.

In the future I hope that the average day would be for me copious amounts of leisure time and maybe a hour or two spent on something meaningful like creating a spaceship that goes a million miles per hour. This won’t be for monetary gain but for the betterment of society.