
AlanMorlock t1_jaejlpt wrote

Yes! Watts always comes to mindin this context as well. Another example is Rosamund Pike in certain sections of Gone Girl when it's portraying the fakely idealized narrative how her and Ben Affleck's characters got together.


AlanMorlock t1_jaeiwnl wrote

Honest question, how old are you?

There was a was a point in time when a far wider range of films genres and scales were viable. Movies "coexisting" didn't look like theaters canceling other movies to play Spider-man every 20 minutes for a month straight.

Go back and look at the top top 20 box office charts pre-2000.


AlanMorlock t1_jaehyem wrote

What is different is them being not hyper concentrated into one genre but so few studios.

Bug movies used to be called Tentpoles because they provided revenue thst allowed a wider range of things to be made. The last decade there's been less and less tent.

The contrast between blockbusters and other types of films used to be far less drastic. Actually go back and loose a the top 10 box offices lists from before 2001. It wasn't all IP films from one studio. There was a much wider variety of viable genres.


AlanMorlock t1_jaeggdm wrote

"By thst logic no one has ever give a bad performance"

Most actors aren't performing someone putting on airs and giving a performance. Something tha actually is comparable, for reference, is Mark Ruffalo in Shutter Island, playing a psychiatrist pretending to be a cop. It seems like Ruffalo is awful in the movie until you find out what's going on.


AlanMorlock t1_jaef97y wrote

People say this but there's been more animated films nominated for best picture, and notably far more animated films nomi ated for other awards like screenplay after the the category was started thst in the several decades before. It's made animated festures much more of a part of the awards conversation generally.


AlanMorlock t1_jadjmb5 wrote

Paul Schrader has written the same type of character repeatedly for years and and consciously thinks of them as variations ofnthr same character and increasingly thr films are intentional companion pieces.

Most recently with the Card Counter. Earlier films you might enjoy include Light Sleeper, Walker, and American Giggolo. He also has an upcoming film called thr Master Gsrdener which premiered but hasn't been distributed yet.

For some other recent riffs on this kind of thing, you might want to check out You Were Never Really Here and Saint Maude.