
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixch4il wrote

Because before you ever defend your home with it, you're more likely to kill a family member or yourself with it. Like, exponentially more likely.

If you do ever defend your home with it, you're likely to punch rounds through your walls and then through the wall of the house next to you and through some little kids sleeping in their bed a half a block away.

Or you're likely to snap one day and then ambush a couple of cops.

What's wrong with the shotgun?

Trying to think of another home security option where "might occasionally kill family members by accident" is listed under the "pros." Can you think of any? I suppose if you had an alligator filled moat, someone could fall in and you might be like "well it's not a bug it's a feature."

Don't see many people with alligator filled moats though do you.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ix9cm8e wrote

Ha. Imagine that. If these goobers were to actually seize a seat of power and declare itself a provisional government, it would go down just like January 6.

They'd pop off for long enough for people to figure out what's going on, and then legitimate military and law enforcement would utterly destroy them.

On January 6th police only shot one girl and then the entire revolt surrendered.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ivxpnui wrote

They are proliferating and moving further and further north. Soon might be in the sub Arctic.

This isn't unique to CT. They are considered invasive through Europe and Asia as well because of the pet industry. Of course originally they were tropical birds.

That's warming. I edited my post a bit to be more clear.
