I've just watched the documentary and it does highlight a lot of problems with anti-Semitism in modern society that are legitimate, if not exactly original. However I had a major problem with how it downplayed a lot of other equality issues.
Like, the whole thing where Baddiel brings up that they are expected to take responsibility for Israel as something that Muslims have no point of comparison for. While Muslims are expected to take responsibility for everything from grooming gangs to the 7/7 bombings.
Or like he seems to think that whitewashing casting is a thing of the past for other ethnicities or that disabled actors aren't struggling when able-bodied actors are cast as disabled people.
Its irritating watching him condemn every other progressive cause as excluding Jewish people while sidelining the very contemporary discrimination that other people suffer. He didn't even touch on transphobia in liberal organisations.
Then they roll out David Schwimmer and do lip-service to the fact that Friends was terrible at ethnic diversity, and that the Jewish Representation was sort of there but is left out of the conversation. But they don't talk about how all the casual homophobia on Friends?
I'm not saying every social justice documentary needs to talk about everything. But Baddiel should have been a lot more careful about representing other oppressed people, given the general message of this documentary is that progressives don't care enough about anti-Semitism.
Aduro95 t1_ixaaz8t wrote
Reply to David Baddiel explores TV's problem portraying Jewish life on screen by PetyrDayne
I've just watched the documentary and it does highlight a lot of problems with anti-Semitism in modern society that are legitimate, if not exactly original. However I had a major problem with how it downplayed a lot of other equality issues.
Like, the whole thing where Baddiel brings up that they are expected to take responsibility for Israel as something that Muslims have no point of comparison for. While Muslims are expected to take responsibility for everything from grooming gangs to the 7/7 bombings.
Or like he seems to think that whitewashing casting is a thing of the past for other ethnicities or that disabled actors aren't struggling when able-bodied actors are cast as disabled people.
Its irritating watching him condemn every other progressive cause as excluding Jewish people while sidelining the very contemporary discrimination that other people suffer. He didn't even touch on transphobia in liberal organisations.
Then they roll out David Schwimmer and do lip-service to the fact that Friends was terrible at ethnic diversity, and that the Jewish Representation was sort of there but is left out of the conversation. But they don't talk about how all the casual homophobia on Friends?
I'm not saying every social justice documentary needs to talk about everything. But Baddiel should have been a lot more careful about representing other oppressed people, given the general message of this documentary is that progressives don't care enough about anti-Semitism.