
AlanMorlock t1_jeglhgp wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cell Phones *in* Movies by wBuddha

My point is, I don't think Scorsese is particularly avoidant of the story implications of texting. He's made period pieces since then but most of his films in the preceeding g 16 years were also period pieces. Not much of a change for him at all.


AlanMorlock t1_jeet8fl wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cell Phones *in* Movies by wBuddha

People say this but most of them didn't really make many contemporary set films prior to smart phones either.

With Scorsese for instance in the 90s, he made 2 films thst were contemporary set, Cape Fear and Brigingout the dead, and 4 period pieces, Goodfellas, Casino, Age of Innocence and Kundun. Idlly enough hosn200s best picture winner includes a in-pocket T9 texting scene!


AlanMorlock t1_jeet28f wrote

Peollenalways bring up slasher films as being disrupted by cellphones but honestly a cellphone isn't particularly helpful when someone is trying to stab you.


AlanMorlock t1_je3rs66 wrote

None of which would work if they hadn't been allowed to vertically integrate and take over the ticketing for essentially every venue over a certain size. There's not another game in town.


AlanMorlock t1_je3pkzj wrote


AlanMorlock t1_je29d61 wrote

Personally I don't find musicians lives to be particularly I threshing especially when filtered through the needs of arc based dramatic story telling.

Someone one lime Oppenheimer was a pretty odd and contradictory person, not popularly well known outside a few quotes. Nolan will likely have some interesting structuring devices, with the use of black and white possibly moving to that format for scenes after trh bomb test. Beyond finding the subject more interesting, Oppenheimer is more interesting to me than most biopics becausenirsnacruslky interested in being a film and seeing ehat you can donwithinnthst medium. A lot of biopics are are only slightly above the made for TV movies thst used to play on VH1 or whatever.


AlanMorlock t1_jael71u wrote

While thr popularity has undoubtedly receded, there's an extent tonehich broadcast TV numbers are a really dumb way to measure that. It's possible that there is more coverage and discussion of the Oscars than in many years, thar engagement just isn't monetizable by ABC. The Oscars locked into a billion dollar contract with broadcast ststion righbefor thr bottom dropped out from pretty much that entire medium.