AlexHanson007 t1_iwgb709 wrote
Reply to comment by aRationalMoose in A rare reason for optimism about climate change by aRationalMoose
Question. There was a big drop in emissions during the pandemic. Is that the primary driver for this reduction over the last decade or is the signal still strong when you exclude those edge cases?
AlexHanson007 t1_iuiz4pr wrote
Reply to Domino's vegan pizza in Spain by ejbackhaus
Who doesn't love the taste of veggiña?!
AlexHanson007 t1_iszulrr wrote
Reply to My theory of the universe by Clean-Membership-308
Stars, planets etc are not less dense than the average sphere of space. You can't compare individual objects with an entire system to the entire system itself.
Objects less dense than water float in water because all matter in that system is under the effects of the gravity of earth. So they are placing themselves in a stratified hierarchy wrt the distant gravitational force on them.
AlexHanson007 t1_iwgcsd6 wrote
Reply to comment by kalimabitch in A rare reason for optimism about climate change by aRationalMoose
Then it is indeed good news. It seems like at least some of the biggest polluters (billionaires) are now taking this seriously and funding advancements that can help. I just hope big asset management funds and politicians follow suit now. Feel like this COP is such an important one (obv the all are, but we've already blown past +1.5 and want to try and keep it below +3 now).