AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j63u2qh wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in I-95 in CT ranks as most congested corridor in USA beating out LA; Merritt Parkway also makes top 10 by celticnutjob
What's right around the station like now? Was very low income housing projects last I was there. Vaguely remember some development though. Just looked at the map, it's just vacant lots?
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j61zeis wrote
People who got tricked by WalletHub and Facebook memes are fleeing to greener pastures.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5zfbcw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in CT's legislature salaries are starvation wages, $28k/year. You have to be retired or rich to serve. This is regressive and should be changed. by MormonReformist
We have them. Every so many years, the term is limited by having to be reelected with popular support.
If someone is popular and gets elected what's the issue?
I prefer the wisdom of experienced people than some arbitrary feel good term limits.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5zew1q wrote
Reply to comment by MormonReformist in CT's legislature salaries are starvation wages, $28k/year. You have to be retired or rich to serve. This is regressive and should be changed. by MormonReformist
Probably should have known that before having a strong opinion.
AhbabaOooMaoMao OP t1_j5x2csr wrote
Reply to comment by KosmikDonut in Housatonic River designated Wild and Scenic by AhbabaOooMaoMao
Where was that at? What sort of mess is there?
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5wri0w wrote
Reply to comment by TheSecretAgenda in Favorite things to do in/near Granby by cspawn
Love New Gate in those dog days. Be 110° outside, still 42° down in the mine.
AhbabaOooMaoMao OP t1_j5w28n6 wrote
Reply to comment by hamockin in Housatonic River designated Wild and Scenic by AhbabaOooMaoMao
Yes, the article didn't really say much.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5uf17x wrote
Reply to comment by FxTree-CR2 in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5u7bk7 wrote
Reply to comment by FxTree-CR2 in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
One sentence, no reference to any statute or code to be changed?
GR people at least kick language around.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5tuk0n wrote
Reply to comment by FxTree-CR2 in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
You're right I should have just replied with "no you're wrong" instead of....gasp....asking for evidence. What was I thinking.
I did click around for a while. And do somewhat regularly, when a bill interests me professionally.
Can't say in all my years I remember seeing so many one liners as I did from Fazio. Virtually all of his bills.
Even clicking random bills from random other reps and senators, I didn't find any.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5s3uy2 wrote
Reply to comment by scatematica in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
I'll need a citation on that standard. Willing to be corrected. Amendments? Sure.
Not something like this. They at least copy and paste a few paragraphs some lawyer sent in.
I guess you think it's going to pass too, or do we at least half agree?
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5rn7y8 wrote
Reply to comment by Jawaka99 in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
Or you could just not be a reactionary.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5rn6mx wrote
Reply to comment by OpelSmith in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
Got links to that Republican bill?
Smells like bullshit.
E: Yeah it's bullshit. Not even a real bill. Just one sentence, practically written in crayon. Zero shot it's going to pass.
Most of this dude's bills are identical. Pie in the sky headlines, zero chance of passing into law without being completely rewritten by someone competent, or, I should say, even written in the first place. Full of tax cuts for the super rich and benefit cuts for the poor. https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&bill_num=SB00171&which_year=2023
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5qobbz wrote
Reply to The future of CT is very dark. by usidoretheblue62
Damn I got all fired up thinking this was going to be another WalletHub hit job.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5leji0 wrote
Reply to comment by gyokuro in Meriden cannabis developer, OSHA settle after Massachusetts worker dies by gyokuro
I'm not sure the DCP has any authority to take adverse government action against a business license based on the out-of-court settlement of non-serious and probably specious OSHA violations.
Here's an article by an OSHA lawyer on the citations and the settlement.
OSHA found the exposure to the Ground Cannabis Dust to be causally related to the death, but OSHA doesn't regulate Ground Cannabis Dust and probably cannot do so because it's federally illegal.
It's pretty normal to make the company start funding research the issue. OSHA doesn't have any leverage to force any other commercial grower to fund research, and their citations and jurisdiction in this case were pretty thin.
The settlement also includes:
>undertake a study to determine whether GCD qualifies as a “hazardous chemical” under OSHA hazard communications regulations;
>engage a health professional to develop a program that gives workers guidance on managing potential occupational health impacts from GCD exposure, including allergic sensitization;
>explore having NIOSH conduct an HHE;
>revise employment policies to include job transfer options;
>create an employee information and training program to inform workers about potential allergic sensitization, and its symptoms, from working with GCD in an occupational setting and steps employees should take if they experience such responses;
>investigate options for engineering controls, such as isolating commercial grinding areas and other locations with high GCD concentrations;
>establish a policy requiring the Holyoke facility to have at least one worker at every shift trained in first aid and AED use; and
>determine whether cannabis qualifies as a combustible dust and implement measures accordingly.
