Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcic5ln wrote
Reply to comment by FreeGreenCards_ in I don’t know if this was asked a lot but it’s hard to get a clear answer since there’s so much gray area… can I, and if so, how dark may my window tint be on a sedan? My apologies if this is a repeating question, I look forward to y’all’s expertise! by FreeGreenCards_
NY and CA have the same window tint law as PA. My guess is that most of not all states have the same law. Auto companies are not gonna make different windows for different states. Seems like the law for most or all states is 70 percent so if a state allows darker tint then that can be added on later by the owner.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jci9bt0 wrote
Reply to comment by Fine-Blacksmith-9330 in I don’t know if this was asked a lot but it’s hard to get a clear answer since there’s so much gray area… can I, and if so, how dark may my window tint be on a sedan? My apologies if this is a repeating question, I look forward to y’all’s expertise! by FreeGreenCards_
Sorry. The top comment "pa window tint" links to the official state pdf
Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jci84u8 wrote
Reply to comment by IAMABobby in Pa. Treasury might have your money, and now there’s a plan to return it by Aggravating_Foot_528
The PA 529 still isn't great. I use Ohio. NYS is good. So is Iowa. Anything basically run by vanguard has much cheaper fees.
The good thing is that the PA income tax credit for 529 contributions can be used for any state 529.
The PA 529 fees were even worse 10 years ago. But they're still not the most competitive.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jci7qzh wrote
Reply to comment by Fine-Blacksmith-9330 in I don’t know if this was asked a lot but it’s hard to get a clear answer since there’s so much gray area… can I, and if so, how dark may my window tint be on a sedan? My apologies if this is a repeating question, I look forward to y’all’s expertise! by FreeGreenCards_
I don't think this is true else there would be an exception in the law. The pdf is very clear that 70 percent is the law.
I also don't know any car that is produced with illegal window tint.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jci7jln wrote
Reply to comment by FreeGreenCards_ in I don’t know if this was asked a lot but it’s hard to get a clear answer since there’s so much gray area… can I, and if so, how dark may my window tint be on a sedan? My apologies if this is a repeating question, I look forward to y’all’s expertise! by FreeGreenCards_
What factory makes a car for sale in the US with non legal window tint? Probably none.
Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jchr09z wrote
Reply to comment by ewyorksockexchange in Pa. Treasury might have your money, and now there’s a plan to return it by Aggravating_Foot_528
Yes. It's so dumb right now. They know who they have money for. You just need to claim it by producing so much paperwork in some cases and getting signatures notarized that often it's not worth the time/effort.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jchpv35 wrote
I'll guess $1, Bob.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jchn2gx wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in How many times will Swissvale lose power this summer? by Anonymous_Cool
Somehow those sirens never lose power.
Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jch9rpf wrote
Reply to comment by HomicidalHushPuppy in Pa. Treasury might have your money, and now there’s a plan to return it by Aggravating_Foot_528
sorry, posted it above.
Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jch9pgg wrote
Reply to Pa. Treasury might have your money, and now there’s a plan to return it by Aggravating_Foot_528
>The state Treasury is holding unclaimed cash and property belonging to roughly 1 in 10 Pennsylvanians - and the passage of one piece of legislation would allow it to speed the return of some of that to its rightful owners, Treasurer Stacy Garrity said Wednesday.
>The proposed change would allow the Treasury to automatically write a check to return unclaimed money up to $5,000 to its rightful owner, eliminating the requirement that the owner file formal claim.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcgl0in wrote
Reply to comment by Joeboku in PSA: Gillece will outright lie to you and sabotage your HVAC system if you call them for a service check so you'll buy a new one from them. by [deleted]
Look at Angie or whatever they call Angie's list now. When I moved here I used that and found it helpful.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcghbhr wrote
Reply to comment by NSlocal in PSA: Gillece will outright lie to you and sabotage your HVAC system if you call them for a service check so you'll buy a new one from them. by [deleted]
Pay you because they'd crack the part and then add on what they paid you to fix it.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcgf1xw wrote
Reply to comment by AnewENTity in PSA: Gillece will outright lie to you and sabotage your HVAC system if you call them for a service check so you'll buy a new one from them. by [deleted]
Agreed Insulation is probably the single best investment you can make in a house. Will certainly extend the life of your HVAC and make it much more efficient compared to pre insulation.
Wondering if the fault point for the newer equipment are the electronics?
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcgbpcw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in PSA: Gillece will outright lie to you and sabotage your HVAC system if you call them for a service check so you'll buy a new one from them. by [deleted]
yeah, gotta balance everything else that needs to be done.
I do love our new system. So much more efficient, very quiet. no muss, no fuss, but if there are other things more pressing, gotta do those.
I do bet you could get a few more years out of the current setup though.
If you do keep it for a few more years may be worth having a HVAC company come out to clean it out/check it every fall. That service isn't too much $.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcg9q7f wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in PSA: Gillece will outright lie to you and sabotage your HVAC system if you call them for a service check so you'll buy a new one from them. by [deleted]
may be worth finding a reputable company to proactively replace it anyway. You probably will recoup the replacement cost given the much better efficiency and not have to worry about it crapping out again in the winter.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcg970q wrote
Reply to PSA: Gillece will outright lie to you and sabotage your HVAC system if you call them for a service check so you'll buy a new one from them. by [deleted]
we really need to sticky one of these threads.
sorry you had to go through this.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcfr5u6 wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in Why are there seagulls in central PA all of a sudden? by TxGinger587
There is a group that lives around the highland park bridge year round
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcfahb5 wrote
Reply to comment by Logical-Rip-8138 in Pittsburgh to century 3 Mall by Ready-to-learn
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcdkcgv wrote
Reply to comment by PigsOfRedemption in Isn't this the dam truth! Especially the last few weeks. by jeepguy1982
Settle down there, Clark.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcdk00s wrote
I like the dam French fries
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcdjevy wrote
Reply to comment by The_TP_Protege in Sick of litter on PA highways? Notify PennDOT. Best chance we got by Ribzee
Or,.you could just not crash your truck and not need to deal with any of this
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcdgxkz wrote
Reply to Pittsburgh to century 3 Mall by Ready-to-learn
You can use Google maps and it'll show you the best PRT route for that time of day. It'll give you detailed directions including all the stops and where to walk to catch the bus.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcdg42h wrote
Reply to comment by The_TP_Protege in Sick of litter on PA highways? Notify PennDOT. Best chance we got by Ribzee
They have sovereign immunity so you're not going to get much in return. They'll cover your deductible, maybe.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcdemo7 wrote
Reply to comment by Biscuit_bell in What is the rationale when bikers go to the front of a line of cars? by TonyUncleJohnny412
I do this at certain intersections. Depends on the amount of traffic etc and how narrow it coming up. And if I'm turning or not. If I don't do this, then when I get behind a line of cars at a light I get right in the middle of the lane and then move back to the right after the intersection so I'm not taken out by turning cars or people cutting me off at the other end of the intersection.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcid0kg wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in I don’t know if this was asked a lot but it’s hard to get a clear answer since there’s so much gray area… can I, and if so, how dark may my window tint be on a sedan? My apologies if this is a repeating question, I look forward to y’all’s expertise! by FreeGreenCards_
Here's the list.
I'm sure manufacturers just pick the most restrictive laws (looks like PA, NY, CA and other states) and make all windows like that else would need 51 different window packages at the factory and then they couldn't move supply around from state to state, and then people couldn't register their car in different states without replacing the windows.