Photo of the comet Hale-Bopp above a tree on 29 March 1997. Wikipedia Picture of the day on May 27, 2008. Source Wikipedia.
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_12336r1 in space
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_12336r1 in space
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Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_1203ysp in space
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_106yd9u in space
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_10odk7o in space
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_zv13ep in space
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_zqbt5q in Futurology
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_zemx83 in Futurology
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_z5g839 in space
Submitted by Aeromarine_eng t3_yy9ff7 in space