AlVic40117560_ t1_iv0r129 wrote
Reply to comment by turbo_fried_chicken in Oprah backs Oz rival Fetterman in Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate race by return2ozma
The alternative was Dave McCormick. It doesn’t matter either way. I’d honestly prefer Oz over McCormick.
AlVic40117560_ t1_iui5ey4 wrote
Reply to comment by ParfaitMajestic5339 in No, Pennsylvania didn’t send 255K ballots to ‘unverified’ voters by krabstarr
I had the same experience in Montgomery
AlVic40117560_ t1_iuet503 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Police: 6 people shot outside nightclub in Northern Liberties by doc89
What brings you to that conclusion?
AlVic40117560_ t1_iu307l0 wrote
Reply to comment by psychcaptain in Shocking corruption: Federal agents capture Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff on video selling two of the guns used in deadly shooting after Roxborough High School football scrimmage by IdunnoabouttheseDems
Like most of these things, it was a half truth. He was doing cardiac testing on dogs. He’s a heart doctor and at the time, animal testing on dogs was pretty standard. The medical community has since moved away from dogs for the most part, but what he was doing wasn’t out of the ordinary. I haven’t looked into it since the first time I looked into it so my numbers may not be perfect, but I think there were 3 dogs out of about 300 over a 15 or so year period that were in question for being mistreated. One of those three based on the investigation was treated humanly after having complications. The other two ended up staying alive for a few days after being paralyzed when they should have been euthanized. And Dr. Oz wasn’t the actual person doing any of these tests. He was just on the board I believe.
So was Dr. Oz involved in killing puppies? Yes. Was he maliciously killing and torturing puppies? No.
AlVic40117560_ t1_iu2v8se wrote
Reply to comment by Clarck_Kent in Shocking corruption: Federal agents capture Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff on video selling two of the guns used in deadly shooting after Roxborough High School football scrimmage by IdunnoabouttheseDems
It’s taken me until this election to find out how effective those ads are. Anybody I know that is against Fetterman brings up the “he wants to let out murders!!” thing. First of all, good move Oz campaign. That’s been wildly effective.
I’ve explained it to a bunch of people at this point and it’s either they realize how they got dooped by a political attack ad, or they just keep making worse and worse excuses which leads me to believe they are just going to vote for the person their party was going to put up anyways.
The first time I saw the murders ad, I thought “that’s concerning. Let’s look more I to that.” Then when you actually look into it, it’s not what it sounds like at all. Apparently the 5 minutes of research is much more than what most people will do.
AlVic40117560_ t1_iu2fxjb wrote
Reply to comment by LenniLanape in Shocking corruption: Federal agents capture Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff on video selling two of the guns used in deadly shooting after Roxborough High School football scrimmage by IdunnoabouttheseDems
You could try doing an ounce of research before you just believe what you see in a political ad campaign. I’d say you probably actually think Dr. Oz killed puppies too, but I bet you conveniently don’t believe that one before even looking into it.
AlVic40117560_ t1_it36nhb wrote
Reply to comment by lager81 in Areas of Western Pennsylvania see first snowfall of the season by JBupp
I’m praying for a day like that this year!
AlVic40117560_ t1_it23cya wrote
It’d be great if we could bring some if that snowfall East. Specifically to the Poconos. If it could all be concentrated to an area such as Blue Mountian, that’s even better.
AlVic40117560_ t1_isyz7rf wrote
Reply to comment by Lumpy_Space_Princess in Harlansburg, Pennsylvania on the morning of 10/19/22 by Knarrenheinz1989
You don’t have to rip through moguls to have fun. Cruise down the greens and your knees will be fine!
AlVic40117560_ t1_isxny2z wrote
Reply to comment by IllRepresentative603 in Harlansburg, Pennsylvania on the morning of 10/19/22 by Knarrenheinz1989
I’d be more than happy to! I always tell people that hate snow/winter that they need to pick up a winter hobby like skiing/snowboarding. You’ll learn to start looking forward to it rather than dreading it.
AlVic40117560_ t1_isxfs06 wrote
Reply to comment by Least-Bag1626 in Harlansburg, Pennsylvania on the morning of 10/19/22 by Knarrenheinz1989
I’m asking for the complete opposite. I can’t wait for snow!!
AlVic40117560_ t1_ir4zo16 wrote
Reply to comment by Disastrous_Rip3682 in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
I really think you’ll be surprised. Republicans are loyal and don’t miss a vote.
AlVic40117560_ t1_iv0tjd9 wrote
Reply to comment by BrainWav in Oprah backs Oz rival Fetterman in Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate race by return2ozma
I’m not sure if you replied to the right person. I’m just saying without Oz, there’s just another dishonest asshole running in his place.