
AlVic40117560_ t1_j23wi9e wrote

Never underestimate the enjoyment you can have by doing things alone. If you’re always waiting on other people to join you, you’re going to miss out on a lot of great stuff. I’ll often go on snowboarding trips alone when nobody else is available. I have a buddy who just spend a month backpacking around Europe alone. Want to see a movie or go to a restaurant and nobody else has time time to join or can’t find anybody else interested? Go alone! I know there’s a lot of people that feel uncomfortable about doing things alone, but once you realize your in the background of other peoples lives and they don’t really notice you or care that you are alone, you get over it pretty quickly. Everybody is the main character of their own life and they’re much more worried about themselves than they are about you sitting alone at a restaurant. It’s definitely fun to go with others too, so reach out and see if anybody would like to join you. If they say no and you want to go, just do it!


AlVic40117560_ t1_izg8dcb wrote

Well that sounds dramatic. I did a very similar call center job in college. The job definitely sucked, but I wouldn’t quite call it horrendous and soul sucking haha. I think you may have been taking a minimum wage job a little too seriously.


AlVic40117560_ t1_izefe8z wrote

I guess you have a point that if you believe in supporting their cause, you might be willing to take an underpaid job that doesn’t suit your abilities in order to help them raise money. But if you’re sensitivity gets in the way of your personal well-being, there may be better ways for you to help.


AlVic40117560_ t1_iw9s46g wrote

If you’re worried about that, just say you’re working for their campaign and picking up their signs. I’ve worked on political campaigns in the past and the day after Election Day is spent picking up signs all day. By the looks of it, not every campaign is run that way. There are still a bunch of signs out. Though it is interesting to notice is about 70% the people that lost, 30% the people that won that are still up. Maybe the losers just gave up after the election.