The article I linked notes:
>In the unlikely event Trulieve determines that commercially produced GCD meets the criteria for a hazardous chemical under OSHA’s regulations, then likely the entire industry will need to ensure their full compliance with all hazard communication requirements. But, even if Trulieve does not deem GCD a hazardous chemical, resolution of the Trulieve citation impacts all cannabis producers. Because the measures in the Trulieve settlement reflect (in part) OSHA’s expectations of reasonable safety measures that employers should be taking in this industry, we expect OSHA to use this settlement and HAL as a blueprint for establishing safety requirements for all cannabis producers.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4ztfz1 wrote
Reply to comment by Supernothappy in Was there ever a mob in Connecticut? by Stamfordsterling
Says you. You're so obviously stupid though, and wrong.
See you're just dumb.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4zsses wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Was there ever a mob in Connecticut? by Stamfordsterling
Wow how gullible are you.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4zsqdz wrote
Reply to comment by 404freedom14liberty in Was there ever a mob in Connecticut? by Stamfordsterling
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4y6zcl wrote
Reply to comment by LazyUpvote88 in Lawmakers considering bill to allow aid in dying in Connecticut by IndicationOver
Medical debt is a three for one for the billionaire class.
Make money treating you, make money keeping you in the workforce, make money keeping your kids in the workforce.
A case of cancer or a catastrophic injury quickly turns into generational poverty, in the land of the free.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4x89h8 wrote
Reply to comment by Pinkumb in Lawmakers considering bill to allow aid in dying in Connecticut by IndicationOver
I've definitely talked to people with tinnitus who said that it was driving them slowly insane and making them want to die.
In fact I recall that people with tinnitus have a higher rate of suicide.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4x82op wrote
Reply to comment by Pinkumb in Lawmakers considering bill to allow aid in dying in Connecticut by IndicationOver
>People should be aware this is rapidly becoming a culture war issue. This is largely because 1) an associated press bombshell article about Canada's medical assistance in dying program (MAID) and 2) American conservatives reorienting their arguments about pro-life to focus on this issue.... > >The gist of the pro argument is it is only humane to allow people to choose when to die. We know the vast majority of a person's lifetime medical expenses will occur within 90 days of their death. We know medical debt is the main reason people declare bankruptcy.
>The gist of the anti argument is these policies innately corrupt medical institutions that are supposed to be stalwart advocates for your right to life.
Conservatives are turning this into a culture war because of the part that I have placed in bold.
The stated gist of the anti-argument is the alleged corruption of medical doctoring. That's a pretext. I'm sure that there are some religious types and literal adherents of the Hippocratic Oath that are serious, but in the halls of government, this is coming from the health care lobby and drug companies and their lapdog Republicans.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4verlv wrote
Reply to comment by JHolm915 in Republicans Outline Proposals to Reduce Energy Costs by IndicationOver
Oh yeah, sorry I didn't click the link on the article you'd have to be a moron to believe.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4tvyv4 wrote
Reply to comment by JHolm915 in Republicans Outline Proposals to Reduce Energy Costs by IndicationOver
I did. It's a handout to Eversource and a plan for deregulation. Damn you are gullible though huh? Or you're in on it. Wonder how come you had that private Google link.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j4tfak1 wrote
Reply to comment by JHolm915 in Republicans Outline Proposals to Reduce Energy Costs by IndicationOver
>You should read the actual plan not the article which is incredibly misleading.(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mnx3ML1iKdc8ZYyJ3pxe1ufhwarVkCHi/view) It's calling for the fees imposed by the state on the energy bills to be included in the state budget and not reflected on our energy bills. It has nothing to do with any money that eversource is receiving but government fees imposed by lawmakers. It also calls for a separation of PURA from DEEP to give it more control of the situation and differentiate PURA policies from DEEP which hinder energy procurement sources. It also calls for the expansion of procurement from nuclear, hydro, and other viable and stable options. Lastly it calls for more oversight of utility companies. > >Sounds pretty reasonable to me when you actually read it. Considering so far we are just using state programs funded by tax payers and donations to subsidize the higher costs and excuse their practices as you seem to believe this proposal was about.
It's all buzzwords and nonsense.
Yes it would certainly be easier for Eversource to run circles around PURA if it didn't have all the lawyers and scientists from DEEP to contend with.
Obviously Eversource would love nothing more than to weaken PURA.
Obviously the rest of the proposal you're okay with, such as neutering the ability of PURA and the AG to enforce settlements against Eversource.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j63uekd wrote
Reply to comment by Fit_Low592 in I-95 in CT ranks as most congested corridor in USA beating out LA; Merritt Parkway also makes top 10 by celticnutjob
Small vehicles is another option. That Segway guy was ahead of his time.