
AlanMorlock t1_j9qao37 wrote

"In the beginning, the Cocaine Bear posts were spaced by twenty four weeks. Then twelve, then six, then every two weeks. The last one, about Ray Liotta , was yesterday. By tomorrow we could be seeing a Cocaine Bear post every hour until they are coming every four minutes. Marshal, we should witness a double event within a day."


AlanMorlock t1_j9mg7gu wrote

The viral campaign ahead of the Daek Lnight made Gotham feel like a real world that youncould glimpse into and was great fun collaborating with people online to solve the puzzles. One running storyline involved a forum for the fake wannabe batmen thst show up at the start ofnthe film. One of them had a screen name like Bdog39. After.completingnone ofnthr online puzzles, I received a package containing a bunch of "citizens for gotham" bumper stickers and key chains. It included a short letter signed by "Brian Douglas", Bdog.

Watching the film at midnight, it comes to the portion in which thr Joker releases a tape of him with the captured wannabe Batman thst he murdered. The Joker demands he state his name. "Brian Douglas"

It was such a bizarre experience, having a completely different depth forn this character onscreen and it made it absolutely terrifying. It's an experience.thsr really can't be replicated again.


AlanMorlock t1_j9blju2 wrote

Not to mention, that's rarely ehst thr Best Director award is focused on anyways, or hasn't always been. The shift to Best Dirrctor is an almost exclusively technical award really discounts the wider range of skills of working with actors, maintaining tone etc, which leads to people questioning why various dramas are nominated.


AlanMorlock t1_j6mjjgo wrote

I don't know about " all time" or whatever but it's pretty important for American pop culture of the last 30 years, a very strong influence on pretty much the entire procedural genre as well as the X-files. Perhaps more influential in TV than in film but even in film, Demme's visual language and use closeups is an explicitly stated reference point for many directors that followed. And that's all without even getting intonthenthr intentional ripoffs, riffs and parodies. So in reference to your own question...have you?