AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itt11oj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
>We’ve been playing god with dog breeds for over a thousand years. Lol @ eugenics like this is some kind of Nazi experiment. We created the breed by selective breeding,
No, dude. It's just the next intellectual mistake in the line of thinking that you are wrongly following.
You have fundamentally misunderstood genetics and behavior. And that's fine because you're not a zoologist or veterinarian.
It's not fine though when you're being blatantly manipulated into defending the exact false logic that actual Nazis used to justify the Holocaust, including the false concepts of racial hygiene and biological determinism.
Do you recognize and agree that you are saying identical things about races of dogs as Hitler and the Nazis said about races of people?
Now that it has been directly pointed out to you, do you see how your messaging might be used by foreign intelligence services as they run social media campaigns to amplify extreme, far right ideology, such as racial hygiene and biological determinism?
Do you now accept you are fundamentally wrong about the science of genetics and behavior and you sound indistinguishable from someone arguing the earth is flat?
Do you accept that you were demonstrably incorrect about the history of the breed and what it was selectively breed for?
And finally do you appreciate how selective breeding of domesticated animals and man's best friend is not the same as doing it to man?
I don't find your dangerous and uninformed reasoning funny at all. I find it stupid and immature.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itswm3d wrote
Reply to comment by CaptServo in Fewer people want to be Connecticut officers, recent violence against police may be to blame by lokitdwn
Oh fuck yes right there.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itswkqx wrote
Reply to Fewer people want to be Connecticut officers, recent violence against police may be to blame by lokitdwn
*says the police and their unions.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itswb5m wrote
Reply to comment by DRockDrop in Fewer people want to be Connecticut officers, recent violence against police may be to blame by lokitdwn
Yet not even a top 10 most dangerous job.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itr61rr wrote
Reply to comment by favrion in Where can I buy inexpensive business professional attire near Bristol and Waterbury? by favrion
Start with /r/mensfashion and /r/malefashionadvice and /r/frugalmalefashion
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itqy5m2 wrote
Reply to Water Damage Repair Company? by ShplaDOW
Don't use ServPro. Hire an actual home improvement contractor.
Make your homeowner's claims asap if you haven't.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itqkot2 wrote
Reply to Where can I buy inexpensive business professional attire near Bristol and Waterbury? by favrion
There's some good subreddits that can help you develop a wardrobe.
If you're going to be wearing a suit everyday, for example, you don't need to start out with 15 suits, all tailored
I read something once that a man's wardrobe can be completely made over with just seven new articles of clothing or something. It's about buying versatile clothing that you can wear with different outfits.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itqjm1i wrote
I find this quote suspect.
Shitty journalism not to at least include a citation or link to the original quote so that readers can get the context if they want it. It would be good journalism for the author to include the full context.
What's my saying that Connecticut has the lowest rates out of the New England states or the New England has the lowest rates generally out of the whole country?
There's really no way to discern what this quote is supposed to be without any other context. The article does not even attempt to clarify the fact that the quote could be taken in more than one way.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itq4n5v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
There's the anti science pure blood bullshit.
That's not how genetics work. ✅
Pitbulls were selectively bred for hunting. ✅
Pitbulls were later bred for loyalty more than for fighting, with only a handful of dogs being trained to fight. ✅
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itq45me wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
I fixed it.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itq3zpd wrote
Reply to comment by BeadyEyedThieves in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
You're actually just insane.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itq07yd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Wrongly quoting them. You're not including over half of all dogs. And your quoting a tally as evidence of propensity, which it is not.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itpvo2y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
>I don’t watch videos of animal attacks, and you’re missing the key statistic. Yes, lots of dogs bite, but pits alone are responsible for over 2/3 of fatal dog attacks, despite being a fraction of the dog population.
Yes you're missing the actual key point, which is that in OVER HALF OF THOSE FATAL ALL DOG ATTACKS THE BREED INFORMATION IS NOT RECORDED.
>Sorry friend, nothing you are going to say is going to change
Yes we can see that you're dumb, unwilling to accept information that that wholly contradicts your anti-science bullshit.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itpv9pw wrote
Reply to comment by Ordinary_Guitar_5074 in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Laws have to have a rational basis to hold up.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itpusn6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Here comes the false argument about genetics and the pitch for eugenics and ethnic cleansing.....
Wait for it....
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itpum5u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Actually they all say that in the majority of cases the breed is unknown.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itjvst4 wrote
Reply to comment by oooxo in need help remembering a the name of a spot by oooxo
Cool spot. Learned about it on here. Someone shared some pics of the cave.
