
Always_0421 t1_ivlyp7l wrote

It's not about replacement, its about repair.

Your car may only be worth 10k, but what used to be a $800 bumper cover replacement might now be $1100.

But also, for the first time I known of, most used vehicle.actually maintained, or even gained value from 2020-2022. Wierd times.

Had a truck I bought for $3000 in 2014. Replaced the ball bearings and a thrown tire rod in 2015. Kept the oil changed and drove it well....sold it in 2022 for $4200 to a guy VERY happy to gwt it for that.


Always_0421 t1_ivkkg4k wrote

There was actually a line at 10:00 am af my polling place.

Typically lines.are at ioening before work (6:30-8:30) at lunch hour (12-1) and after work (4:30-6:30) on the busiest years....I'm expecting great turnout.


Always_0421 t1_ivjy5xa wrote

Between cost of repair going up, litigation expense increase, increase in property crime in this area, and inflation, everyone can expect their bill to rise.

$200 seems like a lot though. I'd ask your agent directly.


Always_0421 t1_iv22ges wrote

Race brothers for hardware and farm and home. Locally owned small business, always friendly and helpful, fair prices.

Just for parrots off glenstone...SUPER friendly, knowledgeable, family owned and operated. Genuinely care about their animals amd customers. Reasonable boarding rates and value added services. Really can't say about nice things about these people.

For a hair cut or straight razor shave, Shane formerly of Dapper, gives the best hair cut I have ever experienced. He just moved to a shop off division, idk the name of it, but I'd drive WAY further for a quality haircut. He genuinely cares about the quality of his work and it shows.


Always_0421 t1_itpw5qc wrote

Because one man didn't sign off on was still approved by federal agencies (chief of staff, director of CIA) with intent to completion upon executive approval... the executive that refused to sign it was later assasinated the following year.

It's crazy people act like it's a preposterous idea the government could or something like that when they have already ADMITTED to the Muskogee airman experiments, project MK Ultra, operation Bongo II, the gulf Tonkin incident, and the Snowden revelations....and then planned operation northwoods.


Always_0421 t1_iqx3zr6 wrote

I thought this part was interesting:

Performing “work or tasks” means that the dog is trained to take a specific action when needed to assist the person with a disability.

o If the individual identifies at least one action the dog is trained to take which is helpful to the disability other than emotional support, the dog should be considered a service animal and permitted in housing, including public and common use areas. Housing providers should not make further inquiries.

o If no specific work or task is identified, the dog should not be considered a service animal but may be another type of animal for which a reasonable accommodation may be required. Emotional support, comfort, well-being, and companionship are not a specific work or task for purposes of analysis under the ADA.