AllstarGaming617 t1_j9oftnu wrote
Reply to "Snowmageddon" Arrives Tonight by TheCloudBoy
Just measured here in the north side of Nashua and I think we managed to stay just north of the warmth. Measured about 6.5-7 inches. Only switched over to sleet for about an hour around 4am, still snowing now so even if it stays light we’ll end up with around 8 inches if it keeps snowing another couple hours. Some other Nashua residents reporting around 4 inches so I think that line came right through and sat over the middle of Nashua over night.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j9leqz7 wrote
Reply to comment by soh_amore in Massholes are moving north to NH at record levels by EgonEggnog
I think that’s what some of the lawsuit between the states is about. Currently there is no tax credit between mass and nh. Living and working across state lines between two states that have income taxes there is a tax credit. My wife and I both work for Massachusetts companies and live in Nashua. She actually works for local government so she’ll always be paying taxes. My company is based out of north Attleboro but I run all operations in New Hampshire so I’m hoping that maybe something pans out in this lawsuit that benefits my tax situation.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j9l7elg wrote
Reply to comment by soh_amore in Massholes are moving north to NH at record levels by EgonEggnog
Well if you work in mass you still have to pay mass state taxes. Although New Hampshire is suing Massachusetts over taxation of remote workers/workers who cross state lines. I don’t think it’ll ever change for workers who physically work for mass companies but I do think eventually remote workers who live in nh will get the benefit of no income tax
AllstarGaming617 t1_j9koz58 wrote
Reply to comment by danmac1152 in Massholes are moving north to NH at record levels by EgonEggnog
That simple ecology 101. Southern New Hampshires proximity to Boston is going to force urbanization from Manchester to Nashua. Boston is one of the fastest growing metro areas in the country being the east coasts hub of technology and education. It has the biggest companies and the best schools. Nothing is going to change that. As Boston grows the “metro” area will slowly come to include Nashua up to Manch, it kind of already does. They literally just but another “city” within Boston in the assembly square area. That type of urban growth around Boston is only going to force further urban expansion away from the city. Lawrence, haverhill, and Lowell are already packed so people are going to skip across those over the border into Nashua. That’s exactly me and my wife’s situation.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j9kmgjm wrote
Reply to comment by raxnbury in Massholes are moving north to NH at record levels by EgonEggnog
It’s Reddit, you always need the /s
AllstarGaming617 t1_j97ucwa wrote
Reply to What’s up with Bangor? by EmeraldMoose12
The new amphitheater is going to be a nice jolt to the economy. The waterfront concert series already brought in big acts, but the quality of the venue can really be a driving force behind how many major acts want to come because they know thier fan bases will travel for an exceptional experience. Coming from the mass seacoast I’d go see my favorite band there whenever they’d play but the experience was shit. It was just a park with a fence around it and a temporary barebones stage for the summer. It’s a 4 hour drive for me and honestly I’d rather take a 4 hour flight to Denver and see them play dicks or red rocks. I went and saw them(phish) again during the new renovations by Maine savings. It was a shit show. They weren’t ready to be hosting concerts, especially sell outs. Everything was half built, no concessions, complete anarchy at the entrances. That being said I’ve worked in the music industry a long time and have even helped installed PA’s a new major venues. Just from seeing the shell of what they’re creating there last summer, I can tell you Bangor is about to have a real marquee outdoor music venue that will entice bands traveling fan bases from around the country. Bangor has always been the “skip” date for those traveling on phish tour. Too far off the path and an uninspiring venue experience. One of the very few venues they do not sell out. When they finish those renovations that narrative is going to change quickly. It was too early too definitively tell what the end result will look like and how it will operate, but from what k saw last summer I think when it’s all complete and running as intended Bangor is going to have the most sought after booking in New England other than Boston.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j97sr9h wrote
Reply to comment by BARRYTHUNDERWOOD in What’s up with Bangor? by EmeraldMoose12
The new Maine savings amphitheater is going to be a big draw for Bangor. I’m over in New Hampshire and also lived on the north shore of mass for a long time. I would only ever visit Bangor as a stop over in or out of bar harbor. Then phish started playing the waterfront concert series. So I went up for a couple shows and apart from my favorite band the experience was underwhelming because it was just a park fenced off with a temporary stage built for the summer. Nothing to write home about or make me want to drive up for other major touring bands. When I went up last summer for phish again during the renovations by Maine savings bank, I was blown away. As someone who works in live music production I can speak to what a world class music venue can do for a small city. The shows I saw last summer were a shit show. They really shouldn’t have been doing shows, they weren’t ready. It was only half built and there was no organization what so ever, but what was cool to see is the vision. If that venue ends up looking like and operating like I think it’s going to Bangor is about to have the most sought after booking north of Boston. They were already attracting some big acts but the venue wasn’t worth the drive. Even just seeing the shell of what it’s going to be last summer, unless they royally screw or up, there’s going to be a national marquee music venue in town that will have people traveling from all over the country.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j94wosr wrote
Reply to comment by Wide_Television_7074 in Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
So racism just doesn’t exist anymore…that’s a hot take.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j90b4hm wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
That’s the problem though. 90% of people aren’t asking questions. They’re immediately going into panic after doom swiping on TikTok and Twitter. I still don’t agree with this narrative that there’s been no coverage of this or it’s been hidden for some nefarious reason. I heard about it the day it happened and I’ve seen articles about it nonstop. Admittedly that’s a subjective point of view since everyone’s data and algorithms for content consumption is different but atleast for me I’ve had news of it out infront of me since the incident. Social media causes people to act and feel without objective thought. Why would this be covered up by main stream media? Everyone says they’re “liberal” mouthpieces. This derailment is the outcome of regulations put in place after the same chemical was spilled in New Jersey in 2012 and then repealed by a GOP senate in 2017. You don’t think the “liberal” media wouldn’t have immediately jumped on a chance to hammer the last administration? The fact that this panic is setting in 2 weeks later is proof. People claiming that they’re seeing/smelling/experiences of “fallout” in a weather pattern shifting from the location of an environmental catastrophe that happened two weeks ago is like saying “everyone stay safe there’s a storm that spawned devastating tornados in Ohio two weeks ago, and it’s headed our way” Everyone, for the most part understands how quickly the jet stream pushes weather patterns across the country, so alerting people of severe incoming weather from 14 days ago would cause most people to scoff at it as irrational. Introduce a a moderately unknown variable and everyone panics, instead of asking reasonable questions or taking a second to analyze the situation objectively.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j8zi4yp wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
Because there was nothing rational about it. Why weren’t they concerned 2-3 days after the incident when, if the compound was able to be carried by weather patterns long distance, it would have been in the north east. We know what the compound is, we know what is created after a combustion reaction. The resulting “fallout” isn’t reaching New England, let alone 14 days later.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j8zgujd wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
Free country, you have the “right” to feel however you please. Wether or not it’s reasonable is a completely different story lol
AllstarGaming617 t1_j8zfep2 wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
People in the immediate vicinity of the derailment absolutely have a right to be concerned. Once you get you outside of a 10-15 mile radius being cautious and testing your ground water isn’t the worst idea. Outside of 50-100 miles from the site you’re just hiding in fear of nothing. This isn’t the first train derailment of vinyl chloride, and there’s been a decade of research studying the last major accident where a train dumped 18,000 gallons of it into a local water supply. We also know how the compound carries through studies of the vapor cloud created by the last incident. It’s heavier than water when burned, and the rough estimate of the plume was about 1KM in altitude. Meaning it wouldn’t “seed” a rain cloud and then make its way out of the region. It can absolutely mix with lower atmosphere and be dispersed in a small radius, even up to 100 miles. The big health concern is that in moderate PPM of drinking water it can cause liver cancer. Again, the immediate burn radius everyone should be concerned, in the larger radius of up to 100 miles, people should be testing their ground water. 500+ miles away people aren’t smelling the vinyl chloride, and there certainly isn’t a concentration high enough to be concerned about. On top of all that, even if the compound could seed clouds and move with the weather and rain the accident was now two weeks ago. Whatever weather system was in central Ohio at the time would have moved through the northeast 2-3 days(max) after the incident. People are only reporting these “observations” in the last couple days as the echo chamber grows louder.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j8yohqj wrote
This thread is literally an exercise in confirmation bias. It’s happening in every state “downwind” of the derailment. Shit I’ve seen people in like Arkansas, Florida and the Carolina’s “experiencing” these same exact phenomena when the weather pattern out of Ohio wouldn’t have brought any potential pollutants anywhere near them. You can see it in the comments here. People from the same town, one person says they smell something odd and have “residue” on their car and another person in the same town not having the same observation. I’d only be concerned if there was a consensus from every single person along a definable path that directly correlates with the weather pattern.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j4mz62r wrote
Reply to Dental Patients Needed🙂 by mirandajn97
Can you do descaling? If so what is the cost for the full mouth? My wife’s best friend is a hygienist and gives us a deal on it but she’s all the way down in the swampscott mass area and it’s a long drive for a work-day appointment. The cost through my dentist is crazy as I just had a root canal and have no benefits left for the year. If you can do the procedure and the price is significantly cheaper than my normal dentists I would be interested.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j2f4tvv wrote
Check out Sunday River Ski resort. 30 minutes from Gorham. I’ve had some really awesome new years eves in ski lodges. Sunday river is the biggest resort in your area, and I’m willing to bet they have a party going on. Ski lodge NYE parties tend to be pretty youthful, a lot of the staff will be there and college kids on winter break frequent ski resorts for the holiday. Try and get a room there if there’s any vacancy in town. Driving through small ski towns on a holiday with a few drinks in you is asking for trouble.
AllstarGaming617 t1_j9ohbcn wrote
Reply to comment by TheCloudBoy in "Snowmageddon" Arrives Tonight by TheCloudBoy
How to I do that? Id be glad to. I also just commented on your newest post since I didn’t know if you were still monitoring this one. We have strange weather in Nashua. More often than not it seems as though any major precipitation breaks up over the monadnock region and we end up getting way less than predicted. Last night was an anomaly with the NWS actually hitting the exact total(here on the north side of town.) Its almost always 20-50% less accumulation than predicted.