AlanMorlock t1_j9qao37 wrote
Reply to ‘Cocaine Bear’ Team on Committing to the Outrageous Title and Bringing the Killer Bear to Life by RitoRvolto
"In the beginning, the Cocaine Bear posts were spaced by twenty four weeks. Then twelve, then six, then every two weeks. The last one, about Ray Liotta , was yesterday. By tomorrow we could be seeing a Cocaine Bear post every hour until they are coming every four minutes. Marshal, we should witness a double event within a day."
AlanMorlock t1_j9pr500 wrote
Reply to comment by Dottsterisk in What is your honest opinion on Leonardo DiCaprio acting by Leather-Climate3438
Honestly very intrigued thst he was hired as thr FBI lead in Kelley's of thr Flower Moon but decided to shift to playing one of the killers and thr film was heavily rewritten around that.
AlanMorlock t1_j9pqtld wrote
Much like Gosling, has surpaingly good physical comedy skills that I wish he got to use more.
AlanMorlock t1_j9pqg8d wrote
Reply to comment by RedshiftOnPandy in ‘Cocaine Bear’ Team on Committing to the Outrageous Title and Bringing the Killer Bear to Life by RitoRvolto
This is the right attitude. I feel like people have kind of forgotten what comedies are.
AlanMorlock t1_j9mghjf wrote
Reply to comment by monodopple in Examples where movie marketing actually helped the watch experience? by FlavoredTaters
I love all the stuff surrounding Prometheusnfwr more than Prometheus itself. They even had full page weykand ads in the New York Times, which I got for free on my college campus at the time.
AlanMorlock t1_j9mg7gu wrote
The viral campaign ahead of the Daek Lnight made Gotham feel like a real world that youncould glimpse into and was great fun collaborating with people online to solve the puzzles. One running storyline involved a forum for the fake wannabe batmen thst show up at the start ofnthe film. One of them had a screen name like Bdog39. After.completingnone ofnthr online puzzles, I received a package containing a bunch of "citizens for gotham" bumper stickers and key chains. It included a short letter signed by "Brian Douglas", Bdog.
Watching the film at midnight, it comes to the portion in which thr Joker releases a tape of him with the captured wannabe Batman thst he murdered. The Joker demands he state his name. "Brian Douglas"
It was such a bizarre experience, having a completely different depth forn this character onscreen and it made it absolutely terrifying. It's an experience.thsr really can't be replicated again.
AlanMorlock t1_j9mf1dx wrote
Reply to comment by willrsauls in Suspiria (2018) by [deleted]
Where? In North America Synapse released an incredible restoration. Blu's in print. You can rent it or even watch the film for free on Tubi.
AlanMorlock t1_j9l2a7u wrote
Reply to comment by FreeLook93 in Actors need to play multiple characters again. by [deleted]
Hard to say. Wiesz is a good actor. The shortener is primarily a playwright but has worked on thr last few season of Succsession.
AlanMorlock t1_j9l0bmu wrote
Reply to comment by FreeLook93 in Actors need to play multiple characters again. by [deleted]
On thet note, there s an Amazon series remake of Dead Rings coming starring Rachel Weisz.
AlanMorlock t1_j9l03ku wrote
Reply to comment by LauraPalmersMom430 in Actors need to play multiple characters again. by [deleted]
Plays twin gossip journalists in Hail Caesar
AlanMorlock t1_j9gx5tv wrote
Reply to comment by Beiez in On February 20th we lost one of the greats. RIP Hunter Thompson. You are missed. by nits3w
Personally I loved Hell's Angels.
AlanMorlock t1_j9blq8a wrote
Reply to comment by Tondamandino in Do you think Steven Spielberg is too old to do anything groundbreaking? by ABCBA_4321
The technical craft on display on West Side Story is pretty damn incredible.
AlanMorlock t1_j9blju2 wrote
Reply to comment by rgregan in Do you think Steven Spielberg is too old to do anything groundbreaking? by ABCBA_4321
Not to mention, that's rarely ehst thr Best Director award is focused on anyways, or hasn't always been. The shift to Best Dirrctor is an almost exclusively technical award really discounts the wider range of skills of working with actors, maintaining tone etc, which leads to people questioning why various dramas are nominated.
AlanMorlock t1_j8xfqpf wrote
Reply to comment by lostshadow78 in Why Stephen King wrote under the pseudonym Richard Bachman? by Beneficial_Daikon886
Most of thr Bachman booms are from those coke days.
AlanMorlock t1_j6paahx wrote
Reply to comment by theyusedthelamppost in Demonstration of AI for dialogue replacement - matching lip movement to replacement dialogue by nick9000
Have you seen The Congress?
AlanMorlock t1_j6pa53o wrote
Reply to comment by stumpcity in Demonstration of AI for dialogue replacement - matching lip movement to replacement dialogue by nick9000
While different languages I guess is one pote Tualatin application, this is pro ably more about changing lines or removing curse words. Think theybdid that in thr film "Fall" recently.
AlanMorlock t1_j6p84bn wrote
It's still a barrier to distribution and theaters remain a major source of revenue and publicity. Streaming deals can often be based on theatrical numbers as well.
AlanMorlock t1_j6o3pcl wrote
Reply to comment by IOnlySayMeanThings in Now that it has been awhile what is your opinion on the Avatar series? by qaz3d25
Don't be such a cnut
AlanMorlock t1_j6o3hie wrote
Reply to comment by IndigoTrailsToo in Would you ever paint/spray the edges of your own book? by thatvampiregirl
I've actually seen Junji Ito art marketed as coloring books before.
AlanMorlock t1_j6mynxo wrote
Reply to comment by jawnbaejaeger in Would you ever paint/spray the edges of your own book? by thatvampiregirl
Coloring a black and white Manga is actually a pretty interesting idea.
AlanMorlock t1_j6mxazi wrote
Reply to comment by datraceman in Garden State. And Zach in general. by BatmanMK1989
K find thst most of its downturn in reputation is from peoplmwho WERE the right age for it, were deeply, into it at thst certain point in ther lives and are now very embarrassed by it.
AlanMorlock t1_j6mtn71 wrote
Reply to comment by vladivan in Avatar: The Way of Water was boring by Movie_Advance_101
Even the little girl is like "Again, seriously?"
AlanMorlock t1_j6mknlk wrote
Reply to comment by JustCallmeSoul_ in Is the Wikipedia for Silence of the Lambs wrong? by [deleted]
Jonathan Demme's Silence of the Lambs is certainly a work of art. Good luck with the rest of sophomore year. I'm sure high school is weird in the pandemic.
AlanMorlock t1_j6mjjgo wrote
Reply to comment by JustCallmeSoul_ in Is the Wikipedia for Silence of the Lambs wrong? by [deleted]
I don't know about " all time" or whatever but it's pretty important for American pop culture of the last 30 years, a very strong influence on pretty much the entire procedural genre as well as the X-files. Perhaps more influential in TV than in film but even in film, Demme's visual language and use closeups is an explicitly stated reference point for many directors that followed. And that's all without even getting intonthenthr intentional ripoffs, riffs and parodies. So in reference to your own question...have you?
AlanMorlock t1_j9sokox wrote
Reply to comment by Selectgf in ‘Cocaine Bear’ Team on Committing to the Outrageous Title and Bringing the Killer Bear to Life by RitoRvolto
I don't see a lot of Pacific Rim copy pasta but I'll take your word for it.