Train yard built right into the rocks, two highways on top. So cool. It's a useful place to reference for dating train maps apparently.
It looks sick right now in fall.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itibye1 wrote
My guess:
"shep hestor."
Probably an amalgamation of
- dutch sheop (sheep).
- hayrester (hairester/hayste, a hair-cloth maker, or one who makes garments from livestock hair).
or, less convincing
- haester (from the French kitchen worker who turns the spit (or haste) over the fire, a hasteur).
So Sheophester Rd. is named after s family whose occupation was as shepards, either turning them into clothing or eating them...probably both.
Go see the sheppy we'd say, if we were cold or hungry. Like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they call Shelbyville in those days, so I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. So, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Give me five bees for a quarter you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah! The important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.
Could check land records in the town by name search. Probably turn up a few with the name, could be some around to ask. It's common enough too, maybe search YouTube for someone with that name, maybe they will say it. That would be convincing. Not sure how important this answer is to you. Thanks for sticking this out to the end.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_isewf0q wrote
Reply to comment by sjsmac in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
That's weird.
Sounds like a bunch of anti American babies.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_isewakx wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
Seems that way to you maybe.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_isew2md wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
>Yes cause of fraud .. I know I know that’s a trump thing your gonna say….. I have seen things at a city level that comes down to a lot of incompetencey . But I think will cause huge issues .. like every yeah always seem to hear of an issue we’re oops one poll station had the wrong ballets or ran out of ballots. Also now with early voting there are more times of handling ballots where they can get lost one year the person checking ID they never crossed my name off . I know of an issue where absentees ballots where miss placed.. also I feel with more days there is more chance of if people want to mess around they can . Before trump year after year state or federal level you hear of some issue with the polls . I just feel in general we need to revamp the system . And I don’t think just doing early voting will help
Early voting is a major revamp.
The reason for those problems you describe is that we're trying to cram this massive thing into just 14 hours.
There's no live training. No soft open.
If you spread it out, it doesn't matter if you run out of something or the staff buckles, there's time for trained public employees to address the problem.
For example, right now on election day the Sec State's office is spread so thin, they have to rely on actual conscripted lawyers,deputized over the phone, to administer elections, in a pinch.
If there's a few days the actual lawyers who know about this stuff and who are paid public servants can address inevitable problems. It would be much better for the public.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iseuvh9 wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
Every now and then you sound very reasonable but then you go say things like this.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iseujj1 wrote
Reply to comment by spmahn in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
Yes because despite losses, they still have unlimited dark money, no marriage with truth, and a willingness to use political violence. This is also nationwide.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_irugjgn wrote
>Stefanowski said he wants to spend $2 billion on “giving the average family back about $2,000 dollars.”
>Stefanowski repeatedly highlighted the difficulty people are having paying electricity bills, gas, rent, property taxes, and the like. He said the state should extend its gas tax holiday through 2023 and reverse the diesel tax increase that took place in July, which he blamed Lamont for. He would repeal the highway use tax on large commercial trucks set to take effect in the new year.
Nice things cost money. Stefanowski does not want Connecticut to have nice things. It's austerity, thinly veiled as generosity.
Yeah, pay day Bob cares about saving working families, checks notes, $2,000.00.
How much will his tax cuts save himself? They will cost him nothing; he would not notice if the gas tax was 1000%.
How much will his tax cuts cost the 99% in reduced services, failing infrastructure, and outdated utilities?
The dude is an absolute piece of shit. It's 2022 and centimillionaire Republicans are still tricking working people into simping for trickle-down economics.
What a world we have where they find such gullible voters, all of them certain their own impoverishment is temporary, voting for policies they'll never be wealthy enough to be advantaged by.
Billionaire class floating by our shore on $300m megayachts; CTGOP voters at their 900 sq ft beach houses with a kayak, will fight you for $2,000.00 in tax savings.
Stefanowski and anyone gullible enough to vote for him can eat a bag of dicks. There's no excuse for falling for this shit anymore.
Edit: By the way what is the work he did representing a business in Saudi Arabia?
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itt20i7 wrote
Reply to comment by RunnyDischarge in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Actually it's y'all. Misunderstanding statistics and research, misquoting data, who sound like flat earthers.
It's like you've never heard of "selection bias" or never took a class that included research fundamentals.
In half of all attacks the breed is unknown.
Of course the worst attacks will be over-reported.
People who play the lottery are bad with money.
It's a selection bias. The conclusion you're drawing (that pitbulls are dangerous) is not what research on the number of dog bites measures.
Doesn't that register with you? That you're not drawing a right conclusion from your data?
Do you not see the flaw in your reasoning?