AlreadyShrugging t1_j1zr0o1 wrote
Reply to Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
I drive Uber and in the past 48 hours I’ve had about a dozen or so of my customers feel the need to continue their nasty fights with their spouse or significant other in my car.
Shouting from their house's front door with the person standing by my car getting in, using me as a captive audience to vent. One dude even decided to call my passenger after we’d gotten a block away just to continue the fight they had in progress.
Next customer to drag that into my car is getting kicked out.
AlreadyShrugging t1_j1luny7 wrote
Reply to Merry Christmas Daily! 🎄 by TheRiverRam
“Merry Christmas” can also spell “Creamy Shits”. Just heard someone say that, I’m dying.
AlreadyShrugging t1_j1kw2fd wrote
Reply to Christmas Eve Nightly by CopOnTheRun
We’re standing here, watching the fireworks someone is shooting off from our window. At the same time, the “Neighbors” app is blowing up: Is iT gUnShOtS?!??
AlreadyShrugging t1_j1igrwo wrote
Reply to comment by Rs90 in Happy Christmakkah Eve Daily by jorahwhoremont
I think working today should be a voluntary thing. There’s enough people who would volunteer if respectfully asked and offered double pay that we can keep things running enough.
Everyone should be entitled to guaranteed time off.
AlreadyShrugging t1_j1idm4y wrote
Reply to Happy Christmakkah Eve Daily by jorahwhoremont
Is anyone else stoned, drinking box wine, and dancing to Christmas music in the ultra-warm fuzzy socks they opened early on the wood floors?
AlreadyShrugging t1_j1dpoat wrote
Now I want to drive out there to see if my stoplight on Roanoke/Midlo Turnpike is still standing.
AlreadyShrugging t1_j11duc6 wrote
I drive by that chimo’s weird office/shack thingie on German School Rd every day and I always flip it off.
AlreadyShrugging t1_j08ii31 wrote
Reply to comment by One_Win_6185 in Will restricting convenience stores make Richmond safer? Policing expert says no. by ety3rd
I’m from Oregon where slot machines are ubiquitous in bars and restaurants. Even Denny’s there has “poker rooms” filled with slot machines.
For some reason that just doesn’t hit nearly as sad as having them in gas stations. The machines in Oregon are tightly regulated and run by the state lottery. There’s rules in place that prohibit the machines being displayed visibly from the street among other regulations. There’s no “skill” legal bullshit either.
I don’t even like the machines in Oregon, but they’re worse here.
AlreadyShrugging t1_j05p26a wrote
Reply to comment by fr0bert in Will restricting convenience stores make Richmond safer? Policing expert says no. by ety3rd
“Let’s go gambling at a gas station.”
It just feels sad to say out loud.
AlreadyShrugging t1_izf2wbo wrote
Reply to Thursdaily by TheCheeseDevil
Has anyone else ever wanted to rent a wood chipper for an afternoon purely for cathartic stress release? Feed it scrap wood and bask in the whirrrrrrrrrr?
AlreadyShrugging t1_iymde4h wrote
This is an extremely churched area. I wouldn’t sneeze at it.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iye1xep wrote
Reply to comment by dj1200techniques in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
Because I don’t believe you are asking those questions in good faith.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydmagt wrote
Reply to comment by dj1200techniques in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
It is possible to merely know the gender before confirming their specific individual identity and we can easily determine gender of someone who is already deceased.
What stupid point are you even making?
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydlsv8 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChildNextDoor in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
You took their comment seriously? I thought it was just shitty sarcasm.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydliyq wrote
Reply to comment by ImmobilizedbyCheese in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
> I don't know how we can ever change now that it's built into the american identity.
We can’t. We won’t. Please do not construe this comment as supportive of guns or even 2nd Amendment. I’m a realist who’s tired of guns.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydl8dq wrote
Reply to comment by shalomfromus in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
I agree with your sentiment yet wonder how closing the store quickly in a manner that’s safe and prevents more bystanders from potentially crossing the scene would look like.
Security procedures definitely need to be examined and whether they were followed needs to be investigated.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydksc6 wrote
Reply to comment by _ponds in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
I live less than a mile from this Wal-Mart. I feel what you’re saying. I wish I could just go home which is far, far, far away.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydk8yr wrote
Reply to comment by 8bitmullet in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
You have a lot of time, my friend. Lol.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydjz6w wrote
Reply to comment by 8bitmullet in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
Adopt? That’s always been the attitude. This is Reddit ffs.
AlreadyShrugging t1_iyd9xv4 wrote
Reply to comment by shrewfriend in Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
Richmond drivers: the most inconsiderate jackasses to ever exist.
AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iyb9ai0 wrote
Reply to comment by BurkeyTurger in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
Just another shooting in general.
AlreadyShrugging t1_iyb5q2n wrote
Reply to Forest Hill Sheetz by ThrowYaBoatt
I can’t wait to see all the townspeople argue about it.
AlreadyShrugging t1_iyb35g3 wrote
Reply to comment by cmyk412 in Delivery drivers blocking streets by JamesBhand-007
That would be an extremely dangerous and illegal manoeuvre. But this is Richmond where no one gives a shit about safety on the road.
AlreadyShrugging t1_iyaw7i9 wrote
Reply to Parham and Patterson by The_Real_Captain_Mac
I saw that same car!
AlreadyShrugging t1_j2diagq wrote
Reply to RVA, please help support a local small business and fight the Cleveland Guardians! by stayintall
No one should be allowed to trademark a single letter.