AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ivpf1sj wrote
Reply to comment by kryonik in Local Political FB group that allows “both side to have a healthy discussion”. by WhaleyWino235
I suggest Google maps for places.
In Google search results. If you just type in local events, it will give you a quick info panel in the top of your search results with tons of local events, many of them I think indexed directly from Facebook.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ivpeh6p wrote
Reply to comment by Regallybeagley in Local Political FB group that allows “both side to have a healthy discussion”. by WhaleyWino235
I had thought the same thing but I'm an attorney and so my clients need to be honest and decent or else I don't want to work with them. So I had no trouble walking away from Facebook. Recently got rid of our business Twitter too.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ivoj8mz wrote
Reply to Local Political FB group that allows “both side to have a healthy discussion”. by WhaleyWino235
Delete Facebook. Only idiots are left on there.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iutt39u wrote
Reply to comment by Various-Space-680 in Connecticut governor candidates clash over police deaths by jr_reddit
It was 100% one of his voters. The dude was a hardcore Trumper and Good Guy™ with a gun.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iup9a0y wrote
Really need to have random adults walking away from an elementary school with kids?
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iukozg8 wrote
Fucking corporate media. Does Utah not have any actual issues? I know that's not true.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iujo1dm wrote
Therapy? You shouldn't be depressed after a TV show.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuiklc9 wrote
Reply to comment by AskWhyMoreOften in CT Private Business should be required to share income with their employees by laxmolnar
OP was saying it should be required.
I think if an employee of any company is relying on state income-based benefits, that amount of the benefits should be added on to the company's tax liability at the end of the year.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuik031 wrote
Reply to comment by DarkDeSantis in Transgender people in CT seeking medical care can face ignorance and stigma. Not at Hartford HealthCare’s new gender health center. by jr_reddit
Edgelord basement dweller much?
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuijrqc wrote
Reply to comment by Budakaman in Transgender people in CT seeking medical care can face ignorance and stigma. Not at Hartford HealthCare’s new gender health center. by jr_reddit
Yes, and you are the individual.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuijib5 wrote
Reply to comment by Budakaman in Transgender people in CT seeking medical care can face ignorance and stigma. Not at Hartford HealthCare’s new gender health center. by jr_reddit
You realize a doctor is supervising these transitions, you can't just walk in and go into surgery because you want to.
It's a long, long transition. It occurs over many years for most people.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuiiwm1 wrote
Reply to comment by maxanderson350 in Reflecting on CT's messy history surrounding Indigenous peoples and place names by Usedtoknowsomeone46
>I'm not sure I understand the author's objective with this article. Is the idea that these place names need to be changed? are harmful? or are simply quirks of history?
Did you miss the second half of the article below those links?
Author's conclusion:
>Place names are not permanent. If some are questionable by today’s standards, citizens can debate the decision to pass them on or to change them. Doing so responsibly requires honest conversation, respect for Indigenous voices, and a willingness to redress the thorny history of Connecticut.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iug0z2f wrote
Reply to Looking for a giant hot dog by lc3009
Has to be right off either 84 or 95, most likely 95.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuf6qol wrote
Reply to How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
See assholes in infowarrior rides throwing them out the windows all the time.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iud8bkh wrote
Reply to comment by jon_hendry in CT's 5th District race between Hayes, Logan has national implications by happyjammy123
"National implications" here Just means that conservative media will be able to say "he look even woke Connecticut doesn't like socially conscious black women!"
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iub6sdy wrote
Reply to comment by FunnymanCS in Nancy Pelosi asked her husband, "Any plans for tonight?" by TimothyHalpern
Keep believing you're in on some super special secret even though you know you're outside your lane and actually have no relevant education or experience as to politics or the lives of successful politicians. ✅
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iuakeuq wrote
Reply to comment by FunnymanCS in Nancy Pelosi asked her husband, "Any plans for tonight?" by TimothyHalpern
Maybe if you're a gullible dumbass.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9npfe wrote
Wow! A joke about a conservative terrorist trying to assassinate the third person in line for the presidency. Good one. /s
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9juws wrote
Reply to comment by BlkOwndYtFam in so who wants bet.... by AdHistorical7107
Uhhh, okay what part do you think I'm lying about? Certainly not the part where you haven't provided an official source saying that a bear season is recommended by science.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9eai2 wrote
Reply to comment by MightyMason in Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
Maybe read back what you wrote? I think you may have forgotten a word or something.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9dzw3 wrote
Reply to comment by BlkOwndYtFam in so who wants bet.... by AdHistorical7107
Blah blah blah.
If anything, we are the problem, having encroached on the bears natural territory.
There was a single bear attack.
Show me the reports signed off by the state biologists saying there are too many bears and that an open season is the only a recommended solution.
I keep seeing people say that the state biologists support this. The ones I have spoken to in person do not. Still waiting to see a report from any state agency saying that this is the correct approach.
I don't think it's too much to ask to approach this from a science-based standpoint, instead of based on our fee fees, blood lust to shoot animals, and unreasonable fear of puppy dog-like black bears.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9ds00 wrote
Reply to comment by triguywalker in Connecticut ranked most stressed state in the country, new study reveals by Qbase11
Yes, I am definitely stressed about corporate media jamming pseudoscientific bullshit down the public's throat.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu8wtx4 wrote
Reply to comment by MightyMason in Remote high school or Dropout? by SouthWindsorHS2024
Seems like you were trying to tell me that felons could not legally work any job.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu8wqur wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in so who wants bet.... by AdHistorical7107
It must be so cool to read a document written 250 years ago with the mentality of a tiny baby who is oblivious to context or depth, without reading significant developments in 250 years of American jurisprudence.
Just as a narrowly tailored time place manner restrictions on government-owned property does not touch or offend the First Amendment, it does not concern the Second either. Not sure if you can understand that over the sound of your childish screeching.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ivps7ji wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in Local Political FB group that allows “both side to have a healthy discussion”. by WhaleyWino235
Wouldn't surprise